
Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Shortwave Blog "Bytes"

More shortwave "bytes" fom the past few days. Plenty here, and hopefully will compliment your listening.
Gayle Van Horn

All times UTC // parallel frequency *sign-on sign-off*

Argentine log on 11710.8
RAE, General Pacheco, 11710.8; 0125-0154*, Jan 10. English talk, nice Argentine music, 0137-0142 DX Supplement with contributions from Arnaldo Slaen and Anker Petersen. 0151 Sports news about the Dakar Rally Mendoza-Valparaiso. SINPO 45434. (Petersen). Also heard at 0855-0915, Jan 15. Interval signal to Japanese programming with the Argentine tango, 35333, but the transmission was unstable and on Jan 16, same time, there was no sounds heard and no modulation. (Wagai/DSWCI-DX Window #369)

ARRL solar update
The ARRL solar update January 2nd reported that Elwood Downey, WB0OEW, of Socorro, New Mexico, along with many other readers, called attention to recent news from NASA that the ionosphere is now at lower elevation than in the past. I suppose this means that worldwide shortwave signals might not propagate as far. The article on the SpaceD aily website reported that:
The U.S. space agency says it has discovered the boundary between the Earth's upper atmosphere and space has moved to extraordinarily low altitudes.

The finding was determined by National Aeronautics and Space Administration instruments aboard an Air Force satellite launched in April. The instruments, including ion and neutral sensors, make measurements of the variations in neutral and ion densities and drifts that can result in disruptions of navigation and communication signals.

But the first discovery was that the ionosphere was not where it had been expected to be. During the first months of the satellite's operations, the transition between the ionosphere and space was found to be at about 260 miles altitude during the nighttime, barely rising above 500 miles during the day. Those altitudes, said NASA, were extraordinarily low compared with the more typical values of 400 miles during the nighttime and 600 miles during the day.(Contact Magazine-Radio Topics, Alan Roe/worlddx)

Australian DX Report # 135 available for download
The latest episode, # 135, of the professionally compiled weekly Australian DX Report audio shortwave news magazine contains detailed professional monitoring research from Melbourne, schedule changes, and news about international broadcasters.

This is the special Australian Day 2009 episode, 13 mins 40 secs, and may be downloaded from

The site allows you to listen to the ADXR and other audio features directly (streaming audio) via your MP3 player, or via the site's embedded mini-player. Podcasts, iTunes capability, full RSS/XML/Atom feeds, and free subscriptions are supported - full details are at the site.

The ADXR is compiled from the resources of the Electronic DX Press Radio Monitoring Association.

Your comments and feedback are particularly important!

You can also hear the episodes on-air, via WWCR Nashville, every Sunday at 0300-0315 on 5070 and on Mondays 1245-1300 on 15825. The WWCR release is also available as streaming-audio, live, from

Good listening to the Australian DX Report Episode No. 135!
(Bob Padula/Cumbre DX)

BBC adds transmissions to Azerbaijani service
Cyprus/ U.K. - additional txions of BBC in Azerbaijani to Cenral Asia:
0300-0315 on 5915 SKN 300 kW / 090 deg
Mon-Fri 6085 RMP 500 kW / 095 deg
7105 RMP 500 kW / 080 deg
1600-1630 on 6010 CYP 250 kW / 064 deg
Daily 9450 SKN 300 kW / 090 deg
11690 WOF 250 kW / 082 deg
(R BULGARIA DX MIX News, Ivo Ivanov, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 25/DX Mix News #557)

BBC WS in English targeted to Southeast Asia:
1600-1800 (new freq) 7355 SNG 100 kW / 320 deg, x7270 to avoid Voice of Russia in
Turkish/Kurdish. (R BULGARIA DX MIX News, Ivo Ivanov, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews/DX
Mix News # 557)

Radio Liberty adds frequency
Via: Germany/ USA. Additional frequency for Radio Liberty in Azerbaijani:
1600-1700 new freq 7480 LAM 100 kW / 075 deg
\\ 9485 NAU 250 kW / 103 deg
(DX Mix News # 556)

Bhutan on 6035
6035, BBS, Sangaygang, 0150, Jan 18, some chanting and traditional music. If you can ever catch the opening at 0000 of transmissions with the monks chanting, it is a real treat for the ears - truly haunting. Exceptionally strong signals. (Muick). Also heard at 1444-1500*, Jan 08, woman playing light pop songs in English, poor. (Howard)
(DSWCI-DX Window #369)

