
Monday, June 09, 2008

Radio Tirana slated for frequency changes


Radio Tirana will make the following changes effective 12 June 2008:

1800-1830 UTC Italian to Eu, 7430 KHz, ex-1730-1800 7460 KHz to avoid interference from IBB 7465 KHz.

2000-2030 UTC English to Eu, 7465 KHz, ex-7460 KHz to avoid interference from IBB 7455 KHz

2030-2200 UTC Albanian to Eu, 9395 KHz, ex-9390 KHz 9390 to avoid QRM by Algiers relay at 2000-2200 UT. Radio Algeria Holy Qur'an program started on May 26th their relay service via Issoudun site in central France.

2300-2430 Albanian to NoAm, 9345 KHz, ex-9390 KHz to avoid interference from WWCR 9385 KHz overrun until 2355v

1805-1835 UTC German to Germany, 1458 KHz, ex-1801-1829UTC, this shift in time is made to facilitate studio sites, because of three programs running at the same time at around 1800UTC.
(Source: Drita Cico,Radio Tirana via Alokesh Gupta, India)