
Thursday, January 28, 2010

Radio Pakistan to launch new language services to Asia

Text of report by official news agency Associated Press of Pakistan (APP)

Radio Pakistan is launching Nepali, Sinhala and Tamil language programmes from its external services from 1 February. The new programmes of half an hour duration in each of these languages will comprise different segments covering news, commentaries, socio-economic development and cultural activities of the South Asian Region, said a press release here on Thursday 28 January.

Radio Pakistan’s external service is already broadcasting programs in seven languages including Bengal, Hindi, Chinese, Gujrat, Pushto, Dari and Farsi.

The external services programs mainly focus on projecting Pakistan policy objectives in the context of regional and international issues besides forging close relations with the world community.

The launching of new programmes will help promote mutual understanding and cooperation with Nepal and Sri Lanka.

(Source: Associated Press of Pakistan news agency, Islamabad, in English 28 Jan 10 via BBC Monitoring)
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