
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Sentec A10 schedules

The following stations use Sentech transmitting facilities in Meyerton, South Africa.

A10 schedules
Effective: 28 March 2010 - 30 October 2010

Time (UTC)Freq (KHz)Tx kW Target Area Language

Adventist World Radio
1700-1730 9600 250 East Africa Swahili
1730-1800 9600 250 East Africa Masai
1800-1830 3215 100 Botswana,Namibia English
1800-1830 3345 100 Zimbabwe,Zambia English
1800-1830 9610 250 East Africa English

Radio Bar Kulan (Clandestine)
1600-1700 9930 500 Somalia Somali

0300-0400 6145 500 West Africa English
0300-0330 6155 500 East & Central Africa Swahili
0300-0600 6190 100 Southern Africa English
0300-0600 3255 100 Southern Africa English
0400-0430 6155 250 East Africa Swahili
0400-0600 7310 250 West Africa English
0430-0530 3380 100 S.Mozambique Portuguese*
0430-0530 6145 250 N.Mozambique Portuguese*
0500-0600 11925 250 East & Central Africa Kirundi #
0530-0600 11925 250 East & Central Africa Kirundi ##
0600-0700 12015 250 West Africa English
0600-1600 6190 100 Southern Africa English
0600-1400 9860 100 Southern Africa English
0700-0730 17640 500 West Africa French
0700-0800 17830 500 West Africa English
1330-1530 11705 500 East & Central Africa Swahili #
1400-1600 7230 100 Southern Africa English
1500-1530 7405 500 East & Central Africa English
1530-1615 7405 500 East & Central Africa Swahili ##
1530-1630 7405 500 East & Central Africa Swahili *
1530-1700 7405 500 East & Central Africa English #
1600-2200 3255 100 Southern Africa English
1600-2200 6190 100 Southern Africa English
1615-1700 7405 500 East & Central Africa English ##
1630-1700 7405 500 East & Central Africa Kirundi *
1630-1745 11705 100 East Africa Swahili #
1700-1900 7405 250 East & Central Africa English
1745-1800 7230 500 East & Central Africa Swahili
1800-1830 5985 250 Indian Ocean Isles French
2030-2100 3380 100 S. Mozambique Portuguese*
2030-2100 6135 250 N. Mozambique Portuguese*
2030-2100 6065 500 Angola Portuguese*
2100-2200 7405 100 West Africa English
2200-2300 5935 100 West Africa English
* Monday to Friday
# Saturday
## Sunday

Channel Africa
0300-0355 6135 250 East & Central Africa English
0300-0500 3345 100 Southern Africa English
0500-0800 7230 100 Southern Africa English
0600-0655 15255 250 Far West Africa English
0800-1200 9625 100 Southern Africa English
1200-1300 9625 100 Southern Africa Nyanja
1300-1400 9625 100 Southern Africa Lozi
1400-1600 9625 100 Southern Africa English
1500-1555 15660 250 East & Central Africa Swahili
1600-1655 15235 250 West Africa French
1700-1755 9675 500 West Africa English
1900-2000 3345 100 Southern Africa Portuguese

Deutsche Welle
0500-0530 9825 250 Central Africa English
1700-1800 9735 100 Central Africa French

1600-1700 11770 100 Sudan Various *
* Every day but Friday

Family Radio
1600-1700 6225 250 Madagascar Malagasy
1700-1800 6225 100 Madagascar French
1800-1900 9495 250 East Africa Kinyarwanda
1800-1900 6180 100 East Africa English
1900-2000 5930 250 East Africa Swahili
1900-2000 6100 100 Angola Portuguese
1900-2000 3955 100 Mozambique Portuguese
1900-2000 3230 100 Southern Africa English

FEBA Radio
1600-1700 12125 250 East Africa Amharic
1730-1800 5890 250 East Africa Silte

Hirondelle Foundation
0400-0500 11690 250 Central Africa French

IBRA Radio
1730-1800 9615 100 Somalia Somali

Radio Dialogue
1755-1855 4895 100 Zimbabwe English

Radio France International
0500-0700 11605 100 West Africa French
0600-0700 11830 250 Angola Portuguese
0700-0800 15170 250 West Africa French
1200-1300 17660 250 Central Africa French

Radio Sonder Grense
0500-0800 7285 100 Northern Cape,RSA Afrikaans
0800-1600 9650 100 Northern Cape,RSA Afrikaans
1600-0500 3320 100 Northern Cape,RSA Afrikaans

1930-2030 6225 100 Central Africa English

SA Radio League
0800-0900* 7205 100 Southern Africa English
0800-0900* 17570 250 East Africa English
1905-2005** 3215 100 Southern Africa English
* Sunday
** Monday

Trans World Radio
0330-0345 7215 250 Ethiopia 1234567 Amharic
0600-0645 11640 500 Nigeria 12345 English
0600-0615 11640 500 Nigeria 67 English
1557-1627 9675 250 Burundi 12345 Kirundi
1625-1655 9660 500 Somalia 12345 Somali
1625-1640 9660 500 Somalia 7 Somali
1718-1733 7265 250 Mozambique 1234567 Yao
Day 1 = Monday, Day 2 = Tuesday…

Voice Of America
0530-0600 9880 100 West Africa French
1600-1630 11695 100 East Africa Kirundi #
1700-1730 6080 100 West Africa English
1800-1830 12120 100 West Africa Portuguese*
1830-2030 6080 100 West Africa French
# Saturday
* Monday to Friday
(BCL/Alokesh Gupta, New Delhi, India)

Australia, HCJB Global - A10 schedules

Effective: 28 March - 30 October 2010

broadcast days as indicated
target areas: as (Asia) pa (Pacific)

All times UTC

0115-0130 h 15400as
1315-1330 h 15340as

0230-0245 Sat/Sun 15400as
1430-1445 Sat/Sun 15340as

0245-0300 15400as
0730-0800 11750pa
0800-0900 11750pa
0900-0930 11750pa
1130-1200 Sat/Sun 15400as
1200-1300 Sat/Sun 15400as
1300-1330 15400as
1445-1500 Sat/Sun 15340as
1500-1530 15340as

0000-0030 15525as
1130-1200 mtwhf 15400as

0115-0130 m 15400as
1315-1330 m 15340as

0200-0230 15400as
1330-1400 15340as

0230-0245 f 15400as
1430-1445 f 15340as

Indonesian (Bahasa)
0000-0030 mtwhfa 15400as
1145-1200 15340as
1230-1300 mtwhfa 15340as
1300-1330 mtwhfa 15340as
2345-0000 15400as

2230-2300 Sat/Sun 15525as

0230-0245 mh 15400as
1430-1445 mh 15340as

Malay (Bahasa)
1200-1230 Sun 15340as

0115-0130 Sun 15400as
1315-1330 Sun 15340as

1030-1100 15400as
1100-1130 15400as
1330-1400 15400as
1400-1430 15400as
2230-2300 mtwhf 15525as
2300-0000 15525as

0115-0130 w 15400as
1315-1330 w 15340as

0230-0245 t 15400as
1430-1445 t 15340as

Myanmar (Rawang)
0000-0030 Sun 15400as
0030-0100 15400as
1230-1300 15340as

0100-0115 15400as
1300-1315 15340as

0115-0130 f 15400as
1315-1330 f 15340as

0115-0130 Sat 15400as
1315-1330 Sat 15340as

0230-0245 w 15400as
1430-1445 w 15340as

0115-0130 t 15400as
0130-0200 15400as
1315-1330 t 15340as
1400-1430 15340as

DX Partyline (media program)
0800-0815 Sat 11750pa
1315-1330 Sat 15400as
1515-1530 Sat 15340as
(BCL/Alokesh Gupta, New Delhi, India)

La Voz Crista - A10 schedule

Chile, La Voz Crista - Portuguese/Spanish A10 schedule

Effective: 28 March - 30 October 2010
target area: South America
broadcast daily unless otherwise indicated

All times UTC

0000-0100 6070sa 11665sa
0100-0200 6070sa 11665sa
1200-1300 9635sa 17680sa
1300-1400 9635sa 17680sa
1400-1500 9635sa 17680sa
1500-1600 9635sa 17680sa
1600-1700 9635sa 17680sa
1700-1800 9635sa 17680sa
1800-1900 9635sa 17680sa
1900-2000 9635sa 17680sa
2000-2100 9635sa 17680sa
2100-2200 9635sa 17680sa
2200-2300 9635sa 17680sa
2300-0000 6070sa 11665sa

1800-1900 17640sa
1900-2000 17640sa
((DX Mix News 616)

Radio Sweden - A10 schedules

Effective: 28 March - 30 October 2010

broadcast days as indicated
target areas: as (Asia) eu (Europe) va (various aeas) al (alternative frequency)

This will be the last broadcast schedule for Radio Sweden. Plans are to convert to online services 31 October 2010.

All times UTC

1730-1800 mtwhf 13600me

1600-1630 hf 13870me

0130-0200 6010na (via Sackville, Canada relay)
0230-0300 6010na (via Sackville, Canada relay) 9510vas (via Madagascar relay)
1330-1400 15735va
1430-1500 13820va
1530-1600 13870va 13600al
1700-1730 13870va 13600va
2030-2100 9495va (via Madagascar relay)
2130-2200 7460va (via Madagascar relay)

1630-1700 mtwhf 13870me

1600-1630 mtw 13870me

1900-1930 mtwhf 6130eu 6135eu

1300-1330 12075va
1430-1500 11870eu 11550eu
1630-1700 9630eu
1830-1900 6065eu
1930-2000 6065eu

0100-00130 6010na (via Sackville, Canada relay)
0200-0230 6010na (via Sackville, Canada relay) 9510as (via Madagascar relay)
0400-0500 mtwhf 9490va
0500-0600 mtwhf 6065va
0600-0700 mtwhf 9490va
1200-1230 15735as
1300-1330 15735as
1400-1430 13820as 15735as
1500-1530 13590va 13870va
1545-1600 6065va
1600-1615 mtwhf 6065va
1700-1730 mtwhf 13600va
1800-1830 6065va 13710va
1900-1930 6065va
2000-2030 9495va (via Madagascar relay)
2100-2130 6065va 7460va (via Madagascar relay)
Alexey Zinevich, Bulgaria/WWDXC Top News/BCL)

Monday, March 29, 2010

Radio Romania International resumes weekly podcast

Radio Romania International (RRI) has resumed a weekly podcast in English, with an RSS feed. RRI’s program, broadcast on Sunday at 1700 UTC, will be available on the WRN servers and also on podcast directories, such as iTunes and Juicer.
(Source: Radio Romania International/etherlands Media Network Weblog)

Blog Logs

All times UTC // parallel frequency *sign-on sign-off*

6230U VMW Wiluna, W.A. *1300-1310.* Weather warnings for northern, western, and southern Australian waters. Good signal.(John Wilkins-CO)

6134.73, Radio Santa Cruz, 1040-1100. Heard a person who sounded like a cartoon character talking in Spanish language. Then again, it could have been an older person. This possibly was a radio drame. Audio was just bad enough where details were difficult to catch. Signal drops from a poor to threshold by the top of the hour. (Chuck Bolland, FL)

6059.98, Super Radio Deus é Amor, Curitiba PR, 2301-2315. Station ID announcements at 2303. Portuguese religious talk. Poor with adjacent channel splatter. Good signal on // 11765.(Brian Alexander, PA)

6165, RNT, 0457-0537. Audible after Radio Nederland sign off at 0457 with Afro-pop, hi-life music. French talk. Local drums at 0529. Poor to fair. (Brian Alexander, PA)

6165, RNT, 2150-2230.* African hi-life music. Local drums at 2200. French talk. Sign off with National Anthem at2229. Fair but some weak co-channel interference. (Brian Alexander, PA)

9450, China Radio International, 1112-1125. Noted a female in unknown language, listed as Mongolian listed. Spots in Chinese with news. At 1115 a male takes over comments. Signal was good and listed as Xian being used for relay. (Chuck Bolland, FL)

5910 Shiokaze *1400-1430.* Usual piano opening routine and man/woman in Japanese talk to 1425, then closedown routine and off at exactly 1430. Good signal.(John Wilkins-CO)

