
Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Wind-up radios banned in Zimbabwe

Wind-up radios are 'tools of subversion'

Authorities in Zimbabwe have banned wind-up receivers, a favourite among nongovernmental organisations seeking to promote access to information in rural areas. Their presence has often spawned listening clubs accused of tuning in on “illegal” foreign news bulletins broadcast on shortwave. Batteries are almost unavailable in Zimbabwe. Along with satellite dishes, ownership of a wind-up radio is enough to land villagers in trouble. “They have been warned that they must hand in those radios. It has become a subversive tool,” says Rob Jamieson, chairperson of the Southern Africa Editors’ Forum. “It is quite shocking to see the situation in Zimbabwe. No professional media in Zimbabwe can operate,” says Jamieson, who was part of a week-long mission that went to Zimbabwe.
(Source: ZWNews via R Netherlands Media Network Weblog)