
Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Blog Logs

Thanks to Scott Barbour, Brian Alexander, Ron Howard and Joe Wood for the following logging contributions. Have you sent yours in yet ?
Gayle VH

All times UTC
*sign-on sign-off *
7425 Radio Tirana (Shijak). 0448-0456*. English. Pop music in presumed Albanian with lady announcer in English. ID, Sign-on announcements and interval signal. Very good signal. (J Wood, TN)

15344.47, R. Nac., 0007-0032, Live fútbol coverage and sports news, per their website this program is appropriately named "Pasión Nacional", scheduled for 0000-0230 UT (Sun.) fair, noted parallel with their live audio streaming (AM 870). (R. Howard, CA)

4460, CNR-1, 2206-2222 Mandarin. Countless announcers with short musical bits. CNR jingle music at 2210. //4800-Geermu fading in around 2220. Poor. (S. Barbour, NH)

Costa Rica
7375 University Network. 0442-0447. English. Mrs. Scott with talk about shortwave still being a good medium for spreading the Gospel; then into a little more sedate sermon than one would have heard from her late husband. Good. (J. Wood, TN).

9550 Radio Habana. 0516-0523. English. Announcers talk of oil producing and refining countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. He had a decidedly pro Venezuelan view. Into an item by YL concerning a Latin American film festival. Very good signal. (J. Wood, TN).

4780, RTD, 2057-2101*, Vernacular. Caught tail end of transmission with indigenous music, sign-off announcement followed byNA at 2100. Fair. (S. Barbour, NH)

4780, RTV Djibouti, 2040-2102*, Horn of Africa music. Closing announcements followed by National Anthem at 2101. Poor to fair. (B. Alexander, PA)

Equatorial Guinea
15190, Radio Africa Network, 1149-1205, English. Religious program thru 1200 followed with Radio Africa Network ID with URL/contact info. Same for Pan American Broadcasting. Radio drama at 1203. Fair. (S. Barbour, NH)

9580 Afrique Numero Un (Moyabi). 0529-0537. French. Announcer with news mentioning Senegal and Gabon. ID at bottom of the hour. (J Wood, TN)

6030, Bible Voice (presumed) via Nauen, 0034-0057, Male announcer in English (with accent), religious talk and music, poor. (Ron Howard-CA)

4052 Radio Verdad. 0534-0600*. English. A pretty fair reception of the celebrated English service of this low powered station. Prayers and inspirational talk with music in the background. Station ID and call for letters at top of the hor. (J Wood, TN)

7545 Kol Israel (Tel Aviv). 0430-0445. English/French. Announcer's news. Talk of traffic deaths in Israel. Mentions of Basque Terrorists. ID as “You are tuned to KOL-The Voice of Israel broadcasting from Jerusalem.” Into French service with mentions of President Bush. Good. (J. Wood, TN).

3925, RadioNikkei, 1216-1229, Japanese. Male announcer at tune-in, shortly followed by female announcer until overtaken by USB chatter at 1229. Fair. (S. Barbour, NH)

3925, Radio Nikkei, 0937-1030, Japanese talk. Lite instrumental music. Brief English segments after 1000. English program entitled "Gregory Clark’s Choices from the Nikkei Weekly". Weak. Better on // 6055. (B. Alexander, PA)

9599.26, Radio UNAM, 0902-0934, Spanish. Continuos, classical-like piano music. Female announcer at 0932; no discernible ID noted; then right back to music. Fair at best w/ deep fades. (S. Barbour, NH)

9600v XEYU/Radio Unam (Mexico City). 0539-0606. Spanish. First log of this station and a rare log of any Mexican station for me. Armchair quality signal. Great program of classical music and Italian opera. ID and freq announcements by YL at TOH, and into classical guitar music. Excellent signal. (J Wood, TN)