6035.02, LV del Guaviare, San José Guaviare, 0935-1003. Spanish talk. ID at 1000. Announcements, promos. Poor in noisy conditions. (Brian Alexander, PA)

9525.89, Voice of Indonesia, *0953-1015. Sign on in unidentified language. Local pop music. English at 1000 with news. IDs. Too weak at sign on to ID the language but improved somewhat by 1000. Still too weak at 1000 to pull out many program details. (Brian Alexander, PA)

4749.95, RRI Makassar, 1100-1115. At tune in, heard a male briefly comment which was probably an ID, then a female continue with news in Indonesian language. At 1110, the male returns with comments. This signal was poor and fading to threshold by 1115(Chuck Bolland, FL)

9525.866, Voice of Indonesia, 1125-1135. Noted music program to female's comments between tunes in English.tat6ion ID noted as, "Voice of Indonesia." Additional announcer at 1128, as signal was fair. (Chuck Bolland, FL)

9680, RRI Jakarta, 1130-1140. Indo music to brief fanfare and comments in Indonesian. Signal was good. (Chuck Bolland, FL)

4925 RRI Jambi(presumed) 1320-1335+. Sub-continental and other music. Fair signal but could not tell if power increase, or make out much since the band noise here is still S-9. First time heard in several weeks.(John Wilkins-CO)

India (Goa)
15175, All India Radio (Panaji), 1549-1559, Gujarati. Talk by man and woman with some music, possibly a drama. Good signal strength with a few momentary cutouts. Unfortunately, abysmal audio, muffled and mushy, made the signal almost painful to hear, especially when music was played. Announcement by man at 1559, then gone. (Jim Evans, TN)

4850, AIR Kohima, 1214. Naga Christian songs to 1300 program highlights of English and Hindi. Sports show explaining about billiards and snooker. Usual Naga segment to 1340-1358 news (Hindi/English) with mostly items about Nagaland Governor Kumar (reception held at Mokokchung town hall; remarks made at Nagaland University)plus charity football exhibition match held in Kohima and item about the shortage of manpower at the AIR Kohima station; from 1358 till suddenly off at 1423: rock music show. Reception much better than yesterday, but still had a few occurrences with short breaks in their broadcast (Ron Howard,Asilomar Beach, CA)

5030, Sarawak FM via RTM, 1231-1234. The final Muslim call to prayer of the day (Isha, night prayer)(Ron Howard, Asilomar Beach, CA)

7295 Traxx FM 1117-1149+. Pop music, hosted in English by male announcer. Five minute talk by lady announcer at 1145. Followed by more music, tuned out at 1151. Fair signal with significant 7290/7300 splatter. Re-checked at 1201 and the freq had been taken over by a strong Chinese station. (John Wilkins, CO)

5770, Myanmar Defense Forces Br. Station, 1511-1528* Regular programming (pop music and segments of talking. In vernacular till sign announcement and indigenous theme music till off.

5915, Myanma Radio - Minorities and Distance Learning Services, 1502-1511.* Non-stop lecture till sign-off announcement and indigenous theme music. Slightly better than China Radio International, which is fairly rare.

Northern Marianas
9465, KFBS (Saipan - Marpi) (presumed), 1501-1511, Russian. Talk by man and woman. Poor to moderate signal with some fading. (Jim Evans, TN)

9975, Nippon no Kaze (Medorn), 1509-1521, Korean. Man and woman talking with an occasional few bars of music. Slow, deliberate talk by man over music at 1517. Asian music at 1521. Poor signal, declining throughout the broadcast. (Jim Evans, TN)

Papua New Guinea
3260 NBC Madang(presumed) 1209-1235+. Male/female announcers in animated talk. Musical break at 1224, followed by more talk. Fair signal, check the frequency and they were still there at 1300 and 1330, although weaker. (John Wilkins-CO)

3275 Radio Southern Highlands(presumed) 1156-1209+. Vocal music to 1201, followed by male announcer's talk to 129 tune-out. Sounded like English but not sure. Fair at best. Still there at 1300 and 1330 rechecks. Other PNG's noted on 3260, 3290, 3315, 3365, and 3905. (John Wilkins-CO)

6019.30, Radio Victoria, 0815-0830. Noted Victoria without any serious interference at this hour except for splatter from Radio Marti on 6030. Female announcer's comments in Spanish. Splatter noted via Radio Marti, overwhelms Victoria making it barely audible by 0830. (Chuck Bolland, FL)

17745, Sudan Radio Service (Sines), 1536-1546, English. Man and woman talking about elections with mention of Sudan. Brief music at 1539 followed by woman talking about the National Election Commission. At 1543 two women discussed appropriate behavior if your candidate loses. Moderate signal with extremely deep fades into the noise. (Jim Evans, TN)

4989.94, Radio Apintie, (presumed), 1101-1115. Caught a very weak signal here, with a person in comments. Cannot pull out any details due to the threshold signal. (Chuck Bolland, FL)

11715, KJES (Vado, NM), 1522-1525, Spanish. Talk by woman. Strong signal with low audio and tremendous hum. Really not worth expending the power required to broadcast the signal if this is the best audio they can produce. (Jim Evans, TN)

15550 USB, WJHR, Milton, FL, 1500-1515. English religious talk. ID at 1502. Gospel music. Fair signal but occasional deep fades. Also heard with a good signal at 1725. (Brian Alexander, PA)

3252.70, WWRB, 0840-0850. Noted a female in English with program comments. Noted the signal being muffled and weak. This is a "Spur" from a placed called Manchester. I don't have the State unfortunately. (Chuck Bolland, FL)

Russia drops two time zones to boost economy

Russia reduced the number of its time zones to nine from 11 today after President Dmitry Medvedev said this could make the nation more manageable to run and boost its economy. Mr Medvedev said in a state of the nation address last November that the sprawling nation ought to reduce the number of its time zones, and that China and the United States ran efficiently with much fewer time zones.

As Russia adjusted its clocks forward one hour this morning (March 28) to shift to summer time, its easternmost Chukotka and Kamchatka peninsulas, located near the US state of Alaska, went from being nine hours ahead of Moscow to eight, joining the same time zone as the neighboring Magadan region.

The Samara region on the Volga river and Udmurtia in the Urals - the European part of Russia - lost their own time zone one hour ahead of Moscow and were brought into line with Moscow time.

Kemerovo, the only Siberian region four hours ahead of Moscow, joined a group of Siberian regions three hours ahead of the Russian capital.

Russia occupies some 17 million square km (6.6 million square miles), making it by far the largest nation in the world, and covers more than a ninth of the Earth’s land area. President Medvedev has suggested that the number of Russia’s time zones could eventually be reduced to just five. He has also told government experts to study whether to continue the practice of shifting summer to winter time and back every year.
(Source: Reuters/R Netherlands Media Network Weblog)

ITU calls on Iran to stop jamming

The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) today called on Iran to stop jamming foreign radio and television broadcasts, following European complaints. ITU spokesman Sanjay Acharya said that “interference emanating from the territory of the Islamic Republic of Iran… appear to be of a nature which is forbidden under radio regulations.” The ITU’s radio regulation board “urged the administration of Iran to continue its efforts in locating the source of interference and to eliminate it as a matter of the highest priority.” he added.

The regulation board issued its call following a complaint lodged by France on behalf of the management of the Eutelsat telecommunications satellite whose emissions to Iran were being jammed. Acharya acknowledged that the ITU could not impose any sanctions against Tehran before its next world congress in some two years’ time. “What we can do at this moment is to add pressure on the government of Iran,” he said.

EU foreign ministers on Monday vowed to “act” against the Iranian state’s unacceptable jamming of satellite broadcasts and Internet controls, showing the bloc’s increasing impatience with Tehran. Nearly 70 foreign radio and television stations that transmit via the Eutelsat satellite to Iran were jammed on 11 February, the 31st anniversary of the Islamic Revolution, they said.
(Source: AFP/R Netherlands Media Network Weblog)

TDP adjust DRM schedule

There will be a change in the TDP DRM schedule with the start of the A10 season (28 March, 2010.

Bonaire will replace Montsinery. Frequency will be 15755 kHz, power 100 kW antenna HR 4/4/0.3 at 320 degrees.
via Simone Stöppler, forum moderator
(DRMNA/Brendan Wahl WA7HL,Bisbee AZ)

Transmitter cuts from Radio Rossii

It seems some of Radio Rossii shortwave transmitters will leave the air for good starting April 1, 2010, due to stress of money.

I do not have all info yet but among these for a long time usable ones will be:
5930 Murmansk (0100-2100 UTC during the summer seasons)
6085 Krasnoyarsk (2100-1700)
6160 Arkhangelsk (0100-2100)
6195 Ulan Ude (2100-0100)

Voice of America - A10 schedules

Effective: 28 March - 30 October 2010
broadcast daily unless otherwise indicated

All times UTC

Afaan Oromo
1730-1800 11520 11905 11925 12140 13870 Mon-Fri

0500-0530 5945
1600-1630 6040
1830-1900 3995

1800-1900 9620 11520 11905 11925 11975 12140 13835 13870 15730

1730-1800 7220 9850 13580

1600-1700 1575 7260 9320

0000-0030 1575 5955 7430 9320
0130-0300 11820 15110 17775
1130-1230 11965 15620 17775
1430-1500 1575 5865 9320 11910 12120
1500-1530 5865 9320 11910 12120
1500-1530 1575 Sat/Sun
1530-1600 1575 5865 9940
1600-1630 5865 9940
2300-0000 6185 7430 9320

1300-1500 1170 7365 9355

Chinese (Mandarin)
0000-0200 9545 11830 11925 15170 15385 17765
0200-0300 9545 11830 11925 15385 17765
0700-0900 13610 13740 15250 17775 17855 21705
0900-1000 11825 11965 13610 13740 15250 15665 17775
1000-1100 9845 11825 11965 12040 13610 15250 15665 17855
1100-1230 6110 9845 11785 11825 11990 12040 15255
1230-1300 6110 9845 11785 11805 11825 12040 15255
1300-1400 6110 9845 9985 11785 11805 11990 12040
1400-1500 6110 9845 11615 11805 11990 12040
2200-2300 6135 7205 9510 9845 11925 13775

Creole - NEW!
0000-0100 5835 7590
0100-0200 5835 7465
1130-1230 6135 9505 Mon-Fri
1630-1830 15390 17565
1830-2000 15390
2000-2200 11905 13725
2200-2300 7590 11905
2300-0000 5835 7590

0430-0500 5975
1830-1845 6145 7295

Dari (Radio Ashna)
0130-0230 1296 9335 12140
1530-1630 1296 9335 15090 15380
1730-1830 1296 7595 9335 11580
1930-2030 1296 7555 7595

Deewa Radio (Pashto)
0100-0400 9390 11535 12015
1300-1400 7495 9310 9380 9690 1400-1900 7495 9310 9380 9780
1400-1900 7495 9310 9380 9780

English to Europe, Middle East, and North Africa
0100-0130 1593
1400-1500 15530 17740
1500-1600 13570 15530

English to Africa
0300-0400 909 1530 4930 6080 9855 15580
0400-0430 909 1530 4930 4960 6080 9855 12080 15580
0430-0500 909 4930 4960 6080 12080 15580
0500-0600 909 4930 6080 12080 15580
0600-0700 909 1530 6080 12080 15580
1400-1500 4930 6080 12080 15580 17585
1500-1600 4930 6080 12080 15580 17895
1600-1700 909 1530 4930 6080 15580
1700-1730 6080 12015 15580 17895
1730-1800 12015 15580 17895
1800-1830 6080 9850 12015 15580
1800-1830 909 4930 Fri/Sat
1830-1900 909 4930 6080 9850 12015 15580
1900-1930 909 4930 4940 6080 9850 15580 17895
1930-2000 909 4930 4940 6080 9850 15580
2000-2030 909 1530 4930 4940 6080 15580
2030-2100 909 1530 4930 6080 15580
2030-2100 4940 Fri/Sat
2100-2200 1530 6080 15580

English to Zimbabwe
1730-1800 909 4930 11605 15775 Fri/Sat
1720-1740 909 4930 11605 15775 Fri/Sat/Sun
1800-1830 909 4930 11605 15775 (3-language talk show,Live Talk)Fri

