
Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Australian Broadcasting Corporation defends program cuts

The Managing Director of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), Mark Scott, says the quality and diversity of its Radio National service will continue despite the axing of several programmes, ABC News reports. On Wednesday the ABC released its 2009 Radio National schedule, confirming that eight specialist programmes would not be returning. The programmes are the Media Report, Religion Report, Sports Factor, Perspective, The Ark, In Conversation, Radio Eye and Street Stories.
Earlier today, the Senate supported a motion from the opposition Greens party calling on ABC management to explain why the programmes have been axed. Mr Scott has defended the decision, saying the changes will not diminish the quality of Radio National’s output. “We are doing nothing to change the fundamental foundation of Radio National’s success in delivering high quality distinctive programming to the Australian people. There are new ideas, new specialist programmes that we need to develop and put to air.”
(Source: Asia-Pacifc Broadcasting Union/R Netherlands Media Network Weblog)