
Thursday, December 04, 2008

Shortwave Blog "Bytes"

All times UTC

Audio clip of HCJB Australia
Noted on at 13.30, 15540 KHz in English language. The audioclip is available here:
(Francesco, Spain/playdx2003)

Bolivia's Radio Fides log
6155.25, Radio Fides, 1030-1045. From tune in, noted steady news presented by various males in Spanish Language. At 1032, a series of ads or promos presented. One thing I like about Bolivian Radio Stations, especially those on shortwave, is the fact that they all are a few hertz off frequency.As far as I can tell, that's the case with each station. I suppose this maybe an intentional condition that they possibly feel allows their station to be heard by their listeners or possibly their transmitter is not precise enough to tune down to the nearest Hertz easily? Regardless, it makes tuning in Bolivian stations a lot easier especially if one has a good notch filter on his receiver. Getting back to Radio Fides, the talk continued during the period while the signal faded from a fair to poor. (Chuck Bolland, FL December 2, 2008)

More on Deutsche Welle
DWL German service main frequency towards Europe 6075 kHz is now used again by Sines Portugal site at 1700-2400 UT [instead of poor reception from Al Dhabbaya UAE 20-23 UT], also in \\ co-ch to Balkan, NE & ME via Woofferton England at 1800-2000 UT too. wb, Germany)

QSL from Radio Ukraine International
Full data QSL card in 22 days, 7510 kHz. Sent to address in WRTH. (Harold Woering-Easthampton, MA)

Update on Radio Dabanga
13800 Radio Dabanga with signal S5 in parallel to 7315 with signal S9!! With Horn of Africa songs ID on 0511 then with news mixed with short tune in-between news feeds. Mention to Omdurman and Sudan. Language: local On 3rd 7315 had a delay of ca 0.7 ec. On 3r with signals S7 (33323) for 13800 // S5 (35334 ) for 7315 but now 13800 had the delay. On 4th with S5, SINPO 35343 for 13800 delayed over // 7315 on S9 SINPO 43534 with 1 kHz tone. (Zacharias Liangas, Greece/Cumbre DX)