
Monday, June 01, 2009

Australian DX Report expands media coverage

I thought you'd like to know that the popular weekly Australian DX Report Internet audio news magazine about shortwave broadcasting is also available to your mobile telephone, delivered as a Windows Mobile Podcast, and compatible with your SmartPhone or Pocket Personal Computer!

The service is offered, free, by various providers, one of which is the Hubdog Canadian-based Podcast delivery company, which means that you are no longer limited to accessing the episodes from a fixed PC. Play the episodes on the road at your leisure!

To set up your Windows Mobile Podcast, go to the Icon "Windows Mobile Podcast" on the Australian Internet Radio Magazine website, at and locate the Icon "Windows Mobile Podcast."

Click, and you will be taken to a Hubdog screen which links directly to the Australian DX Report Podcast and you can then register (free) with Hubdog, where you will be asked to submit some personal details and obtain a password for using the service with your mobile phone device.

You will need Windows Mobile Media Player installed on your mobile device (Windows Mobile Version 5.0), and access to the internet via Active Sync, Wi-Fi, or a Cellular Data line (GSM, CDMA, etc)

Several people are already linking to the Australian DX Report Podcasts via Humdog and they think it is a very useful way to receive the episodes!

Keep in mind that the episodes are around 15 mins, and consume about 3 MB of
bandwidth, which you would need to consider if using a mobile telephone on a tarrif limited plan.

Regards from Melbourne!

Bob Padula