
Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Cuba once again denounces US radio and TV

Cuba has once again used the opportunity at the United Nations to denounces what it calls ”the sustained US radio and TV aggression”. Ileana Nuñez, Cuban ambassador to the UN, said during a debate of the UN Information Committee that the World Radiocommunication Conference in Geneva last November has concluded that broadcasting to Cuba from US aircraft is in violation of the Radiocommunication Regulations.
The Cuban diplomat explained that every week, US-based networks broadcast 1,889 hours of programs to Cuba through 30 mediumwave, shortwave, FM and TV channels. They generate 228-253 hours of programmes daily, which have nothing to do with balanced, objective information, said Nuñez.
She recalled that for fiscal year 2007, the US Congress approved a budget of $36.10 million “to fund actions against Cuba, showing complete disregard for regulations ruling international relations.” She added that 14 of the 19 networks broadcasting anti-Cuban subversive programmes aim their signals directly at Cuba, including three owned by the US Government itself (Voice of America and Radio and TV Martí).
She claimed that some of these networks belong to, or serve, organizations linked to “well-known US-based terrorist elements who act against Cuba with the total consent of US authorities.”
(Source: Prensa Latina/Radio Netherlands Media Network Weblog)

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