
Monday, November 30, 2009

Radio Australia celebrates 70 years

a reminder to our blog readers.....

In December, Radio Australia will be celebrating its 70th Anniversary. RA wants its listeners - both long-time and new - to be an integral part of the festivities. Here’s how you can join in:

RA invites your personal written and audio contributions about your relationship with Radio Australia. Your essay and/or statement should include some or all of the following information:

* How long have you been listening to Radio Australia?
* How do you hear RA? - shortwave, the Internet, World Radio Network, partner station, etc. (any or all of these and when/how)?
* Has this changed over the years as RA placed increasing emphasis on delivery platforms other than shortwave?
* What in your opinion sets Radio Australia apart from other international broadcasters?
* Has Radio Australia taught you things about Australia and its way of life you would not otherwise have known?
* What can Radio Australia do to ensure that you continue listening to our broadcasts?
* Have you have any anecdotes to tell us from your time as an RA listener? (For instance, did you turn to RA for coverage of a specific event; do you have fond memories of your favourite presenter, newsreader or program?

It would be preferred if contributions were written or spoken in your own style in a personally coherent, story-like, “conversational” form, and not as a series of answers to the above questions. Those who are able and willing to do so should feel encouraged to record their message and attach it as a MP3 file along with the text of their message.

Occasionally, long-time listeners are moved to send RA “scanned” attachments of ancient QSL cards, photographs or other “historical” bits and pieces which makes them feel particularly and personally linked to RA. Such material would be warmly welcomed.

RA will have a 70th Birthday website which will feature these written and recorded contributions. Portions of the recorded contributions will also be used on-air.

RA looks forward to contributions from our listeners in Asia, the Pacific and around the world. Past and present RA listeners in the US, Canada, Europe and Africa are warmly encouraged to participate as well.

Emails should be sent to:

For those who still put pen to paper the postal address for contributions is:

English Service
70th Birthday Radio Australia
GPO Box 428G, Melbourne, 3001, Victoria, Australia.
(R Australia)