English to Afghanistan
0000-0030 1296 7555
2030-0000 1296 7555

English to Far East Asia, South Asia, and Oceania
0100-0200 7430 9780 11705
1100-1200 1575 Sat/Sun
1200-1300 1170 7575 9510 9760 12075
1300-1400 7575 9510 9760 Sat/Sun
1400-1500 7540 7575 9760 Mon-Fri
1500-1600 7540 7575 12150
2200-2300 5895 5915 7460 7575 11955 Mon-Fri
2230-0000 1575 Fri/Sat
2300-0000 5895 5915 7575 11955

0000-0030 1593
0030-0100 1575 1593 7430 9715 9780 11725 15205 15290 15560 17820
0130-0200 1593 7465 9820 Tues-Sat
1500-1600 6140 7520 9485 9760
1600-1700 11890 12080 13570
1600-1700 1170 Mon-Fri
1900-2000 7485 9630
2230-2300 9570 11705 15145
2300-2330 1593 9570 13755 15145
2330-2400 1593 7460 9570 13755 15145 15340

French to Africa
0530-0600 1530 4960 6035 6095 9880 13710 Mon-Fri
0600-0630 4960 6035 6095 9880 13710 Mon-Fri
1830-2000 1530 6170 9815 17550
2000-2030 6170 9815 12080 15730 17550
2030-2100 9815 9830 12080 15185 15730 Sat/Sun
2100-2130 9815 9830 12035 12080 Mon-Fri

1530-1600 11945 15460
1600-1630 9850 15460
1700-1800 7435 11960

0500-0530 1530 4960 6045 9600
0700-0730 4960 11785 17800
1500-1530 11890 11905 13820
2030-2100 4940 6170 7230 9815 15185 Mon-Fri

0000-0030 9535 11805 13705
1130-1230 9700 9890 12010
1400-1500 7550 9945
2200-2400 7225 9535 11805

1330-1430 1575 5955 11540
2200-2230 1575 6060 9320 15340

0330-0430 7340 9540 11750
1600-1630 11750 12010 17785 Sat

1200-1300 1188 5890 7225 9490
1300-1500 1188 5890 7225 11935
1900-2100 648 5870 6060 7365

0500-0600 11645 15130 17750
1400-1500 1593 11645 15130 17750
1700-1800 11645 15130 17750
2000-2100 1593

1230-1300 1575 9810 11930

1800-1830 909 4930 11605 15775 Mon-Thu
1740-1800 909 4930 11605 15775 Fri/Sat/Sun
1800-1830 909 4930 11605 15775 (3-language talk show, Live Talk)Fri

Pashto (Radio Ashna)
0030-0130 1296 7555 9335
1430-1530 1296 9335 15090 15380
1630-1730 1296 9335 11565 11580
1830-1930 1296 7555 7595

Pashto (Deewa Radio)
0100-0400 9390 11535 12015
1300-1400 7495 9310 9380 9690

0130-0230 5970 6040 6105
1530-1600 1593 7295 9390 11780
1600-1630 1593 7295 9840 11780
1630-1730 1593 6040 9840 11780
1730-1800 1593 6040 7455 9840
1800-1830 648 1593 5860 6040 7455
1830-1900 648 5860 6040 7455
1900-1930 5860 6040 7455

Portuguese to Africa
1000-1030 17740 21590
1700-1800 1530 11955 12080 15740
1800-1830 1530 12080 12120 15740 Mon-Fri

1700-1730 909 4930 11605 15775 Mon-Thu ?
1700-1730 909 4930 11605 15775 Fri/Sat/Sun ?
1700-1730 909 4930 11605 15775 Fri ?

0330-0400 88.0 5945 12110 15460
1300-1400 88.0 13580 15440
1600-1630 88.0 1431 12110 15445
1630-1700 88.0 12110 15445
1700-1800 88.0 12110 15545

0000-0100 5890 9885 11625 Tues-Sat
1130-1200 9885 13715 15590 Mon-Fri
1200-1300 9885 13715 15590
2300-0000 5890 9885 11625

0300-0330 7380 9440 Mon-Fri
1630-1730 9815 15365 15730

0000-0100 7250 9480 9855
0300-0600 15265 15490 17735
1400-1500 7465 11510 11975
1600-1700 7330 7565 9565

1900-1930 11520 11905 11925 12140 13870 Mon-Fri

0330-0400 7265 Mon-Fri

Urdu (Radio Aap ki Dunyaa)
0000-0100 972 1539
0100-0200 972 1539 7460 11975
1400-1500 972 1539 11860 15725
1500-0000 972 1539

1500-1530 801 9670 11780 13755 15185

1300-1330 1575 5955 9720
1500-1600 1170 5955 7555 9355
2230-2330 6060 15340
(VOA/Alokesh Gupta, New Delhi, India)

Media Broadcast - A10 schedules

Effective: 28 March - 31 October 2010

Media Broadcast GmbH (formerly T-SYSTEMS - DTK)
Via: Austria/ France/ French Guiana/ Germany/

All times UTC

frq startstop ciraf loc pow ant azi day from to broad

3975 0400-0500 28 WER 250 ND 926 1234567 010710-311010 RBP
3975 1800-2000 28 WER 250 ND 926 1234567 280310-311010 YFR
3975 2200-2300 18,27,28WER 250 ND 926 1234567 010710-311010 RBP

5930 2359-0057 12, 14 GUF 500 215 156 1234567 280310-311010 YFR
5945 0700-0730 27,28N WER 100 300 216 1 280310-311010 BVB
5945 0700-0745 27,28N WER 100 300 216 7 280310-311010 BVB
5945 1100-1115 27,28 WER 250 ND 926 1 280310-311010 MWA
5945 1300-1400 27,28 WER 100 ND 926 1 280310-311010 RTR
5950 1659-2200 WER 500 ND 930 4 090610-090610 RNW
5950 1759-2200 WER 500 ND 930 5 240610-240610 RNW
5955 0558-0758 NAU 500 210 146 1234567 280310-311010 RNW
5955 1000-1200 NAU 500 210 146 234567 310510-290810 RNW
5955 1000-1657 NAU 500 210 146 1 280310-311010 RNW
5955 1200-1459 NAU 500 210 146 234567 030710-260710 RNW
5955 1200-1459 NAU 500 210 146 2 140610-140610 RNW
5955 1200-1459 NAU 500 210 146 7 190610-190610 RNW
5955 1459-1657 NAU 500 210 146 234567 280310-311010 RNW
6025 1000-1100 28 WER 100 ND 930 1234567 010710-311010 RBP
6035 0657-0757 NAU 500 186 216 23456 280310-311010 RNW
6035 0657-0800 NAU 500 186 216 1 7 280310-311010 RNW
6040 1630-1930 40 WER 250 105 216 1234567 280310-311010 IBB
6045 0900-1000 27E,28 WER 100 ND 926 1 280310-311010 HLR
6050 1700-1900 29 WER 250 45 208 1234567 280310-311010 IBB
6055 0900-0959 27,28 WER 100 90 201 1 280310-311010 CHW
6060 1600-1659 30S WER 250 75 208 1234567 280310-311010 IBB
6065 0300-0330 48 WER 250 135 216 1234567 280310-311010 AWR
6065 0400-0430 28E WER 100 120 201 1234567 280310-311010 AWR
6100 0200-0300 12, 14 GUF 500 215 156 1234567 280310-311010 YFR
6105 0130-0230 40 WER 250 105 216 1234567 280310-311010 IBB
6105 0642-0750 27 NAU 100 285 156 1 280310-311010 TWR
6105 0657-0750 27 NAU 100 285 156 23456 280310-311010 TWR
6105 0712-0750 27 NAU 100 285 156 7 280310-311010 TWR
6105 1700-1800 29 WER 250 60 201 1234567 280310-311010 IBB
6110 1400-1559 27,28W MOS 100 300 805 1234567 280310-311010 TOM
6115 2000-2200 37,38W NAU 250 210 216 1234567 280310-311010 YFR
6120 0759-1000 WER 250 255 216 23456 280310-311010 RNW
6125 1959-2200 NAU 500 225 146 1234567 310510-290810 RNW
6130 0330-0400 29, 30 WER 250 45 147 1234567 280310-311010 NHK
6130 1800-1815 28,29 WER 100 55 141 5 280310-311010 BVB
6130 1800-1830 28,29 WER 100 55 141 3 280310-311010 BVB
6130 1800-1845 28,29 WER 100 55 141 6 280310-311010 BVB
6130 1800-1900 28,29 WER 100 55 141 1 280310-311010 BVB
6130 1830-1845 28,29 WER 100 55 141 7 280310-311010 BVB
6140 0900-1000 27,28 WER 125 ND 926 1 280310-311010 MVB
6140 1000-1059 27,28 WER 100 ND 926 1 280310-280310 MVB
6140 1700-1800 28 WER 100 ND 930 1234567 010710-311010 RBP
6150 0100-0200 3,4,6,7 WER 250 300 216 1234567 010710-311010 RBP
6175 1930-2015 37,38 WER 250 150 201 1 280310-311010 PAB
6175 1930-2030 37,38 WER 250 150 201 7 280310-311010 PAB

7215 1357-1430 28,29,30WER 100 60 208 23456 280310-311010 TWR
7215 1357-1500 28,29,30WER 100 60 208 1 7 280310-311010 TWR
7230 1900-1930 39N WER 250 105 216 1234567 280310-311010 FEB
7260 1500-1559 30S WER 250 90 208 1234567 280310-311010 IBB
7280 0030-0500 40 WER 250 105 216 1234567 280310-311010 IBB
7290 2100-2159 46E,47 WER 500 180 217 1234567 280310-311010 YFR
7295 1600-1629 30S WER 250 105 216 1234567 280310-311010 IBB
7340 1600-1630 28E WER 100 120 201 1234567 280310-311010 AWR
7360 2200-0057 12,13,15GUF 500 170 151 1234567 280310-311010 YFR
7370 1030-1100 27,28 WER 125 ND 926 1 7 280310-311010 EMG
7375 0100-0500 2,3,4,5 NAU 100 325 216 1234567 280310-090510 HRT
7375 0100-0500 2,3,4,5 NAU 100 325 216 1234567 070910-311010 HRT
7375 2200-0300 11,12,13WER 100 240 216 1234567 280310-090510 HRT
7375 2200-0300 11,12,13WER 100 240 216 1234567 070910-311010 HRT
7375 2300-0300 6,7,8,9 WER 100 300 216 1234567 280310-090510 HRT
7375 2300-0300 6,7,8,9 WER 100 300 216 1234567 070910-311010 HRT
7405 0030-0100 41 WER 250 90 217 1234567 280310-311010 BVB
7410 0700-0800 27,28 WER 125 ND 926 2 290310-311010 BVB
7420 2200-2300 37,38W WER 250 210 215 1234567 280310-311010 YFR
7425 2100-2200 46,47,52WER 500 180 216 1234567 280310-311010 YFR
7445 1600-1700 29,30 WER 250 60 216 1234567 280310-311010 IBB