Bolivian Rasio Casachun Coca QSL update
6075, Radio Causachun Coca (or R Kawsachun Coca in Quechua), Lauka Ñ, Chapare has a new,interesting blog at . (Romero Jan 08). On Jan 18,I received this e-mail QSL from Manuel Andrés of Kawsachun Coca at "Amigo Rafael, Gracias por su mensaje. Ahora estamos nuevamente ajustando nuestra transmision en onda corta por la misma frecuencia que usted escucha, 6075 banda internacional de 49 metros, fundamentalmente al amanecer y al anochecer. La localidad de Lauca Ñ, es un pequenyo pueblo de Shinahota de la provincia de Tiraque en el Tropico de Cochabamba, Republica de Bolivia. Le agradecemos su reporte.Fraternalmente, Manuel Andrés". (Rodriguez in Conexion Digital). Cf.
DX-Windows no. 360 and 361. (Ed) (DSWCI-DX Window #369)

Central African Republic monitoring
7220, Radio Bangui, Bangui (presumed), 0745-0825, Jan 17, French and Vernacular talks between African music (prevailing slow beat style).Seems that around time mentioned above, they sign-on only during weekends. At 0745: 14322 but around 0800: 24322. Deterioring from 0820. (Otávio)
(DSWCI-DX Window #369)

Clandestine monitoring
9610, Radio Bilal, via Samara, Russia (250 kW / 188 degrees), *1700-1733, Jan 18, ID which sounded phonetical like "Here Radio Bilal" repeated 7 times, followed by chant "Allahu akhbar" and announce of the transmitting schedule. Until 1710 religious chantings with short ann in between. From 1710 on reports with mention of Washington, Canada, Democracy. Ann of a postal address in Washington, DC. SINPO 34433. (Robic). Is a new TDP brokered program since Jan 11: Su 1700-1800 in Amharic to East Africa. (Ivanov, via BC-DX, Jan 11)

15180, Aso Radio, via Samara. I got my in November posted letter to Aso R, Nigeria, in return today, with hand written "NOT KNOWN" on it. No label or official stamp. The envelope has not been opened. I checked Aso Radio on the Internet and found their well updated Homepage (Jan 2009) with the very same address, as I used for contacts. Emails via their Homepage have not bounced, but have not been replied to.
(Fransson, Jan 15)(DSWCI-DX Window #369)

7315/13800, Radio Dabanga, via Wertachtal, Germany (250 kW, 150 degrees), the new Dutch project for Sudan/Darfur in Arabic and Vernacular since Nov 15 at 0430-0527 // 13800 via Madagascar. (Ivanov, via BC-DX and Gupta, Nov 18). Heard 0435-0527*, Nov 19, 20 and 22, Sudanese Arabic and Vernaculars ann, Afropop, ID, frequency announcement to website quote. SINPO 45444 // 13800 (25222). (Petersen). Very good at 0430, Nov 21 on both frequencies. Contact person is Leon Willems, Network Manager, Radio Darfur Network, Press Now. His email address: and the postal address is: Press Now, Witte Kruislaan 55, 1217 AM Hilversum, The Netherlands.
(D’Angelo) (DSWCI-DX Mirror)

Guatemala's Radio Verdad audio link
4052.5. On Jan 08, I received the following e-mail from Dr. Édgar Madrid: "Dear Friends of Radio Truth: Our website has come on internet already, besides our new Blog at: . Praise God.I am informing you also that we are now ordering again the transistors for our short wave transmitter. We hope God will help us this time on this issue, so that we can come back to the air on short wave. God bless you. Dr. Édgar Amílcar Madrid, Director y Gerente". They also use . (Méndez) (DSWCI-DX-Window #369) Streaming audio from Rado Verdad (Radio Truth) at

Kenya's KBC off shortwave
Excerpt from BDXC-UK Communicator. KBC is definitely off shortwave. I drove to the Langata SW transmitting station on the outskirts of Nairobi and found that it was still there. (I would not have been surprised, if the site had been redeveloped for housing.) I could not stay long, but someone on the gate confirmed to me that the station was no longer operating.

The KBC Eastern regional service (which had been carried on 4915) is now only aired via local MW opt-outs in the evening on 639 and 1305 (usually the English service).

The KBC Central regional service transmitter on 1269 has closed. The service is now only aired via a morning and evening opt-out on 747 (usually the English service).

A recently-leaked report by the official audit office says, the KBC is technically insolvent and cannot afford to repay huge loans it has taken out or to pay statutory deductions such as VAT (sales tax), PAYE (payroll tax) and pensions. The expansion of private FM stations continues. Nairobi alone now has more than 40 FM stations.

