
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Follow the latest from yahoo's 'shortwavesites' group

Looking for a new way to follow the latest in the world of shortwave transmitter sites and info? Here's the latest from our Aussie friend Ian Baxter on yahoo's 'shortwavesites' group. Thanks Ian.
Gayle VH

I established the 'shortwavesites' Yahoo Group in 2005 & am the Owner of the group, Mauno Ritola (Finland) is the Moderator.

The idea for the creation of the group began began in the late 1990's from an idea inspired from Geoff Cosier (Melbourne, Victoria, Australia) when his SW transmitter site listings were published in early editions of DX Australia's monthly magazine 'DXers Calling' from the 1983/84 era.

I started compiling the list of sites around the year 2003 & finally published the Excel Lists in 2005. The list & growth in material has grown greatly since that time thanks to the great efforts of a small handful of our members & a huge amount of research. We are however eager for much more material & offers of assistance.

Recently Jonathan Marks provided some publicity about our group on his web blog & we also appear in the Yahoo Groups section of the WRTH.

Full details about our group can be found on our website (which I need to update a little since the address/formatting change by the Google people).

Hope this helps. Thanks :-)
