
Sunday, May 04, 2008

Blog Logs - Australia

All times UTC // parallel frequency

Northern Territory VL stns observed 19 Apr: VL8A, Alice Springs 2310, 1905-2130*, English pops, chatter, news, phone-ins; 55343 (!!!) but deteriorating. 4835, 2130+; English, news, talks; feed delay relative to \\ 5025; fair~good, no QRM.

VL8T, Tennant Creek 2325, 1907-2130*, prgr cf. \\ 2310 VL8A; 45343 (!!!) but deteriorating. 4910, 2133-2149; prgr cf \\ 4835; feed delay relative to \\ 5025 VL8K; 33432, adjt. QRM de TCD 4905.

VL8K, Katherine 2485, 1909-2130*, prgr cf. \\ 2310 VL8A; 35332 which is more of a typical rating, but deteriorating. 5025, 2131-2150, prgr cf. \\ 4835; 333432, adjt. QRM de CHN 5030, so no co-ch BEN, and BFA 5030 also off. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Apr 27)
(Source: BC-DX # 858 May 1, wb, Germany)

Additional Aussie logs:
4910, VL8T, Tennant Creek, NT, 2133-2149, Apr 19, program // 4835; feed delay relative to // 5025 VL8K, SINPO 33432, adjacent QRM from Chad 4905. (Gonçalves). Also heard at 0803-0815, Apr 26, fading up over the noise every second or two, noted a religious program with call ins in English Language. (Bolland/DX Window 349, Anker Petersen, Denmark)
9660 Radio Australia, 0627, 4/20/08. Live broadcast of local rugby match, Tigers playing in Sydney with lots of excitement. Strong signal. (Stremple. CA/NASWA Flashsheet 326 via Rich d'Angelo, PA)

15405 HCJB-Kununurra, 0031, 4/27/08. fair with songs; at 0034 into religious message by man in Rawang (listed); signal fading by 0044 (Ronda-OK/NASWA Flashsheet 326 via Rich D'Angelo, PA)

15515 Radio Australia-Shepparton 15515 2213 English 433 April 23 OM interviewing two OMs on the IFC on protests about the 2008 Olympics in China. //15230 [333]Shepparton. MacKenzie-CA.

15525 HCJB-Kununurra, 0022, 4/27/08. poor in English with interview discussion between two women; brief song at 0028; ID at 0029 and off at 0030 as per sked (Ronda-OK/NASWA Flashsheet 326 via Rich D'Angelo, PA)