
Saturday, March 22, 2008

Blog Logs

All times UTC // parellel frequency

4915 ZYF360 Radio Macapa; 0331-0338+, 20-Mar; male announcer in Portuguese with
camp'o tunes to station ID spot at 0332 with three mentions of "Radio Macapa." SIO=433, swiper QRM. (Harold Frodge,MI/Cumbre DX)

6160 CKZN (St. John's), 1153-1202, 3/21/2008, English. Man and woman talking. CBC news by man at 1200. Poor signal with interference from Chinese language broadcast and at least one other station (SINPO 22332). (Jim Evans, TN)

Radio Canada International. 17765 2145 Portuguese {444] March 15 Announer duo with program comments. Brasil mentioned often. Station ID as, "Voice of Canada" at 2150. //15305 [232]. (Stewart MacKenzie, CA)

4905 Radiodiffusion Nationale Tchadienne (N’djamena). 0510-0520. Good Friday, 2008. French. Afropop with a killer signal. VG-Exc. (Joe Wood, TN).

5030 CNR-1 (Beijing), 1238-1240, 3/21/2008, Chinese. Man and woman talking. Poor but readable signal (SINPO 23322). (Jim Evans, TN)

Costa Rica
Radio Exterior Espana Relay. 17850 2140 Spanish 333 March 15 Announcers program report to sports event, possibly soccer game. (Stewart MacKenzie,CA)

Dominican Republic
5009.78, Radio Cristal Internacional, Santo Domingo, 2312-0002*, March 20-21, LA music. Spanish ballads. Steel drum music. Spanish announcements. Call letters and "Radio Cristal Internacional" IDs at 2356 & 0000. Good signal strength but modulation could be a little stronger. No sign of Madagascar but they were heard 1½ hours later. (Brian Alexander, PA)

4777 RTV Gabonaise (Moyabi). 0520-0528. Good Friday, 2008. French. lady announcer with ID and announcements, dead air for about one minute, and back into patter and Afro pop music. Good. (Joe Wood, TN).

9445 All India Radio via Bangalore. 2132-2142. 20 Mar 08. Rare log at my QTH. Sub continual music. Poor. (Joe Wood, TN).

3325 RRI Palangkaraya, 1204-1223, 3/21/2008, Bahasa. Two stations of approximately equal strength were noted on this frequency. One with talk in Bahasa, the other with talk in what appeared to be Pidgin. One is assumed to be RRI Palangkaraya, and the other Radio Bougainville (PNG). Both signals were weak but readable. Neither made the expected change to music. Both were audible with fading until the final plunge below noise level at 1223. (Jim Evans, TN)

3344.85 RRI Ternate, 1201-1230, 3/21/2008, Bahasa. A collision of weak signals on/around 3345 this morning. Station with talk in Bahasa on 3344.85 (Ternate) mixing with talk in Pidgin from Radio Northern (PNG) on 3345. Ternate's signal was weaker most of the time, but occasionally peaked equal to that of Radio Northern. Similar situation noted on 3325. (Jim Evans, TN)

11990 Radio Kuwait (Kabd). 2044-2100*. 20 Mar 08. English. OM with pop music program and news. Several IDs, skeds and freq announcements. Mentions of North America service. S/off with “You’ve been listening to Radio Kuwait,” National anthem, and “This is Radio Kuwait.” S7/Fair. (Joe Wood, TN)

5010 Radio Madagasikara; 0314-0327+, 20-Mar, lady announcer in local language. English pop tunes--not Western versions. Station ID at 0317+ as "Radio Madagasikara" and by male announcer at 0325+ as "Radio Madagascar." SIO=353 (Harold Frodge, MI/Cumbre DX)

5010, RTV Malagasy, 0135-0210, March 21, an eclectic mix of local music, ballads, local children’s chorus, Euro-pop music. Fair to good. Suppressed carrier USB. (Brian Alexander, PA)
7335 TWR, 0659-0700, 3/21/2008, Czech (per schedule). Heard TWR IS at threshold under CHU. Opening theme music and announcement, then faded away. Very poor signal. (Jim Evans, TN)

7470 Radio Free Asia (Ulaanbaatar), 1140-1155, 3/21/2008, Tibetan. Talk by man and woman. Poor signal, but enough to temporarily overcome the Chinese musical jammer. Faded back down below the music by 1155. (Jim Evans, TN)

New Zealand
Radio Nwe Zealand International. 17675 2158 English 433 March 15 Announcer with pop music. QRM via CVC-Chile via 17680.(Stewart MacKenzie, CA)

4770 Radio Nigeria (Kaduna). 0532-0544. Good Friday, 2008. English/Vern. US pop music including numbers by Tina Turner. Fair. (Joe Wood, TN).

Netherlands Antilles
Radio Netherlands International via Bonaire relay. 17895 2127 Dutch 444 March 15 Announcer talking about John Wayne and Roy Rogers. Music vocals 2134. //17810 [333]Bonaire, 15315 [333]Bonaire, 11655 [232]Madagascar. (Stewart MacKenzie, CA)

Peru, 5460.44, Radio Emisora Bolivar, 2344-0010, Barely audible with music and chatter. Signal drops into the noise regularly. By 2355, signal is starting to improve where the fading has ceased and copy is solid, although still very weak. Music is still the main commodity being presented at 2357. At 0006 a male in Spanish comments. Signal was poor during listening period. (Chuck Bolland, FL March 20, 2008)

4775 Trans-World Radio; 0339-0344+, 20-Mar; Interval signal to "this is Trans-World Swaziland" repeated in English to a local language. Program sign-on at 0340. Don't know the local language, but did hear the word "fornicate"! SIO=3+23-, swiper QRM, much better in SSB. (Harold Frodge,MI/Cumbre DX)

5915, ZNBC-Radio 1, Lusaka, 0243-0310, March 21, Fish Eagle interval signal. Choral National Anthem at 0250. Local drums & vernacular talk at 0252. Local religious music at 0257. Good signal. (Brian Alexander, PA)

6165, ZNBC-Radio 2, Lusaka, 0243-0252, March 21, Fish Eagle IS. Instrumental National Anthem at 0250. Very weak under Radio Netherland. (Brian Alexander, PA)