
Friday, April 04, 2008

DXing Lesotho by amateur radio

Here's one no longer on shortwave radio - Lesotho.

7P, LESOTHO. A Belgian/Southafrican DXpedition will be on the air from Katsdam in the Kingdom of Lesotho Mar 27th through Apr 3rd. OPs Filip, ON4AEO, Kath, ON7BK, Edwin, ZS5BBO, Janet, ZS5JAN, Gert, ZS6GC, Sid, ZS5AYC, Lucas, ZS6ACT, Tom,
ZS6TMO, Adele, ZR6AP, as well as YLs Steffi and Elna will try to distribute many bandspots on 160 to 10 m as 7P8FC and will also take an effort in the WPX contest. They will have eight radios and an amplifi er, Spiderbeams, verticals, a Hexbeam and
a “Battle Creek Special” for 160 and 80 m. Look for them on these frequencies: SSB 28.490, 24.930, 21.290, 18.136, 14.185, 7.063, 3.780, 1.845; RTTY 28.084, 24.924, 21.084, 18.104, 14.084, 7.040, 3.590; PSK 28.122, 24.922, 21.072, 18.102, 14.072,
7.038. QSL manager is ON4CJK, direct or via bureau. Find further news at . [DXNL
1564 Mar 26, 2008]
(Source: QRZ? Hame Radio Corner/ODXA-Listening-In, April 2008)