
Saturday, January 02, 2010

Trophy for the Best VHF DX Expedition of the Year 2009

The MMMonVHF VHF-DX-Portal is happy to invite all VHF enthusiasts and VHF-DX'ers to join the new survey to identified the "The Best VHF DX Expedition of the Year 2009".

The aim of the survey is to thank the very hard efforts of those, who organized and carried out so many nice expeditions and trips all around the world on the VHF bands in the past year 2009.

Participation period:
01. January 2009 to 31 December 2009

Voting period:
01. January 2010 - 20. January 2010

All modes are allowed

Participation rules:
Persons or Groups who organized and carried out some kind of exped. in the 144 MHz band segment via Meteor Scatter or Earth-Moon-Earth propagation. Expeditions / Activities have had to be spread out on the VHF-DX-Portal in the year 2009 and must have found their way into the "REVIEW" section of MMMonVHF. (Any Expeditions which were held by members of the MMMonVHF Group are not allowed to participate at this contest! Those expeditions (e.g., YO/HA5KFV [HA5CRX], DR5O [DL8EBW] etc.) will be hidden on the voting page! As well MMM-Members will NOT be allowed to participate and vote for any expedition!) After some experiments the last two years, the MMMonVHF team decided to separate the voting into two independent categories, one for MS and one for EME activities.

Everybody has granted an access to vote to the "Best DXpedition of The Year 2009" as follow. Please Login at the VHF-DX-Portal with your account and you may reach the voting page directly from your User Account Page. You will be able to vote by selecting a maximum of 5 expeditions altogether in both (MS/EME) categories by ticking the box in front of the expeditions. Please do not send any email to MMMonVHF including your votes! Voting will be only online possible after your personal login to your User Account at the MMMonVHF website.

Final Score:
One vote from the User will count one point. All 3 votes are equal in points in each category. The voting page will be available by direct link from your User Account page from up 1 st of January 2010 until 20 th of January 2010.

The results will be published at 1st of February 2010 at the VHF-DX-Portal

The winner of the contest of each category will be the expedition or activity group with the highest voting points!

- If the same expedition has more than 1 place in the top 3, only one price will be awarded.
- If the best expedition wins in both categories, the winner will get only one award.
The Following Awards have been defined:

1st place: Trophy (sponsored by Frank, DL8YHR -TNX!) and one MMMonVHF
2nd One MMMonVHF T-shirt
3rd place: One MMMonVHF T-shirt

Furthermore among all voters One MMMonVHF T-shirt will be raffled by random chance. Many thanks for your participation and have fun !
(Jani, HA5CRX on behalf of the Team of MMMonVHF)
(Dave Raycroft, VA3RJ/ICPO)