
Monday, June 22, 2009

WHRA English schedule update

After doing some additional monitoring, I've discovered my earlier blog post which included a schedule for World Harvest Radio - WHRA, on June 17, as well as being in an upcoming issue in Monitoring Times - English SW Guide has some errors. The following schedule has been revised to reflect the corrected version. Sorry for any confusion.
Gayle Van Horn

All times UTC

target areas: af (Africa) am (Americas) eu (Europe) pa (Pacific)va (various areas)

0000-0100 7385eu
0100-0200 7385eu
0200-0300 7385eu
0300-0400 7385eu
0400-0500 7385eu

0500-0600 7390af
0600-0700 7390af

0700-0800 11565pa
0800-0900 11565pa
0900-1000 11565pa
1000-1100 11565pa

1100-1200 7315am (Mon-Fri listing removed)
1200-1300 7315am (Mon-Fri listing removed)

1300-1400 Sat/Sun 15195va (af/eu)
1400-1500 Sat/Sun 15195va (af/eu)
1500-1600 Sat/Sun 15195va (af/eu)

1600-1700 17520af
1700-1800 17520af
1800-1900 17520af

1900-2000 twhfas 9840af (program Demitshe Tewahedo in Amharic is on Monday)
2000-2100 15665af
2100-2200 15665af
2200-2300 11885af
2300-0000 9615eu
(DX Mix News # 575/revisions by GVH)