9430 1800-1815 39,40 WER 250 120 217 1 280310-311010 BVB *
9430 1800-1859 39,40 WER 250 120 217 7 280310-311010 BVB
9430 1815-1830 39,40 WER 250 120 217 1 280310-311010 BVB
9430 1830-1859 39,40 WER 250 120 217 6 280310-311010 BVB
9435 0030-0130 40E,41NWWER 250 90 217 1234567 280310-311010 GFA
9435 1800-1830 37NW NAU 125 230 146 1 280310-311010 BVB
9440 1526-1559 29S,39N WER 100 90 216 23456 280310-311010 TWR
9440 1526-1559 28 WER 100 105 201 7 280310-311010 TWR
9445 1700-1729 39,40W WER 250 120 216 1234567 280310-311010 AWR
9485 2000-2029 46,47 NAU 125 205 146 4 280310-311010 BVB
9490 2330-0030 41,49 WER 125 75 218 1234567 280310-311010 DVB
9505 0300-0330 48 WER 250 135 216 1234567 280310-311010 AWR
9510 1400-1459 30S WER 250 75 218 1234567 280310-311010 IBB
9520 2330-0030 41NE,43SWER 250 75 218 1234567 280310-311010 GFA
9565 1700-1859 29,30 NAU 250 65 216 1234567 280310-311010 YFR
9585 1800-1859 28E,29 WER 125 75 217 7 280310-311010 CHW
9590 1900-2000 37E,38 WER 250 150 217 1234567 280310-311010 YFR
9595 1059-1400 WER 250 300 217 7 190610-190610 RNW
9595 1059-1400 WER 250 300 217 2 140610-140610 RNW
9595 1159-1600 WER 250 300 217 1234567 030710-260710 RNW
9595 2000-2100 46E,47 WER 500 180 217 1234567 280310-311010 YFR
9610 1900-2059 46,47,52WER 500 180 216 1234567 280310-311010 YFR
9620 1059-1400 NAU 500 11 146 2 140610-140610 RNW
9620 1059-1400 NAU 500 11 146 7 190610-190610 RNW
9620 1159-1600 NAU 500 11 146 1234567 030710-260710 RNW
9620 2200-2300 38, 39 WER 500 135 217 1234567 280310-311010 NHK
9635 1800-1859 37N WER 250 225 216 1234567 280310-311010 YFR
9645 1700-1800 39,40 WER 125 120 216 7 280310-311010 BVB
9645 1730-1759 39,40 WER 125 120 216 1 280310-311010 BVB
9655 1830-1859 46S,47SEWER 500 180 218 1234567 280310-311010 LWF
9725 1500-1659 29 WER 125 60 218 1234567 280310-311010 IBB
9735 0100-0500 6,7,8,10GUF 250 320 158 1234567 280310-311010 VOR
9735 0430-0500 39,40 WER 250 105 206 3 5 280310-311010 BVB
9735 0500-0515 39,40 WER 250 105 206 6 280310-311010 BVB
9740 0659-0757 WER 100 300 216 23456 310510-290810 RNW
9740 0659-0800 WER 100 300 216 1 7 310510-290810 RNW
9745 1900-1930 47 WER 250 150 218 1234567 280310-311010 IBB
9760 1600-1759 40 WER 250 105 216 1234567 280310-311010 IBB
9765 1900-2030 37,38W WER 100 210 216 1234567 280310-311010 AWR
9780 1700-1800 40E,41NWWER 250 90 217 1234567 280310-311010 IBB
9790 0900-1000 28W NAU 100 180 216 1 280310-311010 AWR
9790 1200-1230 27,28 WER 250 300 216 1234567 280310-311010 NHK
9805 1900-2000 29,30 WER 250 60 216 1234567 280310-311010 IBB
9810 0000-0200 12,14,16GUF 250 195 153 1234567 280310-311010 VOR
9815 0300-0330 47 NAU 250 160 216 1234567 280310-311010 IBB
9815 0330-0400 48 WER 250 135 218 1234567 280310-311010 AWR
9815 1800-1830 NAU 250 155 216 1234567 280310-311010 IBB
9815 2030-2100 46,47,48NAU 250 190 216 1234567 280310-311010 IBB
9845 0400-0430 39,40W WER 250 120 216 1234567 280310-311010 AWR
9850 0530-0600 46,47 WER 500 195 217 1234567 280310-311010 NHK
9885 0100-0300 42,43 WER 250 75 217 1234567 280310-311010 IBB
9895 0459-0557 28S WER 500 120 201 1234567 280310-311010 RNW
9895 0559-0658 27S,28SWNAU 500 190 146 1234567 280310-311010 RNW
9895 0800-1000 NAU 500 230 146 1 7 280310-311010 RNW
9895 1000-1200 NAU 500 230 146 234567 310510-290810 RNW
9895 1000-1657 NAU 500 230 146 1 280310-311010 RNW
9895 1200-1459 NAU 500 230 146 2 140610-140610 RNW
9895 1200-1459 NAU 500 230 146 7 190610-190610 RNW
9895 1200-1459 NAU 500 230 146 234567 030710-260710 RNW
9895 1459-1657 NAU 500 230 146 234567 280310-311010 RNW
9895 1657-2200 NAU 500 230 216 4 090610-090610 RNW
9895 1759-2200 NAU 500 230 216 5 240610-240610 RNW
9895 1800-1859 28E WER 100 105 201 1234567 280310-311010 YFR
9895 2059-2127 NAU 250 320 216 1234567 310510-290810 RNW
9925 0100-0500 2,3,4,5 NAU 100 325 216 1234567 100510-060910 HRT
9925 2200-0300 11,12,13WER 100 240 217 1234567 100510-060910 HRT
9925 2300-0300 6,7,8,9 WER 100 300 217 1234567 100510-060910 HRT
9935 2200-2300 12, 14 GUF 500 215 156 1234567 280310-311010 YFR
9935 2300-2357 12, 14 GUF 500 215 151 1234567 280310-311010 YFR

11605 2300-2400 12,13,15GUF 250 180 153 1234567 280310-311010 VOR
11645 1545-1659 39,40 ISS 100 115 217 4 280310-311010 BVB
11645 1615-1630 39,40 ISS 100 115 217 6 280310-311010 BVB
11645 1615-1659 39,40 ISS 100 115 217 2 280310-311010 BVB
11670 1600-1659 40 NAU 500 105 216 1234567 280310-311010 YFR
11680 1600-1659 41 WER 500 90 217 1234567 280310-311010 YFR
11695 1500-1528 29,30 WER 250 60 217 7 280310-311010 EMG
11755 2000-2100 46E,47W WER 100 180 217 1234567 280310-311010 AWR
11760 1700-1759 30S,39N WER 500 105 206 1234567 290310-311010 YFR
11780 1500-1529 30S WER 250 75 217 1234567 280310-311010 IBB
11810 1500-1559 29SE WER 250 90 216 1234567 280310-311010 IBB
11830 1830-1915 46,47 WER 125 180 217 1 280310-311010 BVB
11830 1930-1959 46,47 WER 100 180 217 7 280310-311010 BVB
11840 1900-2000 37,46 WER 500 180 217 1234567 280310-311010 YFR
11850 1700-1759 40 WER 500 105 217 1234567 280310-311010 YFR
11855 1800-1815 39,40 NAU 100 105 216 7 280310-311010 BVB
11855 1800-1830 39,40 NAU 100 105 216 2 4 6 280310-311010 BVB
11855 1800-1859 39,40 NAU 100 105 216 3 5 280310-311010 BVB
11855 1830-1859 39,40 NAU 100 105 216 1 280310-311010 BVB
11885 1700-1759 39 WER 250 120 217 1234567 280310-311010 YFR
11905 1730-1800 48 NAU 250 145 216 23456 280310-311010 IBB
11915 1730-1759 37,38W WER 125 210 217 1234567 280310-311010 AWR
11925 1800-1900 48 WER 250 150 217 1234567 280310-311010 IBB
11925 1900-1930 48 WER 250 150 216 23456 280310-311010 IBB
11955 1530-1545 39,40 ISS 250 91 216 1 280310-311010 BVB
11955 1800-1859 37E,38 WER 250 150 201 1234567 280310-311010 YFR
11975 1600-1629 47E,48 WER 500 135 217 1 3 5 280310-311010 RMI
11980 0700-0830 37,38W WER 100 210 217 1234567 280310-311010 AWR
12010 0800-0859 37,38W WER 100 210 217 1234567 280310-311010 AWR
12045 1430-1459 38,39,40WER 500 105 206 1234567 280310-311010 NHK
12140 1530-1730 39,40 WER 125 105 217 1234567 280310-311010 BVB

13570 1500-1559 39N,40W WER 250 90 217 1234567 280310-311010 IBB
13580 1400-1459 40 WER 250 105 217 1234567 280310-311010 IBB
13580 1700-1720 39,40 ISS 250 115 217 23 56 280310-311010 BVB
13580 1700-1735 39,40 ISS 250 115 217 4 280310-311010 BVB
13590 1530-1815 39,40 NAU 100 127 216 1 280310-311010 BVB
13590 1545-1600 39,40 NAU 100 127 216 2 4 280310-311010 BVB
13590 1545-1615 39,40 NAU 100 127 216 6 280310-311010 BVB
13590 1545-1620 39,40 NAU 100 127 216 3 280310-311010 BVB
13590 1545-1645 39,40 NAU 100 127 216 5 280310-311010 BVB
13590 1545-1759 39,40 NAU 100 127 216 7 280310-311010 BVB
13590 1700-1759 39,40 NAU 100 127 216 3 280310-311010 BVB
13590 1730-1759 39,40 NAU 100 127 216 6 280310-311010 BVB
13635 1400-1459 41E WER 500 90 217 1234567 280310-311010 YFR
13645 1600-1659 39 WER 250 120 217 1234567 280310-311010 YFR
13700 0959-1200 WER 500 240 217 1234567 310510-290810 RNW
13700 1059-1459 WER 500 120 217 2 140610-140610 RNW
13700 1059-1459 WER 500 120 217 7 190610-190610 RNW
13700 1159-1459 WER 500 120 217 1234567 030710-260710 RNW
13700 1200-1459 WER 500 240 217 2 140610-140610 RNW
13700 1200-1459 WER 500 240 217 1234567 030710-260710 RNW
13700 1200-1459 WER 500 240 217 7 190610-190610 RNW
13700 1459-1557 WER 500 120 217 1234567 280310-311010 RNW
13700 1459-1657 WER 500 240 217 1234567 280310-311010 RNW
13710 1100-1130 19,20,21NAU 250 20 218 7 280310-311010 EMG
13720 1630-1729 47,48 WER 100 150 201 12345 7 280310-311010 BVB
13720 1630-1745 47,48 WER 100 150 201 6 280310-311010 BVB
13730 1400-1459 30S,40N WER 250 75 217 1234567 280310-311010 YFR
13730 1529-1727 WER 500 150 218 1234567 280310-311010 RNW
13740 1500-1515 41,49NW WER 250 90 217 1 280310-311010 BVB
13740 1515-1545 40,41 ISS 100 82 217 7 280310-311010 BVB
13740 1530-1559 40,41 ISS 100 82 217 4 6 280310-311010 BVB
13740 1530-1615 40,41 ISS 100 82 217 5 280310-311010 BVB
13750 1800-1900 46SE WER 500 180 217 1234567 280310-311010 YFR
13790 1500-1557 41 NAU 500 95 218 1234567 280310-311010 YFR
13790 1800-1859 46E,47W WER 500 180 217 1234567 280310-311010 YFR
13810 1400-1600 28,29W NAU 100 127 216 1234567 280310-311010 TOM
13810 1600-1759 38S,39S ISS 100 131 216 2 5 280310-311010 BVB
13810 1600-1830 38S,39S ISS 100 131 216 1 6 280310-311010 BVB
13810 1630-1759 38S,39S ISS 100 131 216 4 280310-311010 BVB
13810 1630-1759 38S,39S ISS 100 131 216 3 280310-311010 BVB
13810 1630-1830 38S,39S ISS 100 131 216 7 280310-311010 BVB
13820 1700-1759 47E,48 NAU 500 140 216 7 280310-311010 ADM
13820 1700-1759 38E,39S NAU 500 145 216 1 4 280310-311010 EFD
13820 1700-1759 38E,39S NAU 125 145 216 5 280310-311010 ELF
13830 1400-1459 30S WER 250 90 217 1234567 280310-311010 IBB
13830 1500-1559 41E WER 500 75 217 1234567 280310-311010 YFR
13830 1600-1629 39,40 WER 100 90 217 1 280310-311010 PAB
13830 1700-1759 38E,39S ISS 100 126 216 1 4 280310-311010 SBO
13830 1730-1759 47E,48 NAU 125 140 218 6 280310-311010 RMI
13840 1700-1759 37,38 WER 100 180 217 1234567 280310-311010 YFR
13870 1730-1759 48 WER 250 150 218 23456 280310-311010 IBB
13870 1800-1900 48 NAU 250 140 218 1234567 280310-311010 IBB
13870 1900-1930 48 NAU 250 140 218 23456 280310-311010 IBB

