
Thursday, November 20, 2008

Puntland authorities reopen Radio Gaalkacyo

Text of report by Somali independent Radio Gaalkacyo on 17 November

Radio Gaalkacyo [in Gaalkacyo, the provincial town of Mudug Region, central Somalia] has resumed operations following a brief closure by police in the semi-autonomous region of Puntland, but the radio director, Hassan Muhammad Jama (Jid-hun) remains in custody.
The decision to reopen the radio station was announced by Mudug regional commissioner Abdirizaq Darwish. He said the presidential decree issued recently was only instructing the arrest of the radio director and not the closure of the station.
Mr Darwish said Radio Gaalkacyo can resume its operations and has issued an apology to the radio’s staff over the misunderstanding of the president’s decree.
Somali Professional Journalists Association [SOPJA] based in Gaalkacyo has accused the Puntland regional administration of violating the freedom of the media and demanding that the media operate under an unsatisfactory system.
However, local residents have expressed concern over the arrest of the Radio Gaalkacyo director.
(Source: Radio Gaalkacyo, Gaalkacyo, in Somali 1015 gmt 17 Nov 08 via BBC Monitoring
R. Netherlands Media Network weblog)

earlier post from Nov. 17
Somalia: Radio Gaalkacyo closed down
Text report of report by Somali opposition Radio Voice of Mudug on 16 November The police of the semi-autonomous region of Puntland have closed down Radio Gaalkacyo, an independent radio station that operates in Gaalkacyo [HQ of Mudug Region], and arrested its director Hasan Muhammad Jama. Sources say the radio was closed down after airing programmes and reports about the forthcoming Puntland presidential elections and having special interviews with candidates. Reports also say Radio Gaalkacyo’s highlighting of the Puntland electoral commission could have led to the closure.
The closure of Radio Gaalkacyo and the arrest of its director have coincided with the arrival of the Puntland president Mahmud Muse [Gen Adde] and his entourage in Gaalkacyo town. The president will be overnight there campaigning. The Puntland regional administration has been accused of pressurizing and violating media freedom in the region.
(Source: Radio Voice of Mudug, in Somali 1330 gmt 16 Nov 08 via BBC Monitoring)
Andy Sennitt adds: This station, formerly known as Radio Free Somalia, was for a time also on shortwave. Its website also appears to have been closed.
(R Netherlands Media Network Weblog)