
Monday, February 09, 2009

Blog Logs - pirate radio activity

A selection of pirate logs and news from recent activity on shortwave radio.

All times UTC *sign-on sign-off*

Ann Hoffer Radio
6925USB. 2024-2043*,A good signal, however there was another station underneath for a short while. Ann Hoffer with her guitar was singing. I heard a Nirvana song, cover of ShaNaNa Live for Today and several Beatles tunes. Nice Music. (Majewski CT/FRW 677)

I Am A Good Monkey Station
(tentative)no real ID given, 6925USB 1/10 1819-1839. Poor signal. Repeated this over and over, I am a good monkey, a guitar riff, followed by male saying “I am a very good monkey,” then speeded up. Repeat. Faded at 1839. (Majewski CT/FRW 675)

Liquid Radio
6925AM. 22:30, SINPO 33323 Liquid Radio ID and typical dance music climbing out of the static with a persistent CW QRM. (Ragnar-MI/FRW 676)

MAC Shortwave
6924.87AM. 1618-1637+, Ultra Man Show kid explaining the Red Baron video game. Pop hits such as Nervous Norvis' Transfusion--great stuff! SIO 343 (Frodge-MI/FRW 677)

Moonshine Radio
6.925.02USB. *1833-1908* SIO 342. Pop songs including; Spirit in the Sky, Long Cool Woman, I Hear you Knocking, Heart of Glass, Ride Captain Ride, Radar Love, Baba O'Riley, Cripple Creek. Program sign off with "'s been a great show man, thank you."( Scott A. McArdle/FRW 676)

Mystery Radio (Euro pirate)
6220AM. 2048-2108+ Poor signal Program of dance/techno music. At one time there was two stations on and a utility station. I heard an identification (Mystery Radio in CW and female voice) at 2108. (Majewski CT/FRW 678)

Over The Horizon Radio
6925AM 2130-2138 Electric guitar at 2130 followed by ID at 2131: "This is a test broadcast from Over The Horizon Radio. Please log any reception reports over the FRN." Repeated twice, into a rock musical selection. Above ID repeated again at 2137. It was good to hear repeated
ID's, despite weak signal. SIO 252. (Insinger, NJ/FRW 678)

Pux. Pothead Radio
6925USB, *2201-2249*, SIO 343. Ahow open with song "Let's Get It Started." Rap music by The Killers, Pink Floyd and "Good Golly Miss Molly." Closed out show with solid ID, then off.
(McArdle OK/FRW 678)

Radio Azteca/WBNY
6924.8AM. 1358-1406 SIO 222. A jumble of both Azteca and WBNY both on simultaneously. Difficult to copy either station, but clear ID's fished out of the mess from both stations. (Zeller, OH/FRW 678)

Radio Bingo
6925USB. 2200-2225. Bingo numbers being called, Dr Tornado and Senor El Nino win the $500 card, JTA wins the $1000 card, We're All Crazy by Alice Cooper, I'm Too Sexy by Right Said Fred, sound bytes from many pirates Sal Amoniac, Sanjay, Captain Ganja, Harry Morphine, Jimmy the Weasel, Radio Jamba etc (FRW 676)

Radio Gong Calling
6925USB. 1931-1945* SIO 242. Heard lots of gongs with ID "This is Radio Gong Calling." Spacey music to tunes with lyrics at 1939.( Scott A. McArdle/FRW 676)

Radio Quintus (Euro pirate)
6300, 0849-0901+. Bits of ballads that sounded somewhat like country music. A lot of talk, said "Good morning" at 0901. Pretty good level, despite my lack of details here. (Yoder,PA/FRW 675)

Sycko Radio
6924.95USB. 1912-2024+, Talk about marijuana by a man, sound effects,instrumental music. Sounded like an old recorded bit. People on the FRN heard a Sycko ID at beginning of the show. SIO 232 (Lobdell, MA/FRW 677)

Truck Driving Man
6925USB. 2236-2240. Truck Driving Man filling in for Possum Hunter who is out hunting roadkill. Truck Driving Man explains the CB 10 codes (FRW 676)

Undercover Radio
6925USB/LSB. 2221-2236*, SIO 0454. QSO with someone else running 150 watts at 2221. UCR stated he was running 1kw and testing. Operator Went to LSB 2224-2227, then back to USB. ID and testing. Music tune by Head East. (Silvi, Ohio/FRW 677)

United Militia Patriot Bingo
6925USB. 21:40 SINPO 14311 Came on air with "Sal Amoniac on the Mic" with strong signal, faded rapidly after sign on, stayed at noise floor and barely listenable for rest of the program. (Ragnar, MI/FRW 676)

WBNY/Radio Bunny
P.O. Box 1, Belfast, NY 14711
6924.8AM. 1642-1709*, SIO 343. Repeat of Good Monkey program aired last week. Numerous cameo appearances by other pirates who mainly fail to follow Commander Bunny's directions by stating their name saying that they were good monkeys. The cameos included Ragnar & Sycko, among others. Al Fansome sings a song wearing a tinfoil hat. Much discussion of monkeys. Old Radio Prague interval signal repeated toward the close. No address announced, but they use Belfast. (Zeller, OH/FRW 677)

Wee Monkey Radio
WMR 6925AM 21:20-22:00 SINPO 44434. Wee Monkey Radio playing snippets of classic rock tunes. "Wee Monkey Radio- “We keep songs short so monkeys don't lose interest." Program was repeated. (Ragnar, MI/FRW 675)

WRPR/Real Pirate Radio
6925USB. 0011-0019+, Station ID to Hotel California by the Eagles. SIO 232 (Lobdell, MA/FRW 677)

WTCR/Twentieth Century Radio
6925USB. 0047-0103+ Poor signal. I identified this one from Free Radio Netowrk posting. Rock and roll music with ID. (Majewski CT) 6925USB. 0115-0132, SIO 444. Nice signal with an occasional fade, heard music and woman with station ID as, "This is WTCR, 20th Century Radio." (McArdle OK/FRW 678)

Euro pirate email address update:
6205 DRP Radio -
6210 Radio Borderhunter
6310 Radio Alice -
6315 Radio Contact -
6210 Misty Radio -

Pirate list link via BCL News - January 2009

QSL from The Hole 6945. E-QSL in 3 hours for report to: v/s Kahn