
Friday, March 26, 2010

2009 Clandestine Shortwave Activity Survey

from Mathias Kropf – Bad Hersfeld, Germany

During the year 2009 the activity of political clandestine stations broadcasting on shortwave has decreased by 13.4 % to 1088 Weekly Broadcasting Hours (WBHs). This is the lowest level of activity ever recorded since this survey has been introduced in the year 1986 (so far the low had been 1116 WBHs in the year 1999).

The activity of clandestine stations broadcasting to target areas on the Asian continent has dropped by 18.7 % to 744 WBHs. On the American continent the activity has decreased by 8.4 % to 197 WBHs. However, on the African continent the activity has even increased (although from a very low level) by 21.5 % to 147 WBHs.

For the second year in a row the most active target area worldwide is North Korea with 252 WBHs (+7 when compared with last year), followed by China P.R. with 226 WBHs (+2). On the third place is Cuba with 197 WBHs (-18).

The number of different target areas active worldwide has remained unchanged at 17, although some changes have occurred. While Laos and Iran are no longer thought to be active, Madagascar and Sudan have emerged as new/reactivated target areas.