
Friday, December 14, 2007

Special QSL to mark Electronic DX Press 12th Annniversary

To mark the occasion of the 12th anniversary of the Electronic DX Press Radio Monitoring Association on January 4 2008, special 12th Anniversary QSLs are being offered for correct reports of Radio EDXP DX programs heard on shortwave, for reception during the remainder of 2007 and throughout

These broadcasts are titled the "AUSTRALIAN DX REPORT", and include the latest professionally sourced schedule updates, propagation reports, and monitoring notes. The programs are heard over several large international shortwave broadcasters.

There is also a weekly Internet edition.

The SW servivces are transmitted over:

* Worldwide Christian Radio (WWCR) - Nashville, Tennessee, USA. Every week, on Sundays, at 0300-0315 UTC on 5070 and on Mondays at 1245-1300 UTC, on 15725.

* The Voice of the Andes, HCJB, Quito, Ecuador, each month during the "DX Party Line" English program. The DXPL is broadcast over HCJB-Australia (Kunnunurra, Western Australia), WWCR, and WRMI

* World Harvest Radio International, KWHR Hawaii, WHRA Maine, WHRI Indiana, and rebroadcast over WRMI Miami, monthly during the "DXing with Cumbre" English program

* Adventist World Radio worldwide network, during the "Wavescan" program, on weekends, over transmitters in Guam (KSDA), Germany (Wertachtal) and also rebroadcast over WRMI Miami.

Fully-detailed 12th Anniversary Radio EDXP postal-mailed QSLs are offered for correct reception reports of any of these EDXP shortwave programs. These large-sized coloured QSLs show Australian birds, animals, and fauna.

Reports must include sufficient details for validation purposes, and indicate the date (UTC), time (UTC), frequency, quality of reception, comments about the program, and interference effects.

Reports should be sent to:

Radio EDXP, 404 Mont Albert Road, Mont Albert, Victoria 3127, Australia

Return postage is mandatory for postal mailed QSLs - A$2 in mint Australian stamps (for Australian
addresses), one IRC or US$1 elsewhere, and QSLs will indicate the actual transmitter location and the name of the host broadcaster.

Electronically delivered QSLs are also available via one of two methods:

Reports should be sent to containing reception details as prescribed for postal-mailed reports.

This is via an on-line Reception Report Template.

For both Methods, the E-QSL is "picked up" at a special Website as notified by Email from from EDXP.

You may choose an animated E-QSL, one with an audio file of Australian music, or a plain one.

These QSLs are fully detailed, showing the transmitter site and host broadcaster.

There is no charge for issuing E-QSLs!

The EDXP Reception Report Template is at this URL:

A full listing of listeners to whom Radio EDXP QSLs have been sent via postal mail or electronically during 2007 may be viewed at the above URL.

Please note that "QSLs" are not available for the Internet editions!

Good listening to Radio EDXP!
Bob Padula
Melbourne, Australia