
Friday, September 26, 2008

Still waiting on Radio St. Helena QSL from 2007 broadcast ?

Ed Kusalik sends in the following observations on the status of his QSL from Radio St. Helena's 10th Anniversary special broadcast in 2007. If you're still waiting on a response, perhaps you should consider an email to Robert Kipp. The 2008 special broadcast is set for November 15 ... while many DXers wonder, so what happened to my 2007 QSL ?
Gayle Van Horn

After seeing the discussion on the statues of St. Helena QSL response, I decided to give a try and send a follow-up letter Inquiry to Mr. Robert Kipp.

His response within 24 hours indicated that my name was not on the list of reporters who sent in reports to the station. Apparently the staff at Radio St. Helena have a list of some sort of who sent in reports and if a QSL have been sent out. He suggested for me to fill out his questionaire about what was in my envelope, what type of stamps and asked for a copy on my original report. So I filled out what was involved with my report and sent back ( via e-mail) my original report and the filled-in questionaire.

Checking my e-mail browser this morning (25th) received this e-mail that my Radio St.Helena QSL (2007) was posted on the 22nd of September. Robert requested I email him when I receive it. Interesting....this is the first time that I have encounter any problems. with mail to St. Helena. (Edward Kusalik, Alberta, Canada)