9575 Radio Medi Un (Nador). 0524-0529. Pop music in English with news and ID in French. Very good signal. (J Wood, TN)

9690, Voice of Nigeria, 1127-1137, English. Poor signal; fading in-out. Not much to work with but was able to make out an ID and UTC at 1130. (S. Barbour, NH)

9705, La Voix du Sahel, 2122-2140, French. Male announcer hosting phone-in program. ID in passing at 2131. Fair/poor. (S. Barbour-NH)

North Korea
6303.35v, Voice of Korea? 1125-1205+, Very Tentative. Weak, slightly distorted, & slightly unstable carrier in noisy conditions. 6285 drifting up to 6303? Talk in unidentified language. Sounded like Korean folk music. Too weak in noise for a positive ID. No //s heard. (B. Alexander, PA)

6240, Radio PMR, *0000-0015, English. IS/ID, "Here is Tirisapol from the Pridnestrovian Moldovian Republic" followed by singn-on announcement, news items reguarding Moldovian/ Serbian delegations and settlement with UK re delivery of
Moldovian goods to Europe. Credits, contact info at 0013. Filler music and ID as noted at sign-on. French service at 0015. Fair using ECCS-LSB. (S. Barbour-NH)

6075, R. Rossii via Petropavlovsk-Kamchatka, 0432-0509, Russian folks songs and ballads, Russian conversations, ToH 5 + 1 pips, many "Radio Rossii" IDs, fair reception with less than perfect audio (muffled); clearly parallel with 5935 via Magadan, fair-poor mixing with WWCR; 7200 via Yakutsk, fair with the usual warble; 7320 via Magadan, the weakest. Re-checked at 1146 UTC to find 6075 good, 5935 poor, further under WWCR, 7200 only had Chinese language station, with no R. Rossii heard, 7320 a clear frequency but also with no Radio Rossii. Thanks to Noel Green (UK) for pointing out the Magadan change from 5940 to 5935 during the winter. Dec 8, from 1808-1834 heard Radio Rossii on 6075 with enjoyable program of Russian ballads, folk songs, operatic songs, etc., fair, audio sounded better today. Noted parallel with 5935, fair with no QRM (nice!) and 7320, poor but in the clear. 7200 was totally covered with strong Asian station and a strong het. Have noticed that R. Rossii tends to cluster their IDs together within a 2-3 minute time span and then will not give one again till another cluster. Good reception conditions for Russia. (R. Howard-CA)

3915, BBC relay, 2155-2205, English/Vernacular. English talk regarding Africa followed by BBC promos. Announcer in language at 2200 mentioning BBC Indonesia followed by pips. News in language with English soundbites. Poor signal, audible using ECCS-USB. (S. Barbour-NH)

South Africa
7390 Channel Africa (Meyerton). 0447. French. Male/female duo with news and ID followed by rap music. Very good signal. (J Wood, TN)

4775 Trans World Radio. 0358-0405. German. Station ID in English English and into
German service with lady announcers program of inspirational music. It seems as if I can only log this station as it is going into its German service! Poor. (J. Wood, TN).

6020 Voice of Turkey (Ankara-Emirler). 0405-0410. 15 Dec 07. English. Announcer with news and mentions of Iraq and Northern Cyprus. Fair. (J. Wood, TN).

7811USB AFRTS via Key West 0502. English. OM with sports talk concerning professional basketball and hockey in the US and Canada. Good. (J.Wood, TN).

5770, WEWN Spur, 0655-0740, leapfrogging spur of 5850. 5850 leapfrogging over 5810. Weak to very weak. (B. Alexander, PA)

5801.66, 5818.35, WEWN Spurs, 0615-0630, English religious talk. Spurs from 5810 heard with good levels. Spurs not heard about 4 hours earlier when checked. (B. Alexander, PA)

4939.85, presumed Radio Amazonas, 0951-1005, Spanish. Badly distorted, noisy signal with music and talk. Announcer from 1001. One day activation for Venezuelan election? (S. Barbour-NH)