15130 0500-0600 39N,40 NAU 250 105 216 1234567 280310-311010 IBB
15155 1730-1759 48 WER 250 135 217 1234567 280310-311010 AWR
15160 1330-1345 41NE,49NNAU 250 82 218 234567 280310-311010 LWF
15160 1330-1345 41NE,49NWER 250 75 218 1 280310-311010 LWF
15160 1500-1600 41N ISS 250 80 217 1234567 280310-311010 AWR
15160 1600-1659 48 NAU 500 140 218 1234567 280310-311010 YFR
15205 1400-1430 41 ISS 100 83 217 1 280310-311010 PAB
15205 1415-1430 41 ISS 100 83 217 234567 280310-311010 PAB
15205 1430-1445 41 ISS 250 83 217 1 280310-311010 PAB
15205 1900-1930 46S NAU 125 215 218 1234567 280310-311010 AWR
15205 1930-1959 46SE,47WWER 250 165 217 1234567 280310-311010 AWR
15215 1530-1629 40E,41NWISS 250 86 217 1234567 280310-311010 GFA
15255 1500-1529 41N WER 250 90 217 1234567 280310-311010 AWR
15255 1530-1559 41N WER 250 75 217 1234567 280310-311010 AWR
15260 1900-2000 37,38W NAU 125 215 156 1234567 280310-311010 AWR
15265 1400-1459 41 ISS 250 83 217 7 280310-311010 BVB
15265 1415-1459 41 ISS 250 83 217 1 280310-311010 BVB
15320 1300-1459 42,43W NAU 250 70 218 1234567 280310-311010 AWR
15350 1230-1459 41 WER 250 90 217 1234567 280310-311010 GFA
15380 1430-1630 40 WER 250 105 217 1234567 280310-311010 IBB
15390 1330-1529 41NE,43SNAU 250 85 218 1234567 280310-311010 GFA
15410 1700-1800 48SW ISS 250 140 217 7 280310-311010 ABA
15435 1200-1300 41NE WER 250 90 217 1234567 280310-311010 AWR
15445 1630-1659 WER 250 135 217 1234567 280310-311010 IBB
15460 1600-1630 WER 250 90 217 1234567 280310-311010 IBB
15535 1759-1957 WER 500 150 217 1234567 280310-311010 RNW
15565 1500-1559 28SE WER 250 90 217 1234567 280310-311010 IBB
15610 1200-1230 31S,42N NAU 250 70 218 3 5 280310-311010 BVB
15670 1400-1559 41 WER 500 90 217 1234567 280310-311010 YFR
15675 1830-1845 52,53 NAU 125 170 218 3 5 280310-311010 RRP
15680 1230-1329 40 WER 250 90 217 1234567 280310-311010 IBB
15690 1400-1459 41S WER 500 105 217 1234567 280310-311010 YFR
15710 1659-1727 WER 500 180 217 1234567 280310-311010 RNW
15720 1659-1727 NAU 500 155 217 1234567 280310-311010 RNW
15750 1600-1758 47,48 WER 500 150 217 1234567 280310-311010 YFR

17485 1500-1559 46E,47 WER 100 165 216 1234567 280310-311010 TOM
17535 0900-1000 38,39 WER 125 135 217 6 280310-311010 BVB
17575 1630-1659 48 WER 250 135 217 1234567 280310-311010 AWR
17580 1300-1459 41E WER 500 90 217 1234567 280310-311010 YFR
17750 1400-1458 39N,40 WER 250 120 1234567 280310-311010 IBB
17750 1700-1800 39N,40 NAU 250 113 216 1234567 280310-311010 IBB
17800 1400-1559 41 WER 500 90 217 1234567 280310-311010 YFR