Nepal on 5005 ?
5005, What is the station (very low signal) at 0000, Jan 18, ? Nepal? Any help! (Slaen). The last few days there has been a carrier there at the same level of the regional Indian stations, and once I thought I heard a little modulation. Jan 18 the propagation seems to be poor with even the regional Indians coming in at a bad level and at 0140 this frequency was dead. An email from my old friend Ram Karki, the Technical Director for R Nepal, states that they are indeed using 5005. I will have to press him further to see, if they are testing or actually active. Ram and I worked together for the UN in Sudan in 2005/06. (Muick) When monitored here in Denmark on a clear channel from 2300, Jan 18, till 0045, Jan 19, not even a carrier was noticed. Indian regional stations were strong. (Petersen) (DSWCI-DX Window #369)

Peru's Radio Nueva Super Sensacion up for a name change ?
6536, Radio Nueva Super Sensacion, Huancabamba, ex R Comercial La Voz del Rondero, 2230-0100, Jan 10, folk music, 2245 Spanish phone-in asking listener: "...Cuentanos donde estas escuchando a Radio Super nueva sensacion por AM, FM u onda corta??...", more music and greeting: "..somos la radio internacional, Nueva Super Sensacion de Huancabamba y con Federico Ibañez el internacional...cruzando fronteras Nueva Super Sensacion transmitiendo desde Huancabamba calle pueblo nuevo No. 303, Huancabamba , Piura...". Mentioned Tel. no. (51+74) 473707 and cellular 969017147; some airport QRM.

In 1998, on 6618.2 operated a transmitter with the same name and from the same city, but with Sr. Justo Emilio Carrasco Moreno as Manager. In 1999 it moved to 6675v and then renamed as Radio Andina during the years 2000 and 2001.

In 2002 it reappeared again with the name Radio Sensacion and operated on 6673v. Since then, I have not heard of activity from this transmitter. But now the name is used by Federico Ibañez M. who has operated several stations from Huancabamba like: Radio Difusora Huancabamba, Radio San Miguel, Radio La Poderosa, Radio Estacion 2, Radio Comercial Huancabamba,Radio Comercial La Voz del Rondero. This person has been a candidate to the City Council of Huancabamba on various occasions, but has always lost;then the microphones were used against the winners. None of the stations, that I have written to, have replied and I do not have knowledge of any DX-er who has received a verification either. The above mentioned telephone numbers and address were also heard from La Voz del Rondero. So it is possible that in a few months or maybe a year, the station again will be renamed. (Rodriguez) (DSWCI-DX Window #369)

SINPO ... what's up with that ?
Article covering SINPO and radio signal analysis at:
radio/ gadgets/ Greek ethnics
(Zacharias Liangas, (Zacharias Liangas, Thessaloniki,Greece/Cumbre DX)
Greece/Cumbre DX)

Radio Damascus on the internet
Radio Damascus English program is now also on the internet. After a few weeks of having the daily German language program online it is great to know that from this week on you can
also download the daily recording of the English program. The direct link to the daily recordings is : Soon there will also be a link on the homepage of Syrian Radio & Television, , to the international foreign language services of Radio Damascus. Radio Damascus Listeners Club : or (DSWCI-DX News)

Uruguay heard on 6125
SODRE, Montevideo, 1200, Dec 13, carrier here under heavy QRN at my location, with weak modulation. It relays Radio Uruguay on 1050 MW. So, this is active again and appears to be the only SW working from Uruguay. As I have been told, the plans to keep the SW outlets from SODRE continue. But improved results are still not evident. Nothing heard on 9620.
(Nigro in DXplorer) (DSWCI-SW News)

Voice of Indonesia
9525.9v, Voice of Indonesia, 1035-1045, Jan 17, English comments with music interspersed, a number of ID's as: "... Voice of Indonesia ... ". (Bolland). Also heard at 1504-1542, Jan 16, extended programming past their usual 1501 sign-off; English news, special coverage of the President and First Lady of Indonesia (along with many top government officials) attending a Japanese puppet show in Jakarta, reporter described what was happening and translated when the President talked in Bahasa Indonesia, but was sorry he could not translate what the apanese speakers were saying, explained the four main characters of the puppet show; mentioned there was RRI coverage of the event (after I heard this, went looking to hear what was on 3325 and 3976.03); a song in Japanese; switched back to the studio for "Indonesian Wonders" about Java; fair; very enjoyable programming (Howard)
(DSWCI-DX Window #369)

Voice of America via Botswana
4930, VOA relay, Moepeng Hill, 0346, Jan 17, English with report on Israel and Hamas in Gaza, good. (Ronda). Also heard at 1621 on Jan 18 with English news and current affairs. Talk about warlords and the crisis in Sudan. Poor reception, but an unusually early opening to Africa. (Muick) (DSWCI-DX Window #369)