
Thursday, January 24, 2008

Blog Logs

Thanks to Ron Howard , Hans Johnson and Chuck Bolland for the following shortwave loggings.
Gayle VH

All times UTC

6025, Radio Algerienne (presumed) via Woofferton,UK 0522-0600*, Jan 24, must be the RTA Algeria Qur`an Service in Arabic, Islamic programming (Islamic music, reciting from the Qur'an, talking about Islam), started out fair and slowly went downhill. First time I have noted them here (R. Howard, CA)

9750, PBS Nei Menggu, 0743-0802, Jan 24, // 7270 (fair), in assume Mongolian, played variety of music (traditional Asian music, modern Western orchestra music, indigenous chanting and singing, etc., unusually good reception till strong *0755 of NHK. Under 7270 heard a station sign on at about 0800, in French (Radio Gabon?), but Nei Menggu dominated. (R. Howard, CA)

4750, RRI-Makassar (presumed), 1008-1042, Jan 24, in BI, pop songs, segments of reciting from the Qur'an, holding up well against CNR-1, has been a while since I last hear this above threshold level. (R. Howard, CA)

9526.0v, Voice of Indonesia, 0803-0846, Jan 24, in English, 15 minutes of news, talking about languages, segment on technology, into "Music Corner", started out poor, with continually improving signal, ended up with good reception. From 0943-0955 heard clearly parallel with 11784.87, which was weak but in the clear, program of Asian music. (R. Howard, CA)

6049.64, Asyik FM via RTM, 1043-1132, Jan 24, in vernacular, program of indigenous chanting/singing, "Asyik FM" singing jingle, after ToH DJ playing pop songs, mostly fair, usual light het, best in LSB. (R. Howard, CA)

4800, XERTA (presumed), 0340-0502, Jan 23, non-stop slow tempo, soft religious music & choir singing, signal improving after 0415 to almost fair, at 0435 brief announcements in Spanish by OM and YL, did not seem like an ID, then back to music, usual CODAR QRM. The best I have heard them in many years, but then the overall reception conditions were well above normal. Conditions not as good on Jan 24 and this was not heard at all. (R. Howard, CA)

5486.70, La Reina De La Selva,(presumed) 1048-1100 The noise is terrible this morning. But with a very weak signal, I noted a program of music and a male in Spanish comments here. At my local area, we are fogged in, creating a lot of moisture on and around my antennas. I am wondering if this might be causing all of the local noise? Anyway, the entire shortwave spectrum from 4 MHz to 6 MHz, sounds the same with hardly any signals. I have compared the signal between four different antennas with the same results. Selva still remains audible during the period, albeit very poor. (C. Bolland, FL)

5960 and 7330, Radio Tikhiy Okean, Vladivostok, Jan 24, continues to be off the air from *0935-1000* (R. Howard, CA)

South Africa
15675 Southern Sudan Interactive Radio Instruction Thanks tips, tuned in via DX Tuner Netherlands. 1405 tune in, I heard a teaching programming in English. Doorbell chime "Teacher, ask the learners to say ..." There would be a pause and the next instruction would be given with the same chime as an alert. I could not hear anything on the listed // of 15390. I also tried 15445, which is used for other transmissions, but I could not hear anything there, either. A video showing the children learning through what I believe is this radio program is at: Closing announcements said that lessons are given on M/W/F morning and repeated on Tu/Th/Sa afternoons. ID as above and off at 1430. (H. Johnson, FL Jan 22)

4828, Voice of Zimbabwe (presumed), 0238-0325, Jan 24, non-stop soul/gospel type singing in English, seemed to be the same singer for all the songs, not the usual African high-life music, mostly fair, CODAR QRM, no announcements of any kind (R. Howard, CA)