
Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Tofino DXpedition logs

Below are some of my loggings from my recent Thanksgiving weekend in Tofino, on the west coast of Vancouver Island. We stayed at Crystal Cove Resort where I was able to erect a sizeable ALA 100 loop, and about 300' of wire oriented about 260 degrees in the horrendously thick bush (took me at least an hour to bushwack through!). The latter provided the best signal although the ALA wasn't half bad either, and during the first evening and morning, it was my only antenna. Trans Arlantic activity was totally non-existent. DU was the order of the day by far with many Aussie stations logged. I snuck in a new 1 kW SW station from Micronesia too which was well heard, especially this morning! Enjoy!........Walt now safely home in Victoria.

621 AUSTRALIA 3RN Melbourne, Oct 5 1400 - ABC fanfare into news at fair level. (Salmaniw, Tofino, BC)

670 HAWAII KPUA Hilo, Oct 6 1400 - Heard 'All the news from the Big Island'. Mostly under KBOI Boise. Otherwise decent reception. (Salmaniw, Tofino, BC)

800 ALASKA KINY Juneau, Oct 5 1330 - Initially dominated by CKOR, Penticton ('Easy Rock AM'), but by 13:25 began to be dominated by another station with oldies music. ID'd at BOH as '5:30 in the capital'....corresponds with Alaska at good level. My SDR-IQ file ends at that moment, but I'll pick it up with the next file. (Salmaniw, Tofino, BC)

800 ALASKA KINY Juneau, Oct 5 1402 - Strong reception initially with ABC news, over cochannel CKOR Penticton. Over next few minutes, KINY faded but still easily audible under CKOR. Continued with Alaska news. Juneau photo exhibit at 14:11. Then furniture store ad. KINY newstime 13 past 6. I went back and checked the ID, but directly into ABC news. (Salmaniw, Tofino, BC)

819 NORTH KOREA KCBS Pyongyang, Oct 5 1407 - Very good reception for a few minutes around this time despite adjacent splatter with operatic singing. Found during review of my SDR-IQ files. (Salmaniw, Tofino, BC)

820 USA KORC Walport OR, Oct 5 1410 - A difficult channel owing to the very strong signal from KGNW. Local ID and jingle clearly heard after a few minutes following an ad for a local seafood restaurant serving razor clams, etc. Gradually building it seems, during the 15 minute SDR IQ clip. Not sure whether they were on their night time 15 watts or daytime 1000. (It was 7:10 am local). (Salmaniw, Tofino, BC)

828 AUSTRALIA ABC Gippsland Victoria, Oct 5 1500 - Nice ID for ABC Victoria just before the TOH at fair to good level, soon to be replaced by JOBB with English lesson. KHVH 830 heard at the same time at same level. Heard same as well an hour earlier at 14:00. (Salmaniw, Tofino, BC)

830 HAWAII KHVH Honolulu, Oct 5 1400 - While checking my SDR-IQ files, I came across the ID at the TOH for KHVH Honolulu into network news. Good reception in USB to avoid het from 828 3GI and JOBB both audible at fair to good strength. Nice ID at 14:05 announcing 50 years of service and briefly the history of the station. Frequency to itself at this time. (Salmaniw, Tofino, BC)

840 USA KSWB Seaside OR, Oct 5 1414 - Great reception of Patrick's own local station, with lots of '840 Gold' IDs and mentions of Seaside. Earlier cochannel interference from CKBX 100 Mile House BC, and KMPH Modesto CA gone. Full legal ID was heard at the TOH. Nice to hear local programming for a change instead of strictly network stuff. (Salmaniw, Tofino, BC)

846 AUSTRALIA 2RN Canberra, Oct 5 1404 - English news with mentions of Australia, followed by ID as ABC National and further ID at 14:05:30. Fair level. Briefly faded up to good strength. Then down into the mud a minute later. (Salmaniw, Tofino, BC)

846 AUSTRALIA 2RN Canberra, Oct 5 1500 - A presumed logging with barely audible ABC fanfare at 15:00. Audio was otherwise to weak to discern on the SDR-IQ file. (Salmaniw, Tofino, BC)

873 AUSTRALIA ?2GB Sydney, Oct 5 1401 - Difficult to know which station this is, with DU English talk. For a few moments, there were 2 different EE speakers, with one being a devotional sounding program (so ? Vision Radio Network, Innisfail with only 20w), but this one quickly faded leaving the other. JOGB faded in at 14:10. (Salmaniw, Tofino, BC)

890 ALASKA KBBI Homer, Oct 5 1459 - Sudden fade in over CJDC Dawson Creek with marine weather to good levels. Nothing at the TOH. Not unusual for Alaskan, esp NPR stations. 40 knot winds and seas to 16 feet for Baron Island. I'll check the next IQ file as this one ends at 15:02. Into NPR news an hour earlier at 14:00 without a local ID. 14:09 local mention of the Homer Electrical Cooperative and mentions of the Kenai Peninsula. Well over CJDC. (Salmaniw, Tofino, BC)

918 CHINA unid, Oct 5 1400 - I'd like some help on this one. The station played some EZL music up to the TOH then began the time pips (seemingly 10 seconds late) and something said by YL, then by an OM. Didn't recognize any 'diantai'. Chinese speakers please! I'm hearing 'Xiantao', so I'm wondering if this is the Xiantao News Station listed in Hubei Province?. (Salmaniw, Tofino, BC)

930 ALASKA KTKN Ketchikan, Oct 5 1500 - Good reception with ID and into ABC news, well over several cochannels. Multiple PSAs followed by ID and 'Here comes the Sun' at 13:53. Excellent reception continues at recheck at 14:07. (Salmaniw, Tofino, BC)

936 AUSTRALIA 4PB Brisbane, Oct 5 1414 - A presumed logging with English news and BBCWS ID at 14:14. A weak 7, but definitely there!. (Salmaniw, Tofino, BC)

940 HAWAII KKNE Waipahu, Oct 5 1359 - Sudden appearance of Hawaiian music over KWRU Radio Vida at fair level, but without any announcement at the TOH. Became quite strong at 14:00:30. (Salmaniw, Tofino, BC)

940 HAWAII KKNE Waipahu, Oct 5 1403 - An interesting mix with Mexican music from KWBY over Hawaiian, KKNE. They both ceased the music to ID one after the other! Both are nice catches for me, as KWBY Woodburn OR is listed at only 250 day/200night and the Hawaiian is 10 kw. (Salmaniw, Tofino, BC)

954 JAPAN JOKR Tokyo, Oct 5 1413 - A very difficult channel owing to the immense amount of splatter. Definitely Japanese which would make this JOKR in Tokyo. Not quite a DX target, but satisfying to be able to make something out of the IQ file!. (Salmaniw, Tofino, BC)

990 HAWAII KHBZ Honolulu, Oct 5 1406 - Tentative logging due to the huge amount of splatter. What I heard is: 'Thanks for having us on at work. This is 990 KH (splatter)._ Zee', so I'm pretty sure it's KHBZ. Will warrant more monitoring to be sure. (Salmaniw, Tofino, BC)

4755.26 MICRONESIA Pacific Missionary Aviation The Cross, Oct 8 1357 - Good reception finally this morning with excellent modulation. No announcement except very briefly at 14:00 by same YL. Really difficult to make out what she said despite the good reception, though. Otherwise fairly non-descript EZL music throughout. I'll have to send a clip to the station for verification. Very clear ID at 15:00 as, 'You are listening to the Cross, 88.1 (?) FM....'. In fact stronger modulation than the music that preceded or followed. (Salmaniw, Tofino, BC)
(Walter Salmaniw, Canada)