
Monday, November 24, 2008

Blog Logs

Thanks to Ron Howard for sending in the following logging contributions.
Gayle Van Horn

All times UTC

Checking for Radio Rossii parallels, 0108-0118, Nov 24:5935 (poor under QRM), 7140 (poor), 7200 (very good), 7320 (fair),7345 (poor with QRM). Surprised to hear them doing so well this early. Too much QRM to hear 6075 at this time, but heard them at 0140.

6075, Radio Rossii Kamchatka (presumed ID) via Petropavlovsk-Kamchatka, checked again and found them well on top of the QRM, 0140-0200, Nov 24; surprised to find another time besides 0810-0900 that broadcasts their local programming (probably on from 0110-0200); many mentions of Kamchatka; gives phone numbers; at 0143: "This is Kamchatka"; Russian ballads and pop songs; 0200 strong DW sign-on; at 0200 clearly heard just the "Programa Radio Rossii" ID after the pips, was fair till 0200.

6085, Radio Rossii via Krasnoyarsk, at 0205, Nov 24, noted parallel to 5935 (poor-fair under QRM), 6075 (poor mixing with DW), 6140 (poor), 7200 (fair with QRM), 7320 (fair), 7345 (fair). Quick check at 0241 found them not in parallel with the other Radio Rossii stations (and of course not parallel to GTRK Magadan either), so assume this could be their local/regional programming, but needs more monitoring to know just what it is. Must be from 0210-0300.

7320, GTRK Magadan, 0224-0300, Nov 24; local/regional programming (assume from 0210-0300); BoH jingle and ID (could not make it out, but clearly no mention of "Rossii"); per helpful input from Mauno Ritola who listened to my audio clip, they gave telephone numbers and address to Magadan and Magadan oblast weather so clearly this was a local/regional program; folk song; fair-poor; parallel to 5935 (poor under QRM), after 0300 went back to "Programa Radio Rossii" IDs (Ron Howard, Asilomar Beach, CA, Etón E1)

Sri Lanka
6045, IBC Tamil (tentative), 0007-0043, Nov 24, was checking for Mexico and heard this. English commentary about UN and cease fire, 0015 into assume Tamil, some pop music, seemed to sign-off around 0100, poor with a het (Mexico QRM?), first time I have ever noted them here (Ron Howard, Asilomar Beach, CA, Etón E1)

6200, "Holy Tibet" program via Xizang PBS - Lhasa, 1630- 1700, Nov 24, all in English, " ... will learn more about Tibet: the people and the culture, on Holy Tibet", talking about the money the government puts into Tibet to help it develop, mostly plays indigenous Tibetan music and chanting/singing, woman describes in detail the various features of the Potala Palace (White Palace, etc.), "Don't miss visiting the Potala Palace", says something like: "Holy Tibet is the window to the world for Tibet" (Ron Howard, Asilomar Beach, CA, Etón E1)