
Friday, December 18, 2009

Weekend relays on shortwave

Saturday Dec. 19 2009

Radio City relay

Frequency: 9510 kHz

Dear Listeners,
This Saturday the 19th of December 2009 Radio City will return to the airwaves via Nexus (ex. IRRS) with 150 kW.

The time slot is 09.00 - 10.00 UTC

Our contact address is still
Best regards Radio City - the Station of the Cars

Hello Radio Friends
Because of the huge solar flare activity , the highest for this cycle 24 so far I decided to use my spare time saturday, to try again to make it towards downunder last broadcast was 7 november this was when the solarflux was 72 A and K index were also poor but suprising enough, I got a report from NEW ZEALAND !! this was never in my thoughts, I was trilling when I got a letter from there.

Unfortenly my big amp have failed , it looks that I can't fix it before Saturday so i have to use my small amp this one will putting 150-200 watts into the three elements beam The beam is aimed towards central australia 70 degrees from my location the broadcast starts on 09:00 UTC and will end at 12:00 UTC, or maybe longer when there is a huge pile of response is coming up
For those who got problems with the right utc time , check this

Cupid Radio
15,070 MHz AM mode
start 09:00 - till at least 12:00 UTC

For this broadcast will be send out the special DX QSL card please inclose a photocard from the city were the signal is received drop this in the following mailbox adres

Cupid Radio
P.O. Box 9
8096 ZG

We were be also in the chatroom from Iann in France, you can find it here lots of pirates and listeners are here
later that day it is posible if the propagation is good that the beam will be turned towards the states we will be there then around 14:00 UTC

Well happy days everybody ,and a good 2010 greetings from the snowy cupid studio rinus

Sunday Dec. 20, 2009

European Music Radio relay

Date 20th of December 2009

Time 10.00 to 1100 UTC

Frequency: 6140 kHz

10.00 Tom Taylor program
10.30 Mike Taylor (Mail Box program)


EMR Internet radio service on Sunday and Monday

Program repeats are at the following times:

10.00, 13:00, 16:00, 19:00, 22:00 utc

Please visit and click on the “EMR internet radio” button

which you will find throughout the website (see the menu on the left).

Please send all reception reports to:
Good Listening 73s
(Tom Taylor)