
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Deutsche Welle redevelopes iPhone news app

Deutsche Welle has redeveloped its iPhone news application and will be presenting it at the Mobile World Congress (MWC) in Barcelona. The DW News Portal offers users from around the world access to multimedia content on the go - including news, background information and features. More information is available at and the app can be downloaded for free at the iTunes Store.

Specifically for its iPhone application, Deutsche Welle provides its live TV broadcast in four different qualities. This allows News Portal to make use of Apple’s new adaptive streaming technology, thus greatly enhancing the mobile viewing experience, as the iPhone seamlessly and dynamically adapts the video picture quality to the mobile environment.

The “DW News Portal” is also available in seven different languages, including English, German, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Spanish and Turkish.

“Deutsche Welle has always been on the forefront of innovation and our updated news app is just another way of providing great multimedia content to our global audience,” says Erik Bettermann, Deutsche Welle’s Director General. “By offering this application in so many different languages, we are ensuring that those who are interested in European news and insights will have access to it - no matter where they are.”

The MWC is taking place from February 15-18 in Barcelona and Deutsche Welle is in attendance to not only present its new iPhone app, but also to highlight its mobile services, with digital content ranging from audio and video podcasts to live-streaming and articles, all available in 30 languages. Germany’s international broadcaster also offers German courses for mobile devices and mobile portals in several different languages - something that has been especially popular. Deutsche Welle will be presenting all of its mobile products and services in Hall 1, Stand B13
(Source: Deutsche Welle/R Netherlands Media Network Weblog)