
Monday, May 26, 2008

Blog Logs

Thanks to Ron Howard, one of our regular contributors, for the following logs from Shanghai, China
Gayle VH

All times UTC // parallel frequency 8sign-on sign-off*

7250, GOS, heard May 18 & 22, 1238-1300*, in English with news and subcontinent music, "Panorama" program, not able to hear this every day signal improving by sign-off.

4750, heard May 21 & 22, 1236-1257, in vernacular, with subcontinent music, clear mentions of Bangladesh, mixing with CNR-1.

CNR-2/CBR, 2224-2243, May 21, resumed their own programming again after days of relaying CNR-1. During the period of national mourning CNR-1 suspended all music and entertainment programming. Television also resumed regular programming today. Heard on 91.4 FM, 6065, 7130, 7140, 7150, 7245, 7315, 9775 and 9820. IDs "China Business Radio", program "Winner's English" presented by Oscar, segment about a lantern festival with Shirley and Laura. May 23, at 1303 usual "English Evening" program, Aaron talking about the quake.

PBS-XZDT, Lhasa, 6200 still with CNR-1 relay on May 23, at 1234.

PBS, Lhasa on 4905 // 4920 not a relay of CNR-1, May 23, at 1239.

Sichuan PBS services heard most days regularly on 6060, 7225 and 9740. Still has some short segments of CNR-1 relays.

Shanghai PBS, 3280 // 4950, heard May 21 at 0811 with CNR-1 relay of a news conference in English and Chinese, followed by an update of the quake (41,353 dead, etc.), with about a 15 second delay behind all the other CNR-1 frequencies. Of course sounded like the local station it is.

Easy FM (CRI) on about 87.9 FM, May 21, at 1211 special programming in English and Chinese about the quake, IDs for CRI Easy FM.

Shanghai, China
Eton E5