
Friday, September 25, 2009

Voice of Peace returns as an Internet broadcaster

The legendary Israeli radio station the Voice of Peace has been re-created as an Internet station. Former VOP presenter Doug Wood writes on the website:

“After 15 years of silence The Voice of Peace 24/7 is back again, using 21st Century technology. We would like “1540 The Voice of Peace” to sound as close to the original as possible. Our team includes Tami Tzabari from Israel who will make sure we achieve that. Yaniv Dayan who has built our website and will be making sure that the signal we originate can be heard well from the site. On our team we have Paul Douglas IT Studio and trans(R Netherlands mitter engineer. Paul will also be one of our presenters and myself, Doug Wood; I’ll be responsible for making sure it all runs smoothly when we go on the air. I will also return with “Morning Music” after 27 years! You will be expecting more ex VOP DJ’s in the coming weeks. So don’t go away!!!”

The station is still in a test phase. Current plans are to launch in mid-October. I noticed that the programme titles are the same as the ones that were used on the original VOP.

There are various stream formats listed, but none of them were working when I checked a few minutes before posting this message. This may be due to being behind a firewall, but I suspect none of the streams was active. There’s a forum available for you to leave your questions and comments.
(R Netherlands Media Network Weblog)

Voice of Peace website: