
Thursday, January 28, 2010

Blog Logs

Special thanks to contributor Ron Howard for the following shortwave logs

All times UTC

// parellel frequency *sign-on sign-off*

7245, CNR-2/China Business Radio, 1430-1500, Jan 28."English Evening" program. Pop songs and commentary on fashion, Beijing having cold weather, etc. Business news and small amount of Chinese used // 6065, 6090, 6155, 7315, 7335, 7370, 7375, 9775
and 9820 (Ron Howard, Asilomar Beach, CA)

5910, Shiokaze - Sea Breeze via Yamata, 1402, Jan 28. Surprised to hear them with English on a Thursday, scheduled *1400 to 1430.* Tuned in to the usual information about COMJAN. Personal data about Japanese abductees believe taken to North Korea, starting with a 1967 abduction; this format is usually carried on Wednesday. Heavy jamming, which was noted before 1400 and still going at 1454. So will Friday be a second day in a row of English? (Ron Howard, Asilomar Beach, CA)

5050, All India Radio-Aizawl, 1620-1630.* Jan 27. DJ in English to pop songs in English (The Troggs with "Love Is All Around", etc.); sign off announcements in English and Hindi.

9425, AIR Bengaluru, 1435-1502, Jan 27. Wednesday edition of "Vividha" in English (also on Mondays); interview with Dr. Renu Malaviya, Associate Professor, Lady Irwin College, University of Delhi, about autism. Reads poems about women, this is "Girl Child Week" in India; fair (Ron Howard, Asilomar Beach, CA)

4850, AIR Kohima, 1326-1334, Jan 28. Usual segment of indigenous singing and chanting during this time period. Assume in vernacular. Tuned away at 1334 and found off the air at 1337 check.Victor A. Goonetilleke (Sri Lanka) also heard them today about 1300.Surprised to still hear them here after their special Republic Day broadcast (Ron Howard, Asilomar Beach, CA)

3976.02, RRI Pontianak, 1510, Jan 27. Bahasa Indonesia. Concert of western classical music; mentioned names of "Conductor" and "Concertmaster"; held at "Jakarta Auditorium." Pop Indonesian songs, 1600 several "Radio Republik Indonesia Pontianak" IDs to list of frequencies, mostly FM. Poor signal to fair with amateur radio interference. Map of "Coverage Area" at, with list of frequencies, showing "3976.8 KHz" (Ron Howard, Asilomar,Beach, CA)

6049.6v, Salam FM via RTM, 1604-1616*, Jan 27. Vernacular. Reciting from the Qur'an, "Salam FM" jingles. Considerable variety as to when they go off the air (Ron Howard, Asilomar Beach,CA)

4975, Voice of Russia via Dushanbe-Yangiyul, 1508, Jan 28. English with "News and Views"; the strongest I have heard them here (Ron Howard, Asilomar Beach, CA)