
Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Radio Liberty broadcasts partially resume in Kygyzstan

Text of report by privately-owned Kyrgyz AKIpress news agency website
Bishkek, 17 December: Radio Azattyk (Liberty) resumed its broadcast on the territory of Kyrgyzstan on the short wave on 16 December.
Azattyk programmes are aired by means of HotBird and AsiaSat satellites as well as with the help of local partners - private radio companies Almaz, Salam, Most, Parlament and L-W. However, a short waveband does not cover all the territory of Kyrgyzstan as it used to be when broadcast was on the technical base of the Kyrgyz National Television and Radio Broadcasting Corporation [NTRBC]. Radio Azattyk now can air only in Kyrgyzstan’s north, and the south is not covered.
Azattyk is pessimistic about the prospects for resuming cooperation with the NTRBC.
(Source: AKIpress news agency website, Bishkek, in Russian 0415 gmt 17 Dec 08 via BBC Monitoring)
(R Netherlands Media Network Weblog)