
Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Follow China's closing ceremony of Beijing Paralympic Games

On Sept 17, there will be the closing ceremony of the Beijing Paralympic Games, which should give DXers a chance to hear some of the Chinese regional stations in parallel, with special coverage via the relaying of CNR-1 programming.
The opening ceremony on Sept 6 had such special programming. I heard Sichuan PBS-2 on 6060 // 7225 and Hunan PBS on 4990, all with CNR-1 programming and tomorrow there will probably be some others with this special relay. Not sure just what the exact time will be, but my Sept 6 reception was around 1430, so Iwill be checking about 1300 or even earlier to see what the reception is like.
Ron Howard, Monterey/Asilomar Beach, CA/Cumbre DX)