
Friday, May 23, 2008

Radio remains favorite medium in Switzerland

Radio remains the favourite medium of the Swiss, audience figures for 2007 show. Ninety-one per cent of people aged 15 and over tuned in daily, according to annual figures published by Mediapulse, the media research group of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC).
By contrast, television viewing fell across the country, with the average person watching 163 minutes a day in 2007, compared with 170 minutes in 2006.
Around 70 per cent of television owners turn their sets on every day. The main channels run by the SBC are the most watched, especially at prime time. SBC radio stations also had the biggest audiences, but private stations recorded the greatest increase in listeners.
Overall, people listened to the radio for longer than in previous years, peaking in the morning, midday and early evening. The average person listened to around 103 minutes of radio a day.
(Source: swissinfo/R Netherlands Media Network Weblog)