*) 1st Sunday of the month
Day 1 = Sunday ... Day 7 = Saturday

frq startstop ciraf ant azi day from to loc pow broad

15410 1700-1800 48SW 140 217 7 280310-311010 ISS 250 ABA
13820 1700-1759 47E,48 140 216 7 280310-311010 NAU 500 ADM
6065 0300-0330 48 135 216 1234567 280310-311010 WER 250 AWR
6065 0400-0430 28E 120 201 1234567 280310-311010 WER 100 AWR
7340 1600-1630 28E 120 201 1234567 280310-311010 WER 100 AWR
9445 1700-1729 39,40W 120 216 1234567 280310-311010 WER 250 AWR
9505 0300-0330 48 135 216 1234567 280310-311010 WER 250 AWR
9765 1900-2030 37,38W 210 216 1234567 280310-311010 WER 100 AWR
9790 0900-1000 28W 180 216 1 280310-311010 NAU 100 AWR
9815 0330-0400 48 135 218 1234567 280310-311010 WER 250 AWR
9845 0400-0430 39,40W 120 216 1234567 280310-311010 WER 250 AWR
11755 2000-2100 46E,47W 180 217 1234567 280310-311010 WER 100 AWR
11915 1730-1759 37,38W 210 217 1234567 280310-311010 WER 125 AWR
11980 0700-0830 37,38W 210 217 1234567 280310-311010 WER 100 AWR
12010 0800-0859 37,38W 210 217 1234567 280310-311010 WER 100 AWR
15155 1730-1759 48 135 217 1234567 280310-311010 WER 250 AWR
15160 1500-1600 41N 80 217 1234567 280310-311010 ISS 250 AWR
15205 1900-1930 46S 215 218 1234567 280310-311010 NAU 125 AWR
15205 1930-1959 46SE,47W165 217 1234567 280310-311010 WER 250 AWR
15255 1500-1529 41N 90 217 1234567 280310-311010 WER 250 AWR
15255 1530-1559 41N 75 217 1234567 280310-311010 WER 250 AWR
15260 1900-2000 37,38W 215 156 1234567 280310-311010 NAU 125 AWR
15320 1300-1459 42,43W 70 218 1234567 280310-311010 NAU 250 AWR
15435 1200-1300 41NE 90 217 1234567 280310-311010 WER 250 AWR
17575 1630-1659 48 135 217 1234567 280310-311010 WER 250 AWR
5945 0700-0730 27,28N 300 216 1 280310-311010 WER 100 BVB
5945 0700-0745 27,28N 300 216 7 280310-311010 WER 100 BVB
6130 1800-1815 28,29 55 141 5 280310-311010 WER 100 BVB
6130 1830-1845 28,29 55 141 7 280310-311010 WER 100 BVB
6130 1800-1845 28,29 55 141 6 280310-311010 WER 100 BVB
6130 1800-1830 28,29 55 141 3 280310-311010 WER 100 BVB
6130 1800-1900 28,29 55 141 1 280310-311010 WER 100 BVB
7405 0030-0100 41 90 217 1234567 280310-311010 WER 250 BVB
7410 0700-0800 27,28 ND 926 2 290310-311010 WER 125 BVB
9435 1800-1830 37NW 230 146 1 280310-311010 NAU 125 BVB
9485 2000-2029 46,47 205 146 4 280310-311010 NAU 125 BVB
9645 1730-1759 39,40 120 216 1 280310-311010 WER 125 BVB
9645 1700-1800 39,40 120 216 7 280310-311010 WER 125 BVB
9735 0430-0500 39,40 105 206 3 5 280310-311010 WER 250 BVB
9735 0500-0515 39,40 105 206 6 280310-311010 WER 250 BVB
11830 1830-1915 46,47 180 217 1 280310-311010 WER 125 BVB
11830 1930-1959 46,47 180 217 7 280310-311010 WER 100 BVB
11955 1530-1545 39,40 91 216 1 280310-311010 ISS 250 BVB
12140 1530-1730 39,40 105 217 1234567 280310-311010 WER 125 BVB
13580 1700-1720 39,40 115 217 23 56 280310-311010 ISS 250 BVB
13580 1700-1735 39,40 115 217 4 280310-311010 ISS 250 BVB
13590 1530-1815 39,40 127 216 1 280310-311010 NAU 100 BVB
13590 1545-1759 39,40 127 216 7 280310-311010 NAU 100 BVB
13590 1545-1615 39,40 127 216 6 280310-311010 NAU 100 BVB
13590 1730-1759 39,40 127 216 6 280310-311010 NAU 100 BVB
13590 1545-1600 39,40 127 216 2 4 280310-311010 NAU 100 BVB
13590 1545-1645 39,40 127 216 5 280310-311010 NAU 100 BVB
13590 1545-1620 39,40 127 216 3 280310-311010 NAU 100 BVB
13590 1700-1759 39,40 127 216 3 280310-311010 NAU 100 BVB
13720 1630-1729 47,48 150 201 12345 7 280310-311010 WER 100 BVB
13720 1630-1745 47,48 150 201 6 280310-311010 WER 100 BVB
13740 1500-1515 41,49NW 90 217 1 280310-311010 WER 250 BVB
13740 1515-1545 40,41 82 217 7 280310-311010 ISS 100 BVB
13740 1530-1559 40,41 82 217 4 6 280310-311010 ISS 100 BVB
13740 1530-1615 40,41 82 217 5 280310-311010 ISS 100 BVB
15265 1415-1459 41 83 217 1 280310-311010 ISS 250 BVB
15265 1400-1459 41 83 217 7 280310-311010 ISS 250 BVB
15610 1200-1230 31S,42N 70 218 3 5 280310-311010 NAU 250 BVB
11645 1615-1659 39,40 115 217 2 280310-311010 ISS 100 BVB
11645 1545-1659 39,40 115 217 4 280310-311010 ISS 100 BVB
11645 1615-1630 39,40 115 217 6 280310-311010 ISS 100 BVB
11855 1830-1859 39,40 105 216 1 280310-311010 NAU 100 BVB
11855 1800-1830 39,40 105 216 2 4 6 280310-311010 NAU 100 BVB
11855 1800-1859 39,40 105 216 3 5 280310-311010 NAU 100 BVB
11855 1800-1815 39,40 105 216 7 280310-311010 NAU 100 BVB
13810 1600-1830 38S,39S 131 216 1 6 280310-311010 ISS 100 BVB
13810 1630-1830 38S,39S 131 216 7 280310-311010 ISS 100 BVB
13810 1630-1759 38S,39S 131 216 4 280310-311010 ISS 100 BVB
13810 1600-1759 38S,39S 131 216 2 5 280310-311010 ISS 100 BVB
13810 1630-1759 38S,39S 131 216 3 280310-311010 ISS 100 BVB
17535 0900-1000 38,39 135 217 6 280310-311010 WER 125 BVB
9430 1815-1830 39,40 120 217 1 280310-311010 WER 250 BVB
9430 1800-1815 39,40 120 217 1 280310-311010 WER 250 BVB *
9430 1800-1859 39,40 120 217 7 280310-311010 WER 250 BVB
9430 1830-1859 39,40 120 217 6 280310-311010 WER 250 BVB
6055 0900-0959 27,28 90 201 1 280310-311010 WER 100 CHW
9585 1800-1859 28E,29 75 217 7 280310-311010 WER 125 CHW
9490 2330-0030 41,49 75 218 1234567 280310-311010 WER 125 DVB
13820 1700-1759 38E,39S 145 216 1 4 280310-311010 NAU 500 EFD
13820 1700-1759 38E,39S 145 216 5 280310-311010 NAU 125 ELF
7370 1030-1100 27,28 ND 926 1 7 280310-311010 WER 125 EMG
11695 1500-1528 29,30 60 217 7 280310-311010 WER 250 EMG
13710 1100-1130 19,20,21 20 218 7 280310-311010 NAU 250 EMG
7230 1900-1930 39N 105 216 1234567 280310-311010 WER 250 FEB
9435 0030-0130 40E,41NW 90 217 1234567 280310-311010 WER 250 GFA
9520 2330-0030 41NE,43S 75 218 1234567 280310-311010 WER 250 GFA
15350 1230-1459 41 90 217 1234567 280310-311010 WER 250 GFA
15390 1330-1529 41NE,43S 85 218 1234567 280310-311010 NAU 250 GFA
15215 1530-1629 40E,41NW 86 217 1234567 280310-311010 ISS 250 GFA
6045 0900-1000 27E,28 ND 926 1 280310-311010 WER 100 HLR
7375 2200-0300 11,12,13240 216 1234567 280310-090510 WER 100 HRT
7375 2200-0300 11,12,13240 216 1234567 070910-311010 WER 100 HRT
7375 2300-0300 6,7,8,9 300 216 1234567 280310-090510 WER 100 HRT
7375 2300-0300 6,7,8,9 300 216 1234567 070910-311010 WER 100 HRT
7375 0100-0500 2,3,4,5 325 216 1234567 280310-090510 NAU 100 HRT
7375 0100-0500 2,3,4,5 325 216 1234567 070910-311010 NAU 100 HRT
9925 2200-0300 11,12,13240 217 1234567 100510-060910 WER 100 HRT
9925 2300-0300 6,7,8,9 300 217 1234567 100510-060910 WER 100 HRT
9925 0100-0500 2,3,4,5 325 216 1234567 100510-060910 NAU 100 HRT
6040 1630-1930 40 105 216 1234567 280310-311010 WER 250 IBB
6050 1700-1900 29 45 208 1234567 280310-311010 WER 250 IBB
6060 1600-1659 30S 75 208 1234567 280310-311010 WER 250 IBB
6105 1700-1800 29 60 201 1234567 280310-311010 WER 250 IBB
6105 0130-0230 40 105 216 1234567 280310-311010 WER 250 IBB
7260 1500-1559 30S 90 208 1234567 280310-311010 WER 250 IBB
7280 0030-0500 40 105 216 1234567 280310-311010 WER 250 IBB
7295 1600-1629 30S 105 216 1234567 280310-311010 WER 250 IBB
7445 1600-1700 29,30 60 216 1234567 280310-311010 WER 250 IBB
9510 1400-1459 30S 75 218 1234567 280310-311010 WER 250 IBB
9725 1500-1659 29 60 218 1234567 280310-311010 WER 125 IBB
9745 1900-1930 47 150 218 1234567 280310-311010 WER 250 IBB
9760 1600-1759 40 105 216 1234567 280310-311010 WER 250 IBB
9780 1700-1800 40E,41NW 90 217 1234567 280310-311010 WER 250 IBB
9805 1900-2000 29,30 60 216 1234567 280310-311010 WER 250 IBB
9815 0300-0330 47 160 216 1234567 280310-311010 NAU 250 IBB
9815 1800-1830 155 216 1234567 280310-311010 NAU 250 IBB
9815 2030-2100 46,47,48190 216 1234567 280310-311010 NAU 250 IBB
9885 0100-0300 42,43 75 217 1234567 280310-311010 WER 250 IBB
11780 1500-1529 30S 75 217 1234567 280310-311010 WER 250 IBB
11810 1500-1559 29SE 90 216 1234567 280310-311010 WER 250 IBB
11905 1730-1800 48 145 216 23456 280310-311010 NAU 250 IBB
11925 1800-1900 48 150 217 1234567 280310-311010 WER 250 IBB
11925 1900-1930 48 150 216 23456 280310-311010 WER 250 IBB
13570 1500-1559 39N,40W 90 217 1234567 280310-311010 WER 250 IBB
13580 1400-1459 40 105 217 1234567 280310-311010 WER 250 IBB
13830 1400-1459 30S 90 217 1234567 280310-311010 WER 250 IBB
13870 1730-1759 48 150 218 23456 280310-311010 WER 250 IBB
13870 1800-1900 48 140 218 1234567 280310-311010 NAU 250 IBB
13870 1900-1930 48 140 218 23456 280310-311010 NAU 250 IBB
15130 0500-0600 39N,40 105 216 1234567 280310-311010 NAU 250 IBB
15380 1430-1630 40 105 217 1234567 280310-311010 WER 250 IBB
15445 1630-1659 135 217 1234567 280310-311010 WER 250 IBB
15460 1600-1630 90 217 1234567 280310-311010 WER 250 IBB
15565 1500-1559 28SE 90 217 1234567 280310-311010 WER 250 IBB
15680 1230-1329 40 90 217 1234567 280310-311010 WER 250 IBB
17750 1700-1800 39N,40 113 216 1234567 280310-311010 NAU 250 IBB
17750 1400-1458 39N,40 120 1234567 280310-311010 WER 250 IBB
9655 1830-1859 46S,47SE180 218 1234567 280310-311010 WER 500 LWF
15160 1330-1345 41NE,49N 82 218 234567 280310-311010 NAU 250 LWF
15160 1330-1345 41NE,49N 75 218 1 280310-311010 WER 250 LWF
6140 0900-1000 27,28 ND 926 1 280310-311010 WER 125 MVB
6140 1000-1059 27,28 ND 926 1 280310-280310 WER 100 MVB
5945 1100-1115 27,28 ND 926 1 280310-311010 WER 250 MWA
6130 0330-0400 29, 30 45 147 1234567 280310-311010 WER 250 NHK
9620 2200-2300 38, 39 135 217 1234567 280310-311010 WER 500 NHK
9790 1200-1230 27,28 300 216 1234567 280310-311010 WER 250 NHK
9850 0530-0600 46,47 195 217 1234567 280310-311010 WER 500 NHK
12045 1430-1459 38,39,40105 206 1234567 280310-311010 WER 500 NHK
6175 1930-2015 37,38 150 201 1 280310-311010 WER 250 PAB
6175 1930-2030 37,38 150 201 7 280310-311010 WER 250 PAB
13830 1600-1629 39,40 90 217 1 280310-311010 WER 100 PAB
15205 1400-1430 41 83 217 1 280310-311010 ISS 100 PAB
15205 1415-1430 41 83 217 234567 280310-311010 ISS 100 PAB
15205 1430-1445 41 83 217 1 280310-311010 ISS 250 PAB
3975 0400-0500 28 ND 926 1234567 010710-311010 WER 250 RBP
3975 2200-2300 18,27,28 ND 926 1234567 010710-311010 WER 250 RBP
6025 1000-1100 28 ND 930 1234567 010710-311010 WER 100 RBP
6140 1700-1800 28 ND 930 1234567 010710-311010 WER 100 RBP
6150 0100-0200 3,4,6,7 300 216 1234567 010710-311010 WER 250 RBP
11975 1600-1629 47E,48 135 217 1 3 5 280310-311010 WER 500 RMI
13830 1730-1759 47E,48 140 218 6 280310-311010 NAU 125 RMI
5950 1759-2200 ND 930 5 240610-240610 WER 500 RNW
5950 1659-2200 ND 930 4 090610-090610 WER 500 RNW
5955 0558-0758 210 146 1234567 280310-311010 NAU 500 RNW
5955 1000-1657 210 146 1 280310-311010 NAU 500 RNW
5955 1459-1657 210 146 234567 280310-311010 NAU 500 RNW
5955 1000-1200 210 146 234567 310510-290810 NAU 500 RNW
5955 1200-1459 210 146 2 140610-140610 NAU 500 RNW
5955 1200-1459 210 146 7 190610-190610 NAU 500 RNW
5955 1200-1459 210 146 234567 030710-260710 NAU 500 RNW
6035 0657-0757 186 216 23456 280310-311010 NAU 500 RNW
6035 0657-0800 186 216 1 7 280310-311010 NAU 500 RNW
6120 0759-1000 255 216 23456 280310-311010 WER 250 RNW
6125 1959-2200 225 146 1234567 310510-290810 NAU 500 RNW
9595 1059-1400 300 217 2 140610-140610 WER 250 RNW
9595 1059-1400 300 217 7 190610-190610 WER 250 RNW
9595 1159-1600 300 217 1234567 030710-260710 WER 250 RNW
9620 1059-1400 11 146 2 140610-140610 NAU 500 RNW
9620 1059-1400 11 146 7 190610-190610 NAU 500 RNW
9620 1159-1600 11 146 1234567 030710-260710 NAU 500 RNW
9740 0659-0757 300 216 23456 310510-290810 WER 100 RNW
9740 0659-0800 300 216 1 7 310510-290810 WER 100 RNW
9895 0459-0557 28S 120 201 1234567 280310-311010 WER 500 RNW
9895 0559-0658 27S,28SW190 146 1234567 280310-311010 NAU 500 RNW
9895 0800-1000 230 146 1 7 280310-311010 NAU 500 RNW
9895 1000-1657 230 146 1 280310-311010 NAU 500 RNW
9895 1459-1657 230 146 234567 280310-311010 NAU 500 RNW
9895 2059-2127 320 216 1234567 310510-290810 NAU 250 RNW
9895 1000-1200 230 146 234567 310510-290810 NAU 500 RNW
9895 1657-2200 230 216 4 090610-090610 NAU 500 RNW
9895 1759-2200 230 216 5 240610-240610 NAU 500 RNW
9895 1200-1459 230 146 2 140610-140610 NAU 500 RNW
9895 1200-1459 230 146 7 190610-190610 NAU 500 RNW
9895 1200-1459 230 146 234567 030710-260710 NAU 500 RNW
13700 1459-1657 240 217 1234567 280310-311010 WER 500 RNW
13700 1459-1557 120 217 1234567 280310-311010 WER 500 RNW
13700 0959-1200 240 217 1234567 310510-290810 WER 500 RNW
13700 1059-1459 120 217 2 140610-140610 WER 500 RNW
13700 1059-1459 120 217 7 190610-190610 WER 500 RNW
13700 1159-1459 120 217 1234567 030710-260710 WER 500 RNW
13700 1200-1459 240 217 2 140610-140610 WER 500 RNW
13700 1200-1459 240 217 7 190610-190610 WER 500 RNW
13700 1200-1459 240 217 1234567 030710-260710 WER 500 RNW
13730 1529-1727 150 218 1234567 280310-311010 WER 500 RNW
15535 1759-1957 150 217 1234567 280310-311010 WER 500 RNW
15710 1659-1727 180 217 1234567 280310-311010 WER 500 RNW
15720 1659-1727 155 217 1234567 280310-311010 NAU 500 RNW
15675 1830-1845 52,53 170 218 3 5 280310-311010 NAU 125 RRP
5945 1300-1400 27,28 ND 926 1 280310-311010 WER 100 RTR
13830 1700-1759 38E,39S 126 216 1 4 280310-311010 ISS 100 SBO
6110 1400-1559 27,28W 300 805 1234567 280310-311010 MOS 100 TOM
13810 1400-1600 28,29W 127 216 1234567 280310-311010 NAU 100 TOM
17485 1500-1559 46E,47 165 216 1234567 280310-311010 WER 100 TOM
6105 0642-0750 27 285 156 1 280310-311010 NAU 100 TWR
6105 0712-0750 27 285 156 7 280310-311010 NAU 100 TWR
6105 0657-0750 27 285 156 23456 280310-311010 NAU 100 TWR
7215 1357-1430 28,29,30 60 208 23456 280310-311010 WER 100 TWR
7215 1357-1500 28,29,30 60 208 1 7 280310-311010 WER 100 TWR
9440 1526-1559 28 105 201 7 280310-311010 WER 100 TWR
9440 1526-1559 29S,39N 90 216 23456 280310-311010 WER 100 TWR
9735 0100-0500 6,7,8,10320 158 1234567 280310-311010 GUF 250 VOR
9810 0000-0200 12,14,16195 153 1234567 280310-311010 GUF 250 VOR
11605 2300-2400 12,13,15180 153 1234567 280310-311010 GUF 250 VOR
3975 1800-2000 28 ND 926 1234567 280310-311010 WER 250 YFR
5930 2359-0057 12, 14 215 156 1234567 280310-311010 GUF 500 YFR
6100 0200-0300 12, 14 215 156 1234567 280310-311010 GUF 500 YFR
6115 2000-2200 37,38W 210 216 1234567 280310-311010 NAU 250 YFR
7290 2100-2159 46E,47 180 217 1234567 280310-311010 WER 500 YFR
7360 2200-0057 12,13,15170 151 1234567 280310-311010 GUF 500 YFR
7420 2200-2300 37,38W 210 215 1234567 280310-311010 WER 250 YFR
7425 2100-2200 46,47,52180 216 1234567 280310-311010 WER 500 YFR
9565 1700-1859 29,30 65 216 1234567 280310-311010 NAU 250 YFR
9590 1900-2000 37E,38 150 217 1234567 280310-311010 WER 250 YFR
9595 2000-2100 46E,47 180 217 1234567 280310-311010 WER 500 YFR
9610 1900-2059 46,47,52180 216 1234567 280310-311010 WER 500 YFR
9635 1800-1859 37N 225 216 1234567 280310-311010 WER 250 YFR
9895 1800-1859 28E 105 201 1234567 280310-311010 WER 100 YFR
9935 2200-2300 12, 14 215 156 1234567 280310-311010 GUF 500 YFR
9935 2300-2357 12, 14 215 151 1234567 280310-311010 GUF 500 YFR
11670 1600-1659 40 105 216 1234567 280310-311010 NAU 500 YFR
11680 1600-1659 41 90 217 1234567 280310-311010 WER 500 YFR
11760 1700-1759 30S,39N 105 206 1234567 290310-311010 WER 500 YFR
11840 1900-2000 37,46 180 217 1234567 280310-311010 WER 500 YFR
11850 1700-1759 40 105 217 1234567 280310-311010 WER 500 YFR
11885 1700-1759 39 120 217 1234567 280310-311010 WER 250 YFR
11955 1800-1859 37E,38 150 201 1234567 280310-311010 WER 250 YFR
13635 1400-1459 41E 90 217 1234567 280310-311010 WER 500 YFR
13645 1600-1659 39 120 217 1234567 280310-311010 WER 250 YFR
13730 1400-1459 30S,40N 75 217 1234567 280310-311010 WER 250 YFR
13750 1800-1900 46SE 180 217 1234567 280310-311010 WER 500 YFR
13790 1500-1557 41 95 218 1234567 280310-311010 NAU 500 YFR
13790 1800-1859 46E,47W 180 217 1234567 280310-311010 WER 500 YFR
13830 1500-1559 41E 75 217 1234567 280310-311010 WER 500 YFR
13840 1700-1759 37,38 180 217 1234567 280310-311010 WER 100 YFR
15160 1600-1659 48 140 218 1234567 280310-311010 NAU 500 YFR
15670 1400-1559 41 90 217 1234567 280310-311010 WER 500 YFR
15690 1400-1459 41S 105 217 1234567 280310-311010 WER 500 YFR
15750 1600-1758 47,48 150 217 1234567 280310-311010 WER 500 YFR
17580 1300-1459 41E 90 217 1234567 280310-311010 WER 500 YFR
17800 1400-1559 41 90 217 1234567 280310-311010 WER 500 YFR

