
Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Amateur radio Pacific DXpedition Tour info

Just a reminder that Gerben,PG5M, will be activating three DXCC entities in the Pacific between September 6-27th.

His schedule is as follows:

September 6-7th: Fiji (OC-016); prefix 3D2 (callsign not known yet)
September 8-14th: Tarawa Island (OC-017), W. Kiribati; Callsign is T30G
September 15-16th: Fiji; prefix 3D2 (callsign not known yet)
September 17-23rd: Tuvalu (OC-015); Callsign will be T2G
September 24-27th: Fiji; prefix 3D2 (callsign not known yet)

The callsign is not known for Fiji, but he has requested 3D2G. This will be an ultra light solo DXpedition and CW only. He will use an Elecraft K3, and his antennas are a 2x20m doublet, an ECO R7+ vertical for 40-10 meters and a 15m tall DX-Wire glass fiber pole for a 80m vertical.

Suggested frequencies are: 3503, 7005, 10105, 14005, 18073, 21005, 24985 and 28005 kHz. Gerben will try to monitor the DXclusters and E-mail for feedback on possible useable frequencies. QSL via PG5M, by the Bureau or direct. For direct requests, please enclose a minimum of 2 USDs for return postage. More details and updates will be available on:
(Ohio/Penn DX #923)