
Friday, December 18, 2009

Blog Logs - Asia

special thanks to our regular California contributor, Ron Howard, for these fine Asian logs.

All times UTC // parallel frequency *sign-on sign-off*

5050, Guangxi Beibu Bay Radio, 1445-1551, Dec 15.Even though I have not reported on this in a while, it is routinely heard with mostly fair reception. In Vietnamese with Eeasy-listening pop songs. English heard as; "B-B-R", "Top Music", "B-B-R news", "B-B-R weather" and "This is Guangxi Beibu Bay Radio". Several months ago Mark Schiefelbein pointed out to me that the ID had in fact changed from the original "This is Beibu Bay Radio", so not sure just when the change occurred. Good catch Mark! Happy to hear they now use English IDs more than just at the top and bottom of the hour. They also give IDs in Vietnamese for their numerous FM frequencies and seemed to mention FM for Laos and Thailand also. Noted light to moderate interference from All INdia Radio-Aizawl. Head on // 9820 (poor/with interference. Website does not seem to be updated very often. Am pleased to see that the Voice of Strait never did return to 5050 (Ron Howard, Asilomar Beach, CA/Cumbre DX)

4850, All India Radio-Kohima, 1307, Dec 15. Poor reception. Heard 1311, Dec 16. Fair reception with local singing and chanting. Head 1315-1340 usual segment followed by news in Hindi and English (area is on a high security alert, Nagaland government has approved the building of a 500 MW power project that will be completed in four years, etc., followed by "the function was held at All India Radio Kohima" today to celebrate Christmas; "The function began with an invocation by . . ."; started the invocation, but at 1400 went off the air in midsentence. Glad to see this still broadcasting even after the end of the Hornbill Festival!

9595, All Indi aRadio, 0142-0203, Dec 16. Fair to good with Urdu service to Pakistan, noted on // 6155 (Bengaluru: fair-good), 7340 (Mumbai: fair) and 11620 (Delhi [Khampur]: weak/QRM); mostly with subcontinent singing. Surprised that 9595 sounded as strong as the 500 kW on 6155 (Ron Howard, Asilomar Beach, CA/Cumbre DX)

6130, Lao National Radio, 1419-1433, Dec 15 (Tuesday). Late starting, heard "Hi, I am Max", "Hello, my name is Kathy", "Welcome to New Dynamic English." Program of equal amounts of English and Laotian. Lesson of "What time did you get up?" Signal poor-fair (Ron Howard, Asilomar Beach, CA/Cumbre DX)

6049.6v, Radio Suara Islam via RTM, 1558-1600* Dec 15. End of program announcement to choral national anthem, followed by signal of 1+1 pips. Start of the "Salam FM" jingle and suddenly off. Problem with audio (hum/distorted/warble) (Ron Howard, Asilomar Beach,CA/Cumbre DX)