*) 1st Sunday of the month
Day 1 = Sunday ... Day 7 = Saturday

List of Broadcasters which are using MEDIA BROADCAST technical equipment:
ABA Radiyo Y'Abaganda (Ababaka)
ADM Ethiopia Adera Dimtse Radio
AWR Adventist World Radio
BVB High Adventure Gospel - Bible Voice Broadcasting
CHW Christliche Wissenschaft
CVC Christian Vision
DTK MEDIA BROADCAST (ex Deutsche Telekom), in future MBR short call
DVB Democratic Voice of Burma
EFD Ethiopeans For Democracy
ELF Eritrean Liberation Front
EMG Evangelische Missionsgemeinden in Deutschland
FEB Feba Radio UK
GFA Gospel for Asia
HCJ Voice of the Andes
HLR Hamburger Lokalradio
HRT Hrvratska Radio Televizija
IBB International Broadcasting Bureau
LWF Lutheran World Federation
MVB Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Baltic Radio
MWA Missionswerk Arche
NHK Nippon Hoso Kyokai
PAB Pan Am Broadcasting
PRW Polskie Radio Warsaw
RHU Radio Huriyo (Xoriyo)
RMI Radio Miami International
RNW Radio Netherlands World Service
RRP Radio Reveil Paroles de Vie
RTR Radio Traumland (Belgium)
SBO Sagalee Bilisummaa Oromoo
TOM The Overcomer Ministry
TWR Trans World Radio
VOR Voice of Russia
WRN World Radio Network
YFR WYFR Family Radio

Michael Puetz
Order Management & Backoffice
Josef-Lammerting-Allee 8-10
D-50933 Cologne

Please send your inquiries and reception reports to:
(DTK/M&B via Mike Bethge-D, March 26
Postfach 1214
D-61282 Bad Homburg
Fax: +49 6172 123117
Internet: )

Looks like Wertachtal will take over all Radio Budapest broadcasts from JBR Jaszbereny Hungary as from July 1, 2010. - wb.
(wb, Germany, Alokesh Gupta, India)

Radio Netherlands Program Guide - March 30-April 2

*** Network Europe ***

A collaboration by Europe's leading broadcasters

A pan-European team links up across the continent every day to provide a fresh perspective on events and life in Europe.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
10.00 East and Southeast Asia 11895, South Asia 15110, China 12065
19.00 East and central Africa 11970 and 15535, West Africa 11610, Southern and central Africa 7425

Broadcast times on WRN
12.00 North America
17.00 Europe

*** The State We're In - Midweek Edition ***

Jonathan Groubert and his team look at current events from an unexpected perspective

Child witches: In parts of Southern Nigeria most people believe in witchcraft. The last few years has seen a worrying trend in accusing children of the practise. Some have suffered horrible abuse as a consequence. Sam Ikpe-Itauma has been trying to help them. He set up a centre in 2003 and now has more than two hundred children seeking shelter there. He's attempting to change attitudes and minds in a hostile environment.

Witches camps: There are six witches camps in Northern Ghana. They're places of sanctuary for women who've been accused of witchcraft. Perhaps a baby has died or someone in their village has contracted malaria. In this part of the world it's generally witchcraft that is blamed. An American journalist travels to Gambaga and witnesses first hand an accused witch being brought into the camp.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
10.30 East and Southeast Asia 11895, South Asia 15110, China 12065
18.30 East and central Africa 15535, Southern Africa 6020
20.30 East and central Africa 11970, West Africa 11610, Southern and central Africa 7425

Broadcast times on WRN
04.30 Africa, Asia and North America
22.30 Asia and North America

*** Commonwealth Story ***

A selection of winning stories chosen from the large number of entries for the 2009 Commonwealth Short Story Competition.

'You Can't Miss It' - By Felicia Johnston from Australia. Katie is drawn back to her childhood home.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
10.00 East and Southeast Asia 11895, South Asia 15110, China 12065

Broadcast times on WRN
10.00 Africa and Asia
22.00 Asia and North America

*** Newsline ***

The latest world news and current affairs.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
14.00 South Asia 11835, 15745
15.00 South Asia 11835, 15745
18.00 East and central Africa 15535, Southern Africa 6020
20.00 East and central Africa 11970, West Africa 11610, Southern and central Africa 7425

Broadcast times on WRN
22.00 Asia and North America

*** Network Europe ***

A collaboration by Europe's leading broadcasters

A pan-European team links up across the continent every day to provide a fresh perspective on events and life in Europe.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
10.00 East and Southeast Asia 11895, South Asia 15110, China 12065
19.00 East and central Africa 11970 and 15535, West Africa 11610, Southern and central Africa 7425

Broadcast times on WRN
12.00 North America
17.00 Europe

*** Newsline ***

The latest world news and current affairs.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
14.00 South Asia 11835, 15745
15.00 South Asia 11835, 15745
18.00 East and central Africa 15535, Southern Africa 6020
20.00 East and central Africa 11970, West Africa 11610, Southern and central Africa 7425

Broadcast times on WRN
22.00 Asia and North America

*** Bridges with Africa ***

We're giving the microphone to Diaspora groups in Europe and are linking up with stations in Africa. The show goes beyond the clichés of starving children and war-ridden countries and seeks to bring you genuine voices from a vibrant continent.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
14.00 South Asia 11835, 15745
18.00 East and central Africa 15535, Southern Africa 6020
20.00 East and central Africa 11970, West Africa 11610, Southern and central Africa 7425

Broadcast times on WRN (UTC):
04.30 Africa, Asia and North America
17.00 Europe
22.00 Asia and North America

*** Network Europe ***

A collaboration by Europe's leading broadcasters

A pan-European team links up across the continent every day to provide a fresh perspective on events and life in Europe.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
10.00 East and Southeast Asia 11895, South Asia 15110, China 12065
19.00 East and central Africa 11970 and 15535, West Africa 11610, Southern and central Africa 7425

Broadcast times on WRN
12.00 North America
17.00 Europe

*** Earth Beat ***

Marnie Chesterton and her team look at the footprint we're leaving on our planet.

We speak to those doing good deeds for the planet; an archbishop prepared to go the extra mile and give up carbon, the creator of Lent Roulette whose own challenge was to pee outside for 40 days and 40 nights. And we hear what people are feeling guilty about in Mumbai, Delhi and Sydney. Self-sacrifice and confessions in the next edition of Earth Beat.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
14.30 South Asia 11835, 15745
18.30 East and central Africa 15535, Southern Africa 6020
20.30 East and central Africa 11970, West Africa 11610, Southern and central Africa 7425

Broadcast times on WRN (UTC):
04.30 Africa, Asia and North America
17.30 Europe

*** Radio Books (repeat program) ***

'The Coward's Crusade - by Jan van Aken'

Author Jan van Aken has been called 'the Dutch Umberto Eco' because of his elegant, witty and complex historical stories. Since his literary debut in 2000 he has written five novels, the latest being King for a Day set in the 6th century B.C. For Radio Books, van Aken brings us back to the European Middle Ages: a time of crusades, Holy Wars and - in this case - a forbidden love affair between a lowly Master of Arms and a beautiful Countess.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
10.00 East and Southeast Asia 11895, South Asia 15110, China 12065

Broadcast times on WRN (UTC):
10.00 Africa and Asia
22.00 Asia and North America

*** Newsline ***

The latest world news and current affairs.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
14.00 South Asia 11835, 15745
15.00 South Asia 11835, 15745
18.00 East and central Africa 15535, Southern Africa 6020
20.00 East and central Africa 11970, West Africa 11610, Southern and central Africa 7425

Broadcast times on WRN
22.00 Asia and North America

*** Network Europe ***

A collaboration by Europe's leading broadcasters

A pan-European team links up across the continent every day to provide a fresh perspective on events and life in Europe.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
10.00 East and Southeast Asia 11895, South Asia 15110, China 12065
19.00 East and central Africa 11970 and 15535, West Africa 11610, Southern and central Africa 7425

Broadcast times on WRN
12.00 North America
17.00 Europe

*** Bridges with Africa (primary program) ***

We're giving the microphone to Diaspora groups in Europe and are linking up with stations in Africa. The show goes beyond the clichés of starving children

and war-ridden countries and seeks to bring you genuine voices from a vibrant continent.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
14.00 South Asia 11835, 15745
18.00 East and central Africa 15535, Southern Africa 6020
20.00 East and central Africa 11970, West Africa 11610, Southern and central Africa 7425

Broadcast times on WRN (UTC):
04.30 Africa, Asia and North America
17.00 Europe
22.00 Asia and North America

*** Classic Dox ***

Becoming Rebecca West (Orig. Broadcast May 2005)

British writer Rebecca West's life spanned most of the 20th century. At 14 she became involved in the suffrage movement, had affairs with Charlie Chaplin and H.G. Wells, and Time Magazine called her the greatest women's writer in the world. Her great-niece and an actress talk to David Swatling about how they were inspired by her.

