
Saturday, February 09, 2008

Pirate logs from Free Radio Weekly

Thanks to the pirate chasers at Free Radio Weekly for the latest newsletter Enjoy this sampling of pirate logs.
Gayle VH

All times UTC *sing-on sign-off*

Artificial Intelligence Radio
6925USB, 1650-1700* 1/27/08 SIO=141/141+. A new one for me, just barely fished out of the noise with a weak signal. A discussion between from two males with a chipmunk voice about the digital future of the planet. Plenty of new age space music. One phone call to the aliens who made some remarks toward the end. (G. Zeller, OH)

Captain Morgan
6924.5USB 2111-21151* 1/27/07 SIO=141/242. A very confusing production of some rock music, but mainly cell phone calls from amale in the toilet of a restaurant who calls the waitress to get some toilet paper into the bathroom, which he needs. Another phone call to the waitress about a customer who went nuts after drinking coffee in the restaurant and then got arrested by the cops on the way home. The male calling wants $250 from the waitress to bail
the guy out of jail. Outer Limits TV audio here and there. The show went all the way until 2141 until it had an ID of "Captain Morgan in the pirate zone." A confusing program. No address announced. (G. Zeller, OH)

Long Range Radio
6925USB 0120-0211* 1/26/08 SIO=444. Lengthy program f almost an hour w/a comedian right there in the studio. The comedian was some guy from Hoboken, NJ. He told jokes, and the host laughed. There were several episodes of why the internet is better than the radio. A few novelty tunes were mixed into this comedy extravaganza. The comic told a story about a woman's dogs who were playing tug of war with a pair of her panties. One of his better jokes was about baseball. He said that rooting for the Yankees was like going into a casino and rooting for the house. No aaddress announced during the long broadcast. (G Zeller, OH)

Maple Leaf Radio
6925USB 1/17/8 17:16 sio232, weak, with a lot of noise, some sort of skit, followed by sign off Canadian anthem at 17:18, back on again at 17:40 or so with "Snowbird" (A. Fansome, PA)

Puxatawney Pothead
6925USB, 1713-1746*. 02 Feb 08. English. First log of this station. Puxatony Phil’s annual broadcast on Groundhog Day. Mentions of broadcasting from Puxatawney Pennsylvania. USA. Several ID’s and music by the Stones and others. Address given as P.O. Box 1, Belfast NY 14711, USA. (J.Wood, TN).

6925 USB 01/30/08 21:35- SIO 444 Monkey Boy repeated with sound clips, Dark Side of the Moon and echo. (Ragnar-MI)

Wolverine Radio
6925 USB 01/16/08 01:00-02:13 SIO 444. Bob & Tom skit, song from Heywood Banks, ID at sign off (Ragnar-MI)
(Source: Free Radio Weekly #625 via Ed Insinger)