
Saturday, March 08, 2008

Blog Logs

All times UTC // parallel * sign-on sign-off*

2310, VL8A, Alice Springs, 1030-1040, Only fades in occasionally with English comments from a male. Signal was threshold. (Chuck Bolland,FL February 29, 2008)

2325, ABC North Tennant Service, 1032-1040, Noted a male in English language comments with brief comments from a female. Sounds like we are listening to a live sporting event. Signal was poor. (Chuck Bolland, FL February 29, 2008)

2485, ABC Service, Katherine, 1036, Can only hear carrier here. No audio available due to weak signal. (Chuck Bolland, FL February 29, 2008)

9970 RTBF International (Wavre), 2038-2100, 3/7/2008, French. Program of pop music with rather long talk segments by man. Talk by woman at 2100, possibly news. Good signal strength at tune in (SINPO 34333), deteriorating to poor by 2100. (Jim Evans, TN)

3310, Radio Mosoj Chaski, 0909-1030, Initial copy with a female in Spanish language comments. Heard "Bolivia" mentioned a couple of times during this time. The female is very longwinded and talks until 0926. At that time canned ID. This is followed with local type music, which is very enticing. After one tune, a male announcer commences in comments. With same format, still audible at 1030. Signal was fair. (Chuck Bolland, February 29, 2008)

6039.60, Radio Clube Paranaense, Curitiba, 0830-0900, March 1, Portuguese talk. Tentative. Slightly off nom 6040. Poor to fair in noisy conditions. (Brian Alexander, PA)

5050, Guangxi FBS, 1133-1146, March 7, in Vietnamese, Easy-listening Asian songs, weak, no sign of Voice of Strait, // 9820 (which was slightly better than CNR-2/CBR). (Ron Howard-CA)

5050, Voice of Strait, 1305-1317, Feb 29, thanks to the heads up from Jerry Lenamon, heard assume VOS (scheduled for Mandarin) and assume Guangxi FBS (scheduled for Cantonese) mixing together at about equal strength, mostly talking; checked VOS for possible parallel with 7280 but nothing there, clearly not // to VOS heard on 4900, with a fair signal; checked Guangxi FBS for their usual parallel on 9820, but only heard a weak CNR-2/CBR (with "English Evening", scheduled for 1300-1400). Fairly rare for me to hear VOS at this level, usually it's just Guangxi FBS. Interesting reception conditions! (Ron Howard,CA)

5050, Voice of Strait, 1305-1317, Feb 29. Thanks to the heads up from Jerry Lenamon, heard assume VOS (scheduled for Mandarin) and assume Guangxi FBS (scheduled for Cantonese) mixing together at about equal strength, mostly talking; checked VOS for possible parallel with 7280 but nothing there, clearly not // to VOS heard on 4900, with a fair signal; checked Guangxi FBS for their usual parallel on 9820, but only heard a weak CNR-2/CBR (with "English Evening", scheduled for 1300-1400). Fairly rare for me to hear VOS at this level, usually it's just Guangxi FBS. Interesting reception conditions! (Ron Howard, CA)

6115, Voice of the Strait, Fuzhou, 0955-1000 Heard a weak signal here with music and Chinese comments from a male. Signal was blocked somewhat at 1000 by station on 6120 KHz coming up. Still could hear VOS, but it was difficult. (Chuck Bolland, February 29, 2008)

3255, Radio Educadora 6 De Agosto,(pres) 1010-1025 Noted a program of music with a male in Portuguese Language comments between tunes. Signal was difficult to copy because of being weak. (Chuck Bolland, FL February 29, 2008)

Costa Rica
3350, Radio Exterior Espana relay, 0320-0330, Noted a male and female in Spanish language news and commentary about Spain. Signal was good. (Chuck Bolland,FL March 2, 2008)

5990 China Radio Int'l; *2300, 5-Mar; Abrupt sign-on at 2300 without interval signal. Chinese and English ID, followed by English. S20 signal. (Harold Frodge, MI)

6060, Radio Nacional de Venezuela via Cuba, *1100-1136, March 5, no English today, in Spanish, talking of course about Colombia and Ecuador, many RNV IDs, poor-fair. Checked 6180, but was just RHC, // 6000. (Ron Howard,CA)

4780, Radio Djibouti, 0304-0330, March 1, audible after Guatemala’s Radio Coatan signs off on 4779.97 at 0304. Djibouti heard with Koran. Arabic talk at 0311. Horn of Africa music at 0325. Poor. Weak with CODAR QRM, but improved to a fair level by 0325. (Brian Alexander, PA)

