
Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Radio Mada Internationale on the web

Radio Mada Internationale, the clandestine shortwave station supporting the deposed president of Madgascar Marc Ravalomanana, also has a website at and a YouTube channel at . The website contains audio files of the station’s broadcasts. As far as I can see, the station doesn’t as yet have its own logo.

related story:
A station calling itself Radio Mada Internationale (but apparently not connected with the domestic station called Radio Mada that has been on the air since 1995) has begun daily broadcasts on shortwave. The station supports the deposed president Marc Ravalomanana. Broadcasts are scheduled at 0400-0430 and 1700-1730 UTC on 5895 kHz. There are also broadcasts every three hours from 0300 UTC on the website at The station is an initative of Tiako I Madagasikara (I Love Madagascar, TIM) which is a political party in Madagascar founded by a group of individuals on July 3, 2002 to support President Marc Ravalomanana. It is now the largest party in the National Assembly of Madagascar with 106 of 127 seats, after the parliamentary election held on September 23, 2007 (Source: Wikipedia).
(R Netherlands Media Network Weblog)