
Monday, May 05, 2008

FEBC ministry adds new language to shortwave lineup

Far East Broadcasting Company is now broadcasting in the Black Hmong language, the 159th language now on the air on FEBC. (Photo by Melanie Gray
Augustin) Asia (MNN)
Reaching as many people as possible with the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the goal of many missionary radio broadcasters, and one organization has just added
another language.
Last month, Far East Broadcasting Company added a new language to their roster -- Black Hmong - which brings the total to 159 languages heard on FEBC’s programs. Black Hmong is the third Hmong language offered through FEBC’s international ministry. The addition of this new language is an opportunit to share the message of God´s love with even more people of Southeast Asia.
The Hmong, located in southern China, Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, and Burma, total 4-5 million people. Until the 1950s when the Hmong began tuning in to shortwave Christian broadcasts, they worshipped evil spirits. But when they heard about God and Jesus, they recalled legends passed down from their ancestors that spoke of a redeemer King.
(Program Matters/ODXA Listening-In, May 08)