
Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Blog Logs - pirate radio

All times UTC // parallel frequency

Pirate (Euro)
6268 Radio Altrex 0915 with oldies. No announcements.I emailed them and they said they were a Dutch pirate and were running 35 watts into an inversted V antenna. Via a remote receiver in the Netherlands.(Hans Johnson, FL/Cumbre DX May 10)

North America

6925USB KBLU. 0305-0311*. 11 May 08. English. Electric Blues. Sign-off announcements with a computerized lady's voice mentioning several noted Pirate DXers and giving an ID. Good. (Joe Wood, TN).

6854.2, The Crystal Ship,0057-0120+, May 5, political talk. ID. // 5385.49 - both frequencies fair. (Brian Alexander, PA)

6850.0 MAC Radio, 0035-0135, May 11, EE. Hard Days Night, The Who, Secret Agent Man,The Paul Star Show. Noise running back and forth between 4 and 3 Good. (Rohde-OH/NASWA Flasheet # 328 via Rich d'Angelo, PA)

6924USB Maple Leaf Radio 5/3/8 21:10 SIO 333, a bit noisy, national anthem, "C-A-N-A-D-A", music presumed Canadian. Station ID at 21:12 (Fansome, PA)

6925USB Maple Leaf Radio 2337-2352 5/2/08 SIO=454. S/on w/O Canada NA by band, into a program of rock and folk music withJoni Mitchell, Neil Young, and others. Only talk was a quick announcers' ID at QRT, with no national anthrm. I did not copy the ID well, but subsequently on the FRN the operator came on and confirmed that this was him. (Zeller-OH/Free Radio Weekly #639 via Ed Kusalik, Canada)

6925USB Radio Jamba International 05/09/08 23:10-:34 SINPO 35443. Insane in the Membrane, Ghost Riders in the Sky, Johnny Cash's Hurt, Jimi Hendrix's Star Spangled Banner (Ragnar-MI) 6925USB 2306 tune in with ID's by male and female, into music including "Ghost Riders In The Sky." Also some C & W music. SIO = 454, nice signal. (Insinger, NJ/Free Radio Weekly #639 via Ed Kusalik, Canada)

6925USB Red Radio 5/4 0117+ This was a confusing show with id as the Real Voice of America with mention of Uncle Bob (locked in a closet) and Pyscko. Man and woman were announcing and talking about South Park. Uncle Bob was in the background. Played a song with Yah Yah. FinallyID as Red Radio with Pyscko as a Muse. (Majewski CT/Free Radio Weekly #639 via Ed Kusalik, Canada))

6925USB Voice of Capt. Morgan. Heard from 0203-0210 on 28 April. Male announcer with repeated IDs "Six point nine two five, Voice of Captain Morgan". Aired various rock and pop cuts. Fairly good signal, but audio was sullied by the use of SSB which, unfortunately, now seems to be ubiquitous among pirate broadcasters.
(Parker-PA/NASWA Flasheet # 328 via Rich d'Angelo, PA)