
Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Breaking News: Back to Battle in Chad

Chad - Rebels take third town
Chadian rebels claimed to have taken the town of Biltine, some 750 kilometres from the capital of Ndjamena, their stated objective, on Monday. Biltine is the third town rebel forces have taken since their offensive against President Idriss Deby’s government began on 11 June. Additional story at: Radio France International website:

Chad town 'under attack by Sudan'
The Chadian government has accused Sudan's army of attacking a town on their border after days of rebel raids. Communications Minister Mahamat Hissene told the BBC that the garrison town of Ade had been attacked by ground troops supported by helicopters. Mr Hissene said the fighting was continuing and confirmed a rebel raid on the smaller town of Am Zoer. Last month, Sudan accused Chad of helping a Darfur rebel group attack a city just outside the Sudanese capital.
Additional story from BBC News:

Chad accuses Sudan of attacking eastern border
By Finbarr O'Reilly
Tuesday, June 17, 2008; 8:22 AM
ABECHE, Chad (Reuters) - Chad accused Sudan's army of attacking a town on its eastern border on Tuesday and blamed its neighbor for Chadian rebel raids which have disrupted international aid operations to help thousands of refugees. Additional story from Washington Post:

Chad Rebels Vow to Push on Despite Peacekeepers
VOA News

Rebels advancing on Chad capital
Radio Netherlands Worldwide News reports: Rebels in Chad are continuing their march towards the capital N’Djamena.The move follows heavy fighting around the city of Goz Beida, 75 kilometres from the Sudanese border. The rebels, who want to overthrow President Idriss Deby, are threatening to occupy the capital within a few days. Radio Nationale Tchadienne is normally well heard in Europe in the evenings on 4905 kHz. This is a frequency worth monitoring in the coming days.
(Source: R Netherlands Media Network Weblog)

Current shortwave schedule

Rdif. Nationale Tchadienne, N'Djamena-Gredia
4905 / (check 7120 kHz)
0427-0730 UTC 4905 kHz (French, Arabic, vernaculars)
1600-2130 UTC 4905 kHz (French, Arabic, vernaculars)
1700 Arabic news
1900 French news
Station identification as; "Tchad"
(Source: DBS Survey 2008)

Recent loggings of Chad on shortwave
All times UTC *sing-on sign-off*

7120, Rdif. Nationale Tchadienne, N'Djamena-Gredia; 2225-2232*, June 14, African music. Sign off with national anthem. Poor in noisy conditions. (Brian Alexander, PA/June 15)

7120, Rdif. Nationale Tchadienne, N'Djamena-Gredia; *0433-0505, June 15, abrupt sign on with local African music. French announcements. Local choral music. Poor. Weak at sign on under a strong BBC but slowly improved to a fair level by 0445 but mixing with co-channel BBC. (Brian Alexander, PA/June 15)

7120, Rdif. Nationale Tchadienne, N'Djamena-Gredia; 0450-0530, June 14, local African music. French talk. Poor to fair mixing with co-channel BBC. (Brian Alexander, PA/June 14)

4904.97, Rdif. Nationale Tchadienne, N'Djamena-Gredia; 0431-0450, May 29, local Afro-pop music. French talk. Fair to good. (Brian Alexander, PA/May 29)

4905, Rdif. Nationale Tchadienne, N'Djamena-Gredia; 0550-0601. French service. Native tribal music with lots of drumming and mentions of Chad. Into Middle Eastern language language at 0600. Signl S7/fair. (J Wood, TN/May 08)

Additional coverage on Chad from Shortwave Central Archives:
Blog Logs
Chadian national radio operating from temporary studio/Feb. 2008
Chad radio and TV back on the air/Feb. 2008
Breaking News: National Radio destroyed in Chad/Feb. 2008
Rebels put Chad off the air/Feb 2008
Hot Spot DXing: Chad/Feb. 2008