*** Newsline ***

The latest world news and current affairs.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC):
14.04 South and Southeast Asia 12080, 15595
15.04 South and Southeast Asia 12080, 15595
18.04 East Africa 12045, Central and East Africa 11655, South Africa 6020
20.04 West Africa 21525, 11655, South and Central Africa 7425

Broadcast times on WRN
14.04 Europe
22.00 Asia
23.00 North America and CBC
(R Netherlands)

Friday, March 26, 2010

Radio Taiwan International A10 schedules

Effective: 28 March - 30 October 2010

broadcast days as indicated

All times UTC

UTC Days Tgt Freq Site Pwr

0000-0200 daily NEm 860 WBGR N/A
0000-0100 daily CHN 1422 TWN 50
0000-0300 daily CHN 9660 TWN 100
0300-0400 daily NEm 6875 WYFR 100
0400-0500 daily NwA 5950 WYFR 100
0400-0500 daily CHN 1008 TWN 600
0400-0600 daily CHN 11885 TWN 100
0400-0600 daily CHN 11640 TWN 100
0400-0700 daily Scarmento 1210 KEBR N/A
0400-0600 daily SeA 15290 TWN 250
1000-1100 daily CHN 1422 TWN 50
1000-1500 daily CHN 6085 TWN 300
1000-1200 daily CHN 1503 TWN 600
1000-1400 daily CHN 9780 TWN 100
1000-1400 daily CHN 6150 TWN 100
1000-1700 daily CHN 11665 TWN 300
1000-1700 daily CHN 603 TWN 500
1000-1700 daily CHN 7385 TWN 100
1000-1700 daily CHN 1008 TWN 600
1100-1300 daily CHN 11710 TWN 300
1100-1700 daily CHN 9680 TWN 100
1300-1330 daily CHN 1503 TWN 600
1300-1400 daily SeA 15265 TWN 250
1300-1500 daily SeA 7445 TWN 100
1400-1500 Daily CHN 7270 TWN 300
1300-1700 daily CHN 1098 TWN 300
1400-1800 daily CHN 6075 TWN 100
1400-1800 daily CHN 6145 TWN 100
1500-1700 daily CHN 7365 TWN 300
1600-1700 daily CHN 1503 TWN 600
2200-2400 daily CHN 11710 TWN 300
2200-2400 daily CHN 11885 TWN 100
2200-2400 daily CHN 6105 TWN 100
2200-2400 daily SeA 11635 TWN 100
2200-2400 daily CHN 6150 TWN 100
2300-2400 daily CHN 9685 TWN 100
2300-2400 daily CHN 9660 TWN 100
2300-2400 daily CHN 7270 TWN 100

0100-0200 Daily CHN 1422 TWN 50
0500-0600 Daily CHN 1422 TWN 50
0500-0600 Daily CHN 1008 TWN 600
1000-1100 Daily CHN 15465 TWN 100
1000-1100 Daily CHN 1422 TWN 50
1200-1300 Daily SeA 11715 TWN 250
1200-1300 Daily CHN 1206 TWN 100
1300-1400 Daily CHN 11625 TWN 100

0200-0230Daily CHN 1422 TWN 50
0230-0300daily NwA 15440 WYFR 100
0230-0300daily NEm 860 WYFR N/A
0430-0500daily SeA 15320 TWN 100
0730-0800daily NwA 1210 WYFR N/A
1030-1100daily SeA 15270,11625 TWN 100
1230-1300daily NeA 6105,11915 TWN 100/250
1530-1600daily SeA 11550 TWN 100

0200-0230 daily NwA 15440 WYFR 100
0200-0230 daily NEm 860 WYFR N/A
0400-0430 daily SeA 15320 TWN 100
0700-0730 daily NwA 1210 WYFR N/A
1000-1030 daily SeA 15270,11625 TWN 100
1200-1230 daily CHN 11915,6105 TWN 250/100
1500-1530 daily SeA 11550 TWN 250

0100-0200 daily Sas 11875 TWN 250
0200-0300 daily NEm 5950 WYFR 100
0200-0300 daily CNm 9680 WYFR 100
0200-0300 daily NeA 5950 WYFR 100
0230-0300 Daily CHN 1422 TWN 50
0300-0400 daily NwA 5950 WYFR 100
0300-0400 daily SeA 15320 TWN 100
0500-0600 daily NwA 5950 WYFR 100
1100-1200 daily SeA 11715,7445 TWN 250/100
1600-1700 daily CHN,SAs 11550 TWN 100
1600-1700 daily SAs 13840 Issoudun 500
1700-1800 daily CAf 15690 Issoudun 500
1800-1900 daily Weu,ENG 6155 Issoudun 250

1900-1959 daily Eu 6045 Rampisham 250
1900-2000 daily Africa/WAfrica 15690 Issoudun 500

0200-0300 daily SAm 7570 WYFR 100
0400-0500 daily CAm 7570 WYFR 100
0600-0700 daily NwA 5950 WYFR 100
2000-2100 daily WEu 3965 Issoudun 250
2300-2400 daily SAm 17725 WYFR 100
0200-0300 daily SAm 9840 Montsinery 500

1900-2000 daily Eu 6185 Skelton 250
2100-2200 daily Weu 3965 Issoudun 250

1100-1200 daily NeA 11985 TWN 100
1400-1500 daily CRu 15225 Issoudun 500
1700-1800 daily Moscow 11705 Issoudun 500

0800-0900 daily NeA 11605 TWN 250
1100-1200 daily NeA 9735 TWN 250
1300-1400 daily NeA 9735 TWN 250

0000-0100 daily SeA 11655 TWN 100
0900-1000 daily SeA 15270 TWN 100
1100-1200 daily TWN 1422 TWN 50
1300-1400 daily CHN,TWN 1206 TWN 100
1400-1500 daily SeA 11550 TWN 250

1300-1500 daily TWN 1422 TWN 50
1400-1500 daily SeA 11635 TWN 100
1500-1600 daily SeA 1503 TWN 600
2200-2300 daily SeA 1503 TWN 600
2200-2400 daily SeA 7445 TWN 100
2300-2400 daily TWN 1422 TWN 50
2300-2400 daily SeA 7555 TWN 100

0300-0500 daily TWN 1422 TWN 50
1000-1100 daily SeA 11520 TWN 100
1000-1100 daily SeA 11550 TWN 250
1200-1300 daily TWN 1422 TWN 50
1200-1300 daily SeA 11625 TWN 100
1400-1500 daily SeA 11875 TWN 250

Code for Area and Countries

CAm-Central America
ME-Middle East
NAm-North America
NEm-North East America
SAm-South America
SAs-South Asia
SeA-South East Asia

RELAYED VIA: WYFR, USA; Skelton, UK; Issoudun, Montsinery, France

KEBR AM 1210 kHz, Sacramento CA, USA
Mandarin: 2000-2300, Cantonese/Hakka: 2300-2400, local time
WBGR 860 EST DST Mandarin A 2000-2100, Mandarin B 2100-2200, Cantonese/Hakka 2200-2400
(Alokesh Gupta, New Delhi, India)

Chinese, Japanese Broadcast Resume from HCJB Australia

by Ralph Kurtenbach, HCJB Global

Repairs to a storm-damaged antenna at the international transmitting site of HCJB Global-Australia were completed in mid-February, allowing the station’s Chinese and Japanese language broadcasts to return to the air.

Strong winds had damaged the antenna at the Kununurra-based site in late January. A team consisting of Dave Brewster, Mike Ewers, Daniel Forrer and Greg Wilson assessed damages to a broken tower guy wire and seven broken element guy wires. The broadcast team assembled all materials needed for the repairs. Dennis Pease traveled from Perth, Western Australia, to supervise repairs.

Rains during Kununurra’s wet season made the ground too soft to use a crane, so Pease and Wilson climbed the tower, assisted by staff on the ground. Replacing the broken guy cable made the tower secure. Then they dismantled the broken section of the antenna, hauled up a new section, and fitted and secured it.

The repairs were completed on Thursday, Feb. 11, and regular programming in Chinese and Japanese resumed the next day after being off the air for 12 days. “Several Japanese DXers wrote to us regarding loss of signal,” said Peter Penford, the studio manager. “One of them in particular often writes.”

The site broadcasts 15 hours of programming per day in 21 languages, including English, Urdu, Hindi, Nepali, Chhattisgarhi, Indonesian (Bahasa), Mandarin, Bhojpuri, Tamil, Marathi, Marwari, Telegu, Gujarati, Malayalam, Kurux, Japanese, Malay (Bahasa), Rawang, Fujian, Punjabi and Hmar.

VT Group Wins Transmission Contract With Radio Australia

By Andy Sennitt, Radio Netherlands Media Network
Support services provider VT Group has expanded its network of shortwave transmission customers with a contract to broadcast programming from Radio Australia. VT, which has over 40 customers for its broadcast services, will output ten hours a day of Radio Australia programming to audiences in South East Asia. The content will be in English, Indonesian, Chinese and Burmese.
VT has a worldwide network of transmitter sites and the programming will be broadcast from locations in the United Arab Emirates and Palau in the Pacific Ocean. The programming will be downlinked from Radio Australia’s satellite channels to VT’s central London Media Management Centre for scheduling and frequency management. VT will then utilize its Global Media Network to backhaul the programmes to the two transmitter sites.
The contract will be for a year and follows VT’s recent success in adding the Polish state broadcaster Polskie Radio to its global transmission customer base.
VT’s John Prior, General Manager Broadcast and Security, said: ”Having previously transmitted Radio Australia programming until 2006, we are delighted that they have re-joined the network of broadcasters using VT’s facilities. It extends our broadcast service customer base and we hope to increase our partnership with Radio Australia further within the scope of the contract.”

Shortwave Radio Remains Important

by Md. Azizul Alam Al-Amin, excerpted from January 2010 Monitoring Times

It is clear that, even now, there is not an appropriate alternative to shortwave broadcasting, at least in the rural places, where people have no access to Internet, no devices to receive satellite signals, no television or even newspaper or electricity. In so many places in the world, shortwave broadcasts are the main source of news, information and entertainment, and the reality is that most of the world’s population lives in these areas.

In the last century, the discovery of shortwave technology made an important breakthrough to bring the world together as a "global village." And, shortwave radio has been enjoying a dominant position throughout most of the last century because it can reach across borders even when governments halt FM broadcasts, block Internet sites and jam television programming.

Graham Mytton, a former head of the BBC’s audience research unit said "Shortwave does not respect boundaries and reaches the rich and poor." Ian McFarland, former host and writer at Radio Canada International said, "Shortwave also can deliver news faster than you might find it online, and in places where your other devices don’t work."

Vincent Nowicki, director of the engineering and technical operations at America’s International Broadcasting Bureau (IBB), also recognized the importance of shortwave. In the response to Jack Quinn and Nick Olguin’s guest commentary on the Broadcasting Board of Governors, "Don’t Close Shortwaves, Improve Them," published in Radio World, he said, "The BBG is keenly aware of the value of shortwave in distinct markets such as some parts of Africa and parts of Asia. Shortwave sustained international broadcasting throughout the Cold War and still makes a significant mark today in the global war on terror." There are so many people around the world who still favor shortwave as the prime vehicle of international broadcasting.

Review of the Year 2009 on Shortwave

by Rumen Pankov and Ivo Ivanov of Radio Bulgaria, via Yimber Gaviria in Colombia

In 2009 a large number of stations cut part of their shortwave programming, and other transmitters went off the air. New stations came on the air and other old stations resumed their transmissions after a long interruption. On January 1st, 2010 a new public radio station, Radio Vidin, began operating in northeastern Bulgaria.

On shortwave, Irish radio began to broadcast again for an hour each day, and on Vanuatu in the Pacific, a shortwave transmitter came back on the air. A station called Super Radio Dios del Amor began to be heard. This station was the successor to Radio Tupi in Curitiba. Despite comments by the management of the Voice of America and the BBC that broadcasts on shortwave were not necessary, the two stations created new programs for the Caucusus, and Radio Liberty began a special program called "The Eco of the Caucuses."

Almost all international stations abandoned the new spectrum assigned to radio amateurs from 7100 to 7200 kHz, in which two exotic transmitters from Guinea and Somalia began to operate on 7125 and 7145 kHz, respectively. In July of 2009 the BBC carried out experimental transmissions to Antarctica. On Nov. 14 the traditional annual broadcast of Radio Saint Helena took place in the Atlantic. The program was heard by few listeners due to low solar activity.

A new Christian station from the United States, WJHR, began experimental transmissions on shortwave. In April 2009 to mark the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the KBC broadcast from the Netherlands a special series of musical programs. The 25th of April was officially proclaimed for U.S. stations Willis Conover Day, the presenter and host of a program dedicated to world jazz in the 20th Century [on the VOA]. Another legendary radio program, "Happy Station," broadcast from 1925 to 1995, interrupted during the Second World War years, via Radio Netherlands, was re-established and began to broadcast on shortwave from Radio Miami in the U.S.

In 2009 a large number of political programs came on the air destined for countries like Zimbabwe, North Korea, Ethiopia, Eritrea and Madagascar, and broadcast by transmitters located in Germany, Japan and the United Arab Emirates, among other countries. The year 2009 will be remembered also for the strikes at two important radio organizations, one in France and other in India. The events at Radio France International began at the start of 2009 after it was learned that authorities planned to shut down some of the overseas broadcasts.

During the solar eclipse of April 26th, anomalies in shortwave broadcasting were noted, typical for that phenomenon. The year 2009 will also be remembered for the closure of Radio Vilnius and Radio Ratia in Lithuania, Radio Center in Latvia, Radio Peace for Afghanistan, Radio Star from Liberia, the Radio Reading Service of New Zealand and Radio Vlaanderen in Belgium. Dec. 31, 2009 was the last day of transmission on shortwave for Radio Austria and the Radio of the French-speaking Community of Belgium.