
Friday, December 11, 2009

Update on North Korean websites

Dear Hobbyists or friends of Korea!

To my big surprise the official North Korean website provides audio on demand wav.-files for the daily Korean language programmes of the Korean Central Broadcasting Station (KCBS) from Pyongyang, North Korea (DPR Korea). Just click

and you'll find links to seperate program items such as news, commentary or even peaces of music. Click (top) for the opening with interval signals, Korean announcements and national aaanthem, at: (last)

you'll hear the closing announcement and again the national anthem. You may also download the files onto your computer. Download or online opening of files may be rather slow. Sometimes the offer doesn't work at all. Let's hope they will soon extend the service to all foreign language programming as well.

If you do NOT wish Big Brother to monitor your online movements on that website you may use the secure server:

Good luck, best wishes and SEASON'S GREETINGS to all of you,
(Arnulf Piontek, Berlin, Germany/HCDX)