
Saturday, September 27, 2008

Moldova - Transdneister Moldovan Republic

Using a remote receiver situated in Vienna, this week I've been hearing the domestic service of Radio Pridnestrovye signing-on every day on 549 kHz mediumwave at 1700 UTC (current WRTH has this here 0600-2200, so evidently incorrect), usually with worthless reception due to extreme co-channel interference from Radio Slovenia/Radio Koper, Deutschlandfunk and several Russian Mayak transmitters. Today, however, reception was a bit clearer as only the Slovenian interference was in evidence, so I've recorded the sign-on and uploaded it to the Station Sounds section of dxldyg - this is what you'll hear from the start of the recording 25 seconds before the hour:

Characteristic "USSR" on/off transmitter tones Time check in Russian: "Tiraspol 2000 hours" Interval signal (same as that used for Radio PMR/DMR external service) Announcement in Russian: "Tiraspol calling, [capital of the?] Transdneister Moldovan Republic" News in Russian

A clearer, albeit much older (c.1995), recording of Radio Pridnestrovye can be found on the Interval Signals Online website at .
Dave Kernick
Interval Signals Online