
Monday, June 08, 2009

Blog Logs

All times UTC // parallel frequency *sign-on sign-off*

Radio Santa Cruz, 6134.83, 0924-0945. Initially noted a male in Spanish language comments which sounded like news. At 0928 UTC, music presented. This continued during the period. The signal was poor. (Bolland)

Radio Fides, La Paz, 6155.27, 0105-0159*. Spanish talk. ID. Bolivian music. Closing ID announcements at 0158 over lite music. Fair. (Alexander)

Radio Difusora, Cáceres, 5055, 0958-1003 Happy lady announcer in Portuguese as, “vocês estão sintonizados na Radio Difusora de Cáceres, esta emissora maravilhosa está sob a direção de...”, 1001 Sertanejo music. SINPO 24222 (Bobrowiec)

Radio Nacional da Amazonia, Brasilia 11780, 1750-1805. Weak Brazilian vocal pops at tune-in. Announcer's promo to ID "da Amazonia", plus canned station promo and kilohertz quote. Promo for upcoming news as "Nacional Informa," followed by world newscast in Portuguese. (Van Horn)

CVC La Voz 17.680, 1815. Caught station ID during band scan. Station frequency and promo, followed by upcoming program-lineup. (Van Horn)

Equatorial Guinea
Radio Nacional, Bata, 5005, *0504-0600, Sign on with local tribal music. Afro-pop music. Spanish talk. Not // 6250. Weak in noisy conditions (Alexander)

Radio Nacional, Malabo, 6250, 0550-0605. Spanish talk. Afro-pop music. Radio Malabo IDs. Fair signal(Alexander).

Afrique Numero Un via Moyabi 9580, 2120. Station 250 kW. French sports commentary at
tune-in to 2128. French Afro pops (SIO 423) and musical jingles at 2132. African highlife music to station ID. Same format continuing up to 2259. French announcements to a presumed vocal national anthem. Sign-off at 2300 (Van Horn).

Trans World Radio via Agana, 9910, 1212-1221. Mongolian (per schedule. Woman talking followed by contemporary religious music ay 1213. More talk at 1214 with woman joined by man. Poor signal. (Evans)

RRI Makassar,4750, 1042-1100. Note the usual type of music heard with a woman singing. On the hour a few comments from a female in Indonesian followed by comments from a male which I believe was news. Signal was poor. (Bolland)

Radio Free Aisa via Sitkunai, 9490, 0100-0135. Uyghur. Heard an Asian language here occasionally, but not Mandarin so probably not a CNR jam and believed it might be RFA. But whenever it was audible, Bible Voice via Wertachtal stayed on the frequency until several seconds after 0100, and none of the parallel frequencies was audible. Then, a couple of times BV ended a few seconds earlier and I heard the last bit of RFA theme music. And finally, on June 4, BV went off even earlier and I heard the complete ID despite a weak signal. After brief Asian instrumental music, a woman and men spoke. (Craighead/Cumbre DX)

Radio Madagasikara, 5009.94, 0310-0340. Local Afro-pop music. Local folk music. Malagasy talk. “Radio Madagasikara” ID at 0331. Poor in noisy conditions. Full AM mode.(Alexander)

Radio Cusco, 6195.84, 0025-0100. Spanish religious programming with talk and Spanish religious music. Several IDs at 0057.Peruvian music at 0058. Poor. Weak in noisy conditions. Wiped out by Radio Prague 6200 at their 0100 sign on. Also had some QRM from BBC on 6195(Alexander).

Saudi Arabia
BSKSA 9870 to Europe, 2134 (444) // 9555 (444). Arabic intros to program feature segments and mentions of Saudi Arabic. Easy-listening instrumental music. Qur'an recitations on 11915 (43+4) // 11820 (43+4) and 2143. Qur'an to 2159 to Arabic announcements. Station ID to time tips at 2200. Station ID and announcer's intro to Arabic world news. Signal quality very good throughout all broadcast monitored (Van Horn).

BBC relay via Nakhon Sawan, 11750, 1238-1245. Two men/two women in English with rather harsh political commentary regarding Gordon Brown. Good signal with some fading.(Evans)

KVOH Rancho Simi, CA., 17.775, 1808-1815. Pastors closing items of Spanish religious service before congregation, followed by altar call. Hyms from the congregation. Recheck at 1940 noting pastor's talk and relgious text.

Brian Alexander, PA
Lúcio Otávio Bobrowiec, Brazil
Chuck Bolland, FL
Wendel Craighead, KS
Jim Evans, TN
Gayle Van Horn, NC