
Monday, November 23, 2009

IBC Tamil reported off the air

Sri Lanka
IBC Tamil, clandestine radio stopped its one hour morning transmissions to South Asia: LTTE funded Tamil clandestine radio IBC-Tamil mentioned on their 4 Nov 2009 morning broadcast, they will start their one hour evening transmissions to South Asia. But they were not broadcasting. In 2002 they broadcast on 1200 UT at 17485 kHz.

Their official website also was not working and the London phone numbers too, had no response. One of the contributor from Chennai for IBC Tamil, also confirmed the same.

The morning transmissions at 0000 to 0100 UTC on 6045 kHz. Both the above said frequencies provide good reception at my location in Chennai, India. Interestingly, a few years back, IBC'S main rival at European skies, Tamil Broadcasitng Corporation, London stopped it's shortwave transmissions, which was usually heard 1230-1330 UTC on 21590 kHz.
(Jaisakthivel, India/HCDX)