
Saturday, February 06, 2010

TWR Asia renews cooperation with Sri Lanka

The Asian division of Christian broadcaster Trans World Radio has signed a new contract on January 12 with the Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation to continue broadcasting from its transmitter site in Puttalam.

TWR-Asia has been working with the oldest radio station in South Asia for the past 33 years and currently broadcasts a total of 77 programmes in 24 languages via the station.

Under the new contract, which was signed after months of negotiations and discussions between both sides and which will take effect on 1 Feb 2010, the cooperation will continue for the next three years with an option to extend it for another two years.

TWR-Asia International Director Sebastian Chan said: “TWR has had a good partnership with SLBC for the last 33 years. The signing of the new contract is a testament to those years of cooperation, collaboration and trust. It is a privilege to be working with SLBC. We look forward to more years of working together, and are excited to see what possibilities the future brings for both TWR and SLBC.”

David Butler, the Director of Ministry Operations, added: “Through the entire process, we saw God’s hand at work in many ways – both big and small. We rejoice in these things, that they all came together. We continue to believe that God is moving in our ministry to South Asia, and we have another three years to reach the people of South Asia.

“Radio is still the best way to reach the masses, but we look forward to augmenting the radio broadcasts by connecting with the listeners through the internet, mobile phones, and other means of communication. Christ is transforming lives in South Asia through His word, and causing these lives to bear fruit. We rejoice that God has blessed us and allowed us to be part of this.”

Founded in 1952 TWR helps lead millions of people speaking more than 200 languages and dialects in 160 countries around the world from doubt to decision to discipleship concerning Jesus Christ using radio, the internet and through face-to-face visits.

TWR-Asia broadcasts programmes across the region in more than 80 Asian languages and dialects. In addition, the ministry has undertaken many humanitarian projects including tsunami relief efforts, adopting HIV/AIDS villages in China, distributing radios in several Asian nations, ministering to women’s health needs and ministering to orphans in Cambodia.

Nathanael Ng

Thursday, Jan. 21, 2010 Posted: 12:58:16PM HKT
(Fource: )
(Yimber Gaviria)