4799.79, Radio Buenas Nuevas, 0400-0430*, March 1, religious talk in local language. Local religious music. Spanish closing ID announcements at 0428. Poor to fair with weak het from presumed Mexico on 4800. No CODAR for a change! (Brian Alexander, PA)

3250.05, Radio Luz y Vida, San Luis, 0345-0355*, March 1, Spanish religious talk. Spanish religious music. Closing ID announcements at 0353 followed by national anthem. Poor. Weak in noisy conditions. (Brian Alexander, PA)

9525.98v, Voice of Indonesia, Jakarta-Cimanggis, 1016-1040, Feb 26 & 27, here yet again, in Thai, pop songs/ballads. male announcer talking over gamelan music, good reception. Recently their schedule is even more erratic than usual, totally unpredictable as to when they will be on the air. Did not hear VOI on 11784.88v, but last heard there on Feb 24, at 1737, with fair reception. (Ron Howard, CA)

9680, RRI Jakarta, 1043-1056, Feb 26, in BI, mixing with WYFR in French (till 1045 sign-off), in the clear till a strong sign-on at 1055 from CNR-1 (// 5030), which was getting an early start on jamming Taiwan. At least the KGRE program here on Sun. & Wed. (1000-1020) only has to contend with QRM from WYFR till the end of March, when they change schedules. From 1005-1025, Feb 27, KGRE program, they really are stuck on this program #5806, which I have heard repeated Feb 10, 17, 20 and today. Their website is < (Ron Howard, CA)

6055, Radio Nikkei - 1, 0852-0900, March 1, Sat. program "Let's Read the Nikkei Weekly", with series of English phrases ("phone rates", "get to the bottom of this", etc.), also in Japanese, program sponsored by the Society for Testing English Proficiency, Inc., good reception, // 3925 & 9595, both fair, website: (Ron Howard,CA)

(Iran via Lithuania) 7565, IRIB, Sitkunai, 1945-2029*, March 5, tune-in to English news. Talk about Clinton-Obama primaries at 2000. News at 1922. Schedule at 1925. Fair. // 6010, 7320, 11695 - via Iran. (Brian Alexander, PA)

(Iran via Lithuania) 6055, IRIB, Sitkunai, *2029-2130*, March 5, lite instrumental music. National Anthem at 2030 & into Spanish programming. Koran at 2031. Spanish talk at 2034. Very weak, mixing with a presumed Radio Rwanda. Weak but readable at 2100 when Rwanda signs off. Much better on // 7130, 7350-via Iran. (Brian Alexander, PA)

(Iran via Lithuania) 6055, The Mighty KBC, Sitkunai, 2200-2215+, March 5, pop music. IDs. Jingles. Ads for KBC Imports. Poor to fair in noisy conditions. Best in ECSS-USB to avoid splatter from 6050. (Brian Alexander, PA)

5010, RTV Malagasy, 2215-2310+, March 5, running late again with lite pop music, ballads. Local pop music. Malagasy talk. Fair to good. Reduced carrier USB. (Brian Alexander, PA)

5995 Radio du Mali; 2247-2301+, 5-Mar; Songs in local language and French. Male announcer in French with "RDM" identification at 2248. French discussion on U.S. election and other subjects. SIO=4+43 till covered in AM by 5990 China sign- via Cuba at 2300. Mali continued in French and good in USB. (Harold Frodge, MI)

7130, Sarawak FM via RTM, Kuching, 1147-1214, March 7, // 5030 (under CNR-1), DJ playing pop songs, singing station jingle, before 1200 started Islamic programming (Islamic music and also reciting from the Qur'an), fair-poor. (Ron Howard,CA)

7130, Sarawak FM via RTM (presumed), Kuching, 1035-1102, Feb 27, assume in Malay, EZL songs/ballads, reciting from the Qur'an. The format and language sounded right for them. Recently this has been doing fairly well and no CNR-1 QRM today, but covered at 1102 with a stronger station signing-on (assume Taiwan). Unable to hear // 5030. From 1318-1343, Feb 29, clearly parallel with 5030 (under CNR-1), pop songs and ballads, YL DJ in vernacular, mixing with CNR-2/CBR (with "English Evening", scheduled for 1300-1400, talking about leap year), did not hear the usual QRM from CNR-1. In the past this was fairly rare for me to hear, but with the unusual reception conditions, is now almost normal reception. (Ron Howard, CA)

4800, XERTA/Radio Transcontinental de America, 0435-0527, March 1, in Spanish, mostly talking, some songs, sounded like a radio drama, weak, CODAR QRM, parallel to their audio streaming , still heard at 0909 (Ron Howard, CA)

9599.26, Radio UNAM, Mexico City, 2250-2315, March 1, classical music. IDs at 2301, 2302 & into Spanish talk. Fair signal but QRM from Vatican Radio 9600 at their 2314 sign on. Must use ECSS-LSB to avoid Vatican Radio at that time. (Brian Alexander, PA)

Myanmar (non)
5985.83, Myanma Radio, 1430-1450, March 3, 4 & 5, Shiokaze is now jammed with a pulsating noise (assume from N. Korea), which does not stop at 1430, but continues on after Shiokaze is off the air, totally covering Myanma Radio. An unfortunate development, as March 3 reception would have been fair except for the jamming. (Ron Howard,CA)

Papua New Guinea
3315 Radio Manus (Lorengau)(presumed), 1230-1245, 3/5/2008, English (?). Pop music with comments by man. Signal very poor, at noise level. (Jim Evans, TN)

9615, dio Veritas Asia, 1120-1130, Noted a female in Mandarin language comments while a group of individuals respond. It sounds like a religious ceremony. Signal was good. (Chuck Bolland,FL March 8, 2008)

6075, Radio Rossii via Petropavlovsk-Kamchatka, 0530-0546, March 5, Russian songs sung by children, IDs "Radio Rossii", good, // 5935 via Magadan, poor-fair mixing with WWCR; 7320 via Magadan, fair. Is it my imagination or has 7200 (Yakutsk) recently been off the air or is it just conditions? (Ron Howard,CA)

South Africa
3255 BBC WS relay (Meyerton), 0432-0435, 3/5/2008, English. Man with news. Poor signal (SINPO 24222). Parallel 7160 (Ascension) with good signal (SINPO 43333). (Jim Evans, TN)

South Africa
9635, Radio Okapi via Meyerton, 0408-0427 & 0518-0525, March 5, in French and vernacular, singing "Okapi" jingle, fair to good reception. (Ron Howard, CA)

9635, Radio Okapi, via Meyerton, *0400-0420, March 1, French and vernacular talk. "Okapi" jingles. Fair. (Brian Alexander, PA)

6120, Channel Africa, 0321-0400*, March 5, African singing, in vernacular, good reception, off with loop of English & French IDs, along with instrumental IS and bird calls, 0400 UTC 5+1 pips. Exceptional night for southern Africa reception. Noted about 0325: 3320 was booming in, 3200 fair, not // 3240 fair, 3255 almost fair, 3345 poor, after 0400 heard 3200 // with 4775 good. Noticeable absent in all this was Zambia on 5915. Not often I hear all these so well. (Ron Howard, CA)

3320 Radio Sondergrense (Meyerton), 0434-0438, 3/5/2008, Afrikaans. Discussion between two men. Good signal (SINPO 34333). (Jim Evans, TN).

3320, Radio Sondergrense, 0311-0320, At tune in, heard steady music under QRM. Music continues even under the QRM, while the signal stays at a fair level. (Chuck Bolland, FL March 2, 2008)

3200 TWR (Manzini), 0423-0431, 3/5/2008, German.Religious music and talk by woman. Change to English at 0429 with ID by woman and religious talk by man. Poor signal (SINPO 22222). Better signal (SINPO 33333) on parallel 4775. (Jim Evans, TN)

3240, Trans World Radio, Swaziland, 0257-0315, Noted chimes prior to the hour with an ID in English by a male every 20 seconds or so, "This is Trans World Radio, Swaziland". On the hour programming begins in possibly Swahili language comments. Then Hilife music starts too. Signal was fair. (Chuck Bolland, FL March 2, 2008)

9355 Radio Taiwan Int'l via WYFR Okeechobee FL; 2238-2300*, 6-Mar; Instant Noodles program with weird animal stories including: transplanting Kangaroo stomach bacteria in cows to reduce methane in their flatus and how to get pandas to mate (wonder if Harold Camping approved this?).Engliah/Chinese lesson, Chinese To Go at 2252. "RTI" identification and English schedule at 2258 to WYFR ID at sign-off . SIO=544 (Harold Frodge, MI)

3396 ZIMBABWE. ZBC (Harare), 0442-0444, 3/5/2008, Vernacular (?). Pop music. Very poor signal, occasionally peaking above noise level.(Jim Evans, TN).