
Monday, December 31, 2007

Blog Logs - pirate stations

All times UTC
* sign-on sign-off *

Grass Cutter/Sunshine Radio (presumed); 2008/U, 2344, 20-Dec; Only hint of audio; presumed per FRN posting. (Frodge-MI/Free Radio Weekly #620)

The Crystal Ship 6875 AM 1702-1717 12/22/07 SIO=444. The Poet with various anti-war material. A speech by Nixon about peace in Vietnam, and some anti-war folk rock music. Good signal and clear IDs despite the fact that I tuned in mid-program. Hrd no address announced, but they use Belfast and are good verifiers.

FRS Holland 6220 via Mystery Radio on 0800 with S& max and 355(2-4)3 with a music stop . An IS with a pitched audio from instrument . Man saying you wanna be free including a countdown , and saying international program . At 0815 ' we wish you a merry Christmas'
rock song , an email address on 0838 , 99 flashback , song from Queen Show must go on' , about Michael Jackson , ...TEN spelled by letter , R NY International, and several pirate radios mentioned. (Z. Liangas, Thessaloniki, Greece/Cumbre DX)

9290 via Latvia & EMR , Radio Caroline Eiffel with rock songs on 00925 with twist songs / R&R songs SINPO 35434 (Z. Liangas 30th Thessaloniki, Greece/Cumbre DX)

6925 Radio Jamba International. 1658*. 12/30/07. I just caught the sign off announcement of “Happy New Year from the Bowling League.” Too bad, it was a flamethrower signal. VG. (J Wood, TN).

6220.6 (Euro). Mystery Radio, 0643, Dec 30. Quick ID between songs in much QRN. Still there at 0750 re-check; no sign of FRS at 0800, by which time Mystery Radio was almost gone. (J. Berg, MA/NASWA Flash Sheet # 309)

6420,6 Laser Hot Hits, 27/12, 0228. songs, English, poor/fair. (Bernardini, Milano, Italy/NASWA Flash Sheet #309)

6925USB WTCR, 1530-1540, Dec 29. In USB with S/on at 15:29 with usual 20th century movie mx.Old fashion XMAS song. Then other songs that were about XMAS.15:40 ID by a computer generated sounding voice. Signal was good with some QSB or fading.
(Wilson, KY/NASWA Flash Sheet #309)