
Friday, February 12, 2010

What does the future hold for US broadcasting to Cuba ?

The new Spanish news program being produced jointly by the Voice of America and Radio Martí has raised questions about the future of US broadcasts to Cuba. Opinions in Washington are split as to whether ‘A Fondo’ marks the beginning of the end of Radio Martí as a seaparate entity, or is simply a way to try and be more efficient.

The Miami Herald has looked into this story in some detail. It quotes Alberto Mascaro, a Miami native and former Office of Cuban Broadcasting executive, who recently took the helm of VOA’s Spanish-language service in Washington. He says the cooperation is not about politics but about the best use of resources. Mr Mascaro insists both organizations adhere to the same standards and serve important but distinct missions.

The newspaper points out that the Office of Cuban Broadcasting faces budget cuts. Last year it was forced to lay off more than 20 staffers. While larger VOA’s 2011 budget request of $206.8 million is up slightly over previous years, Cuban broadcasting’s request of $29.2 million is down about $4 million from 2007
(R Netherlands Media Network Weblog)

U.S. broadcast to Cuba get stronger