
Sunday, February 03, 2008

Superbowl Sunday Blog Logs

It's Superbowl Sunday! Time to gather friends and family to enjoy this yearly ritual of craziness! Before I settle down for an evening of football madness, check out the following logs from a bevy of DXers. Enjoy!
Gayle VH

All times UTC // parallel frequencies *sign-on sign-off*

15344.48v, Radio Nacional, 0207-0222, Feb 2. Excited live sports coverage, fair, // 6059.93 (poor/QRM/6060.0). (R.Howard-CA)


2485 VL8K Katherine(p) 1416-1433 Feb 2. Male announcer hosting music program to 1430, then apparent news by lady announcer. Fair signal and struggling, unsuccessfully, to rise above my local noise level. Noted // 2325 and probably 2310, as well. (J. Wilkins, CO)

4732, Radio Universitaria, 2243-2330 Jan 14, male talks in studio and outside alternating with local music selections, 2320-2325 ads, 2327 ID by male. At 2320 was SINPO 32232. And strong signal, different than other times, around 0100 Jan 15, but with breaks, seems like they are testing some transmitter. Listen at
mp3 (Bobrowiec-Brazil, HCDX) *1025 Jan 16. Station appeared suddenly with nice, clear signal, brief announcer and up-tempo vocal music until 1027 when diff. Spanish musical selections began. S/on time presumed, nothing here at earlier 1010 check. Still going at 1040 tune-out with increasing band noise. (S.Barbour-NH DXplorer/ODXA Listening In, Feb. 08)

5996.39, Radio Loyola, Sucre, 1008-1025, Feb 2, Spanish talk. Bolivian music. Poor. Weak with splatter from 6000. (B. Alexander, PA)

4699.34, Radio San Miguel, 1048-1100 Steady Spanish comments from two males. At 1056 a female comments briefly. Music heard at 1057. In the meantime, the signal drops into the noise.
(C. Bolland, February 2, 2008)

5460.5, Radio Emisora Bolivar, Doubtful, 1140-1150 Noted a carrier here with occasional audio sneaking thru. Visually, the carrier is very strong, but there's not much audio to proof this is Emisora Bolivar? I'm using the WR G305e. for this. The band starts to decay at 1147
allowing harmonics to pop in. (C. Bolland, February 2, 2008)

4985 Radio Brazil (Goiania). 0610. 2 Feb 08. Portuguese. Station ID and Latin American music with animated announcer. S9/Good. (J. Wood, TN).

Chad (station now off the air)
4905 RN Chad. 0550-0601. 2 Feb 08. French. Tribal music with lots of drumming. Mentions of Chad. Into Middle Eastern music at 0600. S7/Fair. (Wood, TN).

5860, presumed Voice of Jinling, 1211-1221 Jan 17, Mandarin, instrumental music at tune-in, announcer at 1216; music resumed at 1217 thru tune-out. Poor with co-channel het via Radio Farda-Kuwait that quieted down over time. (S. Barbour-NH, DXplorer/ODXA Listening In, Feb. 08)

Via Yamata, Japan. 5985, Shiokaze/Sea Breeze *1400-1430*, Feb 1 (Fri.), in English, piano IS, request for information about abductees, gives e-mail address, mailing address and three phone numbers (depending on where one is calling from), program "News on North Korea Issues", reading news items from Associated Press, NHK, etc., this must have been a repeat of an earlier program as the items were all dated from Jan 14-19, IDs "This is Shiokaze Sea Breeze from Tokyo, Japan", the very last ID give at 1429:30 was "This is JSR, Shiokaze Sea Breeze from Tokyo, Japan", piano interval signl to sign-off. Fair signal. (R. Howard, CA)

5985 Shiokaze Two *1400 Jan 28. Noted this day and next (Monday & Tuesday) in Japanese with "Kochiwara Shiokaze Des" ID's and usual talk. (J. Wilkins, CO)

6060, relay of Radio Nacional de Venezuela, *1100-1114, Feb 3, Spanish station ID. Program schedule in English ("Welcome to our international shortwave outlet"), brief ID in Spanish, segment in English (news and analysis about Organization of American States, etc.), back to Spanish, political speech, poor, mixing with Sichuan PBS-2. (R. Howard, CA)

Equatorial Guinea
6250, Radio Nacional-Malabo, *0527-0615. Feb 2, sign on with African music. Spanish talk. Afro-pop music. Threshold signal at sign on but improved to a weak but readable level by 0537. (B. Alexander, PA)

6250 Radio National (Malabo). 0604-0633. Spanish. IDs as both “Radio National,” and “Radio Malabo.” Sounded like prayers at 0600, and into news. S5/Fair. (Wood, TN).

3340 HRMI (Tegucigalpa) (presumed) 0510-0536. 2 Feb 08. Spanish.. Receptions with faint but clear signal for praise and worship music in English with announcer in Spanish. Poor. (J. Wood, TN).

9680, RRI Jakarta, 1001-1021, Feb 3 (Sun.), Kang Guru Radio English program #5805 with Kevin, Sue and Maggie, program all about food, played some pop songs, fair-poor, moderate QRM/WYFR in French. (R. Howard, CA)

4759.97, ELWA, Monrovia, 2250-2302*, Feb 1. Contemporary Christian music. English ID and closing announcements at 2300. National anthem at 2302. Fair signal quality. (B. Alexander, PA)

5010.0, Radio Madagasikara, 2235-2330+. Feb 2, On late again with Malagasy talk, jingles, ID, promos. Wide variety of local styles of music including lite pop, country style, folk, and religious. Fair to good. (B. Alexander, PA)

6010.00, Radio Mil: I thought they were a goner, but Jim Ronda’s recent log alerted me to the contrary. At my QTH it was a just barely-perceptible, out-of-phase het to Conciencia (6009.95) until 1145, when it slowly started becoming distinguishable. Conciencia is tenacious, however, and didn’t clear out until after 1230. Messy even after that, however, incl. some spillover from WYFR-6000. Even at 1245+ Mil was not very good, and it was going downhill at 1300, by which time there seemed to be another weak voice in the picture. The R8 was a bit better overall on this one, although you have to give the E1 synch credit for locking on to Mil even in the mess. -- Different on Jan 1: Mil was already in with a decent signal at 1010, but Conciencia was by far dominant. (J. Berg-MA, DXPlorer/ODXA Listening In, Feb. 08)

9599.25, Radio UNAM, Mexico City, 2305-2340, Feb 1,. Spanish talk. US pop tune at 2330. Radio Universidad ID at 2332. Radio UNAM IDs at 2333. Classical music at 2334. Good. Strong. In the clear until 2312 when Vatican Radio 9600 carrier came on the air. Must use ECSS-LSB after 2312. (B. Alexander, PA)

Papua New Guinea
4960, Catholic Radio Network (now known as Radio St. Gabriel) heard from 0925 tune to 1300 with one of the better signals I’ve heard from this station - S2 at beginning but some improvement after 1100 to about 1230 to an occasional S3. After 1230 started fading somewhat in increasing noise. Usually CRN is at or near the noise threshold with only a carrier audible. From 1100 there was a woman announcer but couldn’t tell the language - probably vernacular as it sounded like a local program, not Vatican Radio relay. Man at 1111. Instrumental music at 1112 followed by woman again to 1115. After 1200 most programming was devotional songs with occasional short announcements. Occasional 2 sec RTTY bursts, but not a real QRM problem. SINPO 2/34333. Would like to see a QSL from this station someday! (Churchill-
CA, Cumbre DX/ODXA Listening In, Feb.08)

4834.92, Radio Maranon, Jaen, 0225-0235, Feb 2, Spanish ballads. Spanish announcements, promos. ID. Poor. Weak. (B. Alexander, PA) 4835, Radio Maranon, 1125-1135, With a fair to good signal, noted a male in Spanish comments with time check and ID just before Huaynos music. At 1131 male returns with time check and ID, then back to music. (C. Bolland, February 2, 2008)
São Tomé
4960 Voice of America relay. 0432. 2 Feb 08. English. ID and talk of US job forecasts. S5/Fair. (Wood, TN).

6225, WYFR, 1425-1500*, Feb 2, call-in program "Open Forum" in English, poor-fair. ( R Howard, CA)

5915 Radio Zambia/ZNBC (Lusaka). 0419-0429. 2 Feb 08. English/Vernacular. Male/female announcers with Afropop music. Many mentions of Zambia. S5/poor. (Wood, TN).

11735, Radio Tanzania-Zanzibar, 1759-1817, Feb 2, Local drums at 1759. Time pips & English news at 1800-1810. "Spice FM" ID. Swahili talk at 1810. Local music at 1816. Good. English rarely heard lately from this station. (B. Alexander, PA)
Thanks to ODXA, Ron Howard, John WIlkins, Joe Wood, Chuck Bolland and Brian Alexander.