
Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Deutsche Welle frequency changes

Via Rwanda, Singapore, Sri Lanka, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom and USA relay sites

All times UTC / NF new frequency
Effective to: 26 Oct 2009

Deutsche Welle
0300-0400 NF 7240 DHA 250 kW / 240 deg, ex 9790 to CeAf in Swahili
0400-0530 NF 6180 SIN 250 kW / 150 deg, x 7430 to NCAf in English

0500-0530 NF 7430 RMP 500 kW / 180 deg, x 9440 to NCAf in English

1400-1600 NF 15510 RMP 500 kW / 062 deg, x15265 to RUSS in Russian
1600-1700 NF 11835 KIG 250 kW / 210 deg, x11625 to SoAf in French
1900-1930 NF 13650 TRM 250 kW / 255 deg, x15620 to SoAf in English
1930-2000 NF 13650 TRM 250 kW / 255 deg, x15620 to SoAf in Portuguese
2000-2100 NF 13650 TRM 250 kW / 255 deg, x15205 to SoAf in English

2200-2400 NF 9730 KIG 250 kW / 265 deg, x 9430 to CeAm in German
2200-2400 NF 17820 HRI 250 kW / 152 deg, SoAm in German, June 1
(R BULGARIA DX MIX News, Ivo Ivanov, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews May 26/DX Mix news #574 